Looking at the silent struggle of lightning's life, Li Yao felt almost ashamed.

He once thought that the universe is so unfair to human beings. If there is a "way of heaven", human beings are just slaves and playthings of the way of heaven. What a cruel world human beings live in - the resources of Pangu universe are always scarce, and people have to go on the road of killing each other or putting out fire with moths.

Now, from the lightning life of the ancient superstar, he realized what is the real "cruelty".

Humans, or most of them, are lucky.

They live on solid-liquid two-state planets with stable structure, which can be seen everywhere on the scale of the universe. The natural advantages of carbon based life make each of them have a relatively long life. They can also withstand the storms of four-dimensional space and the pain of disintegration and condensation, making it possible to navigate the star sea.

The combination of these advantages will make the fire of carbon based intelligent life spread all over the universe and burn up. Carbon based intelligent life in various star regions and even different universes can easily communicate, and communication - even in the most cruel way of war, slavery and massacre, will promote the explosive progress of a civilization.

Just like today's human civilization, they once had many brothers and sisters, and they were constantly moving forward in the fratricidal struggle with their brothers and sisters; They have also found their own "father", the Pangu, Nuwa and even the black wall makers who are also carbon based life. They have also begun to create the next generation of information life that can get rid of carbon based bodies carefully and step by step.

How happy and lucky is such a civilization with parents, brothers and children, and how generous and luxurious is the way the universe treats carbon based life!

But what about lightning civilization?

The giant planets they were born were originally the rarest ones in the planetary family, and not every giant planet has an atmosphere, let alone the lightning and thunder in the atmosphere of every giant planet can produce plasma cells.

That requires two adjacent supernovae to explode at almost the same time point, sweeping countless kinds of materials and radiation into the atmosphere of the giant planet, and the radiation intensity can not be large enough to engulf the giant planet, in order to bring one in a billion miracles.

Under such harsh conditions, let alone the Pangu universe, Li Yao believes that the lightning life originated from ancient superstars is a unique existence even among countless multiverse.

This doomed them to be lonely. They were born orphans, and could not get any help from their peers and Enlightenment from their ancestors. They had almost no chance to communicate with the outside world. They could only fumble in the vast darkness until they fell into the abyss.

What's more, the time left to them by "the way of heaven" is too short, too short. They are like children who were infected with a deadly virus in their womb. They were sentenced to death at birth. In just two or three thousand years, even if their development and mutation speed is far beyond the limit of carbon based intelligent life, it is not enough for these weak little lives to defeat a giant planet Two supernovae and the whole lonely and barren universe!

Therefore, the struggle of lightning life is bound to be more difficult, solemn and magnificent than that of human civilization.

It's - they're still struggling.

In just a few minutes, the lightning that made up the human form was a little dim, and shrank and withered in circles.

They still linger around Lee, trying to crack the secrets of his life magnetic field and brain waves.

But this secret has been studied by human beings for 100000 years and has not been fully realized. How can lightning life be completely solved in just a few minutes?

Sensing a continuous stream of electric current passing through his brain cells, Li Yao fell into an incomparable tangle.

Realizing the magnificent civilization of lightning life and the magnificence of their struggle against fate, Li Yao's first reaction was of course to help them.

But reason also tells Lee that in contact with an unknown civilization, it is necessary to assume that the other party is hostile.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the super plasma torrent paralyzed many starships of the human exploration fleet in the first and second attacks, severely damaged and even killed many crew members.

Just now, this lightning life condensate also released an undisguised hostility to him and clumsily wanted to take him away - lightning life is like an innocent child, UNDISGUISING his purpose, which is the purest and most extreme "evil idea".

Li Yao has no doubt that if he destroys human beings, he can save his own civilization. These warriors of lightning civilization will not hesitate to do so.

He should have wiped them out, right?

However, in the depths of Pangu universe, in the multiverse with infinite possibilities, how many wonderful and magnificent life forms like lightning life? Is it necessary for human civilization to sweep the whole universe with the sentence "if it is not our race, it will be different", and turn the whole universe into a barren desert, just as Hongchao did?

