Li Yao's nose and chest were blocked again by something sour and inexplicable.

With his last strength, he reached out tremblingly and manipulated the arm of the steel giant to bid farewell to the dying life of lightning.

"Good bye, my friend. Although there may not be one in ten million, I still hope that some of you, at least a plasma cell, can return to the ancient superstar and spread and inherit everything in our wonderful encounter.

"Maybe I should save you, maybe I should destroy you, but I am also struggling for my own survival and destruction. I will go to more mysterious and dangerous places to find my origin, my destiny and my answer.

"So let's say goodbye and look forward to meeting again in the future.

"Today's experience is too hasty and embarrassing after all. I really look forward to one day when we or our descendants can contact each other in a more dignified, calm and wise way, or, ha ha, stage a more vigorous and exciting war!

"Anyway... Goodbye... Goodbye..."

The life of lightning is getting smaller and smaller in Li Yao's vision, and gradually integrated into the giant figure of the ancient superstar, which can no longer be seen.

Li Yao is also in this desperate fight and the subsequent information exchange. When the thief goes to the empty building, the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, and all his powers are consumed.

He didn't even have the strength to shake his little finger.

Tired and sleepy, such as black and thick tide, gradually came to him, devouring every brain cell.

Before falling into a coma, he only had time to turn on the giant soldier's automatic navigation system with eye movement and brain wave release, and let the "arsonists" search the road signs left by Li Linghai and Ding lingdang all the way to catch up with the big troops and reach the entrance of the emperor's ancient tomb.

Li Yao did not know whether the fragmented and nearly paralyzed giant army could complete this task.

He is just like lightning life, facing despair, embracing hope, moving forward, moving forward, moving forward!

Li Yao slept for a long time, and his dream was full of lightning and thunder and almost endless energy models.

When he woke up, the situation was not much better than before. He was still tired, sleepy and hungry, and every cell in his body was howling.

There was a large amount of high-energy nutrients stored in the giant soldier. Xiaohei should be able to inject and treat them in time.

However, these high-energy nutrients were electrolyzed and gasified during the lightning life, and the nutrients almost disappeared.

Li Yao checked the navigation log of the master control crystal brain and was surprised to find that he had slept for seven days!

Such a long time out of control and coma, in his whole cultivation career, is a rare thing.

Fortunately, according to the navigation log, during his coma, the giant soldier faithfully carried out his instructions, and the road signs left by Li Linghai and Ding lingdang were clear enough to make him closer to the entrance of the emperor's tomb on the right route.

It's a real miracle, given the damage to the giant and the amount of fuel he has left.

"Is it... You?"

Li Yaomo rubbed his aching brain and felt that there was still lightning in his mind.

He didn't know if the lightning life got into the giant soldier's fuel tank, changed the structure and composition of the crystal fuel, and squeezed more energy in a way that... Carbon based intelligent life couldn't understand.

Just as he didn't know, whether the twinkling of nerve current in the depth of his brain at the moment also had some characteristics of lightning life.

No matter how cruel the universe is, life will find its way out, won't it?

Li Yao laughs.

After seven days and nights of drifting behind him, he still felt that the ancient giant star, the brilliant giant planet like the sun, had become lively and vigorous.

Who said that human beings are lonely? Maybe there are countless wonderful and gorgeous lives in different aspects of the universe. Human beings just need to polish their eyes and find them out.

It's like a lush forest, on different levels, with towering trees, shrubs and grass, jackals, leopards, antelopes and deer, reptiles and insects, even fungi and bacteria.

Jackals, tigers and leopards may never realize that there may be innumerable well-organized ant nests and colonies in the soil under their feet. The war between ants is no less solemn and magnificent than fierce fighting.

They just hunt and kill blindly.

But humans are not jackals.

It shouldn't be, never should be.

All of a sudden, Li Yao felt that the word "dark forest" was so contradictory and so... Groundless!

"Most plants need sunlight to realize photosynthesis, so the existence of forest itself means the existence of light. No matter how dark the forest looks, there must be light outside the forest!

"Even if there is a" absolute darkness "environment, the life naturally bred in this" absolute darkness "will not evolve from the beginning into light-sensitive organs such as" eyes ". So, what is the significance and trouble of whether it is dark around them?

"Even if they haven't evolved 'eyes', they certainly have a way to sense the information around them, and communicate with their peers and even with other people. Whether they are willing or not, they are constantly evolving. Five days ago, Ding lingdang entered the emperor's tomb, and they haven't come out yet. Have they