Is it possible that the so-called "Hongchao" is such a group of super civilization that adheres to the concept of "not our own race, their hearts must be different, start first, all unknown civilizations are malicious civilizations, only the destroyed civilization is goodwill civilization" and so on, in an attempt to stifle all life forms and the vitality of civilization inheritance, so as to ensure their own "safety"?

The ultimate goal of mankind's march into the sea of stars is to become the second "flood tide", or to stand on the opposite side of the flood tide and fight against the flood tide together with countless races of various forms and splendor?

Save or not?

If you want to save them, how can you save them? If not, how can you destroy them?

The ripples in Lee Yao's eyes trembled violently.

At this time, he suddenly felt that a few strands of lightning, which were as thin as hair, had gone into the depths of his brain, gently wound around the spirit, and integrated with his spirit.

There are also some plasma cells, drilled into the "arsonist" fuel tank and reactor cauldron, and then disappeared, as if completely annihilated.

Li Yao's pupils suddenly contracted.

He really doesn't know whether this is another failed attempt of lightning life, or whether these little things have really mastered some secrets that he didn't even master in the arduous exploration of "several generations", turning his flesh and blood body, spirit and even giant soldiers into a brand new "star ship".

Li Yao was stunned for a long time. Then he began to laugh. His muscles, which had been violently convulsed by the arc, relaxed one after another. He took a long breath and said to himself, "yes, I'm so arrogant that I think I can be your 'savior' or 'destroyer'.

"Compared with the supernova explosion and Galaxy collapse that are about to destroy you, my power is nothing. If I can fight against such a cruel universe and fate for such a long time, you have become the most powerful fighters. You can save yourself without the help of others.

"In the same way, what can I do to destroy you? Even the explosion of two supernovae, the super storm of ancient giant stars, the super high gravity and even the laws of the universe can't destroy you. What can I do to destroy you?

"Come on, release all the means just now, and continue to fight. Maybe this is the most efficient way of communication and mutual salvation between the two civilizations, or maybe this is the highest respect that a warrior struggling on the road of survival and struggle can express to another fellow warrior!"

At this moment, Li Yao closed his eyes, burned his life, released the most powerful life magnetic field, and tried to drive out all the lightning life that intruded into his body.

But it is also possible that he is not expelling, but releasing all the information about human beings, Pangu people, black wall makers and other carbon based intelligent life, and sending his precious energy to the body of lightning life to continue the life of the latter.

It's hard to define whether to destroy or save the arsenic or my honey in different life forms.

In the same way, the life of lightning also vibrated, engraved and branded in Li Yao's mind.

It may be malicious, trying to erase all the memory and consciousness in Lee's mind in this way, but "moving" his whole civilization into it.

It may also be well intentioned, sensing that one's own life is about to wither, and trying to teach all the subtle secrets of how to manipulate energy to Li Yao, a fellow traveler on the endless journey.

It is more likely that it still does not realize the whole picture of carbon based intelligent life until now, and it has no concept of good and evil at all. It just tries its best to build a tomb and monument for its early civilization between Li Yao's brain cells and nerve currents.

Li Yao fell into a trance again. I don't know how long this process lasted.

In the face of two civilizations with such great differences in time scales, "time" itself has lost its meaning.

In a word, when he gradually wakes up from the innumerable lightning energy models that he has never seen before, the first picture he sees is that the lightning life condensates in human shape gradually float away from the spirit mansion of the giant magic soldier and sink into the deep sea of stars.

It seems that it has completed its mission, and can meet the annihilation with relief. Originally, the jumping arc is dark, rippling and dissipating, but the most violent lightning is quiet and clear as a stream.

It opens its "arms" and floats farther and farther, becoming smaller and smaller. It really seems to spread its long hair and sink into the bottom of the sea quietly.

No, it's not "the bottom of the sea", it's not deep in the sea of stars, it's the direction of ancient superstars!

Even if it is so far away from home, even if its tiny energy is not enough to support even a plasma cell to return to the ancient superstar, it is still deeply attracted by the magnetic field of home, not falling, not drifting, not falling and sinking, but returning to home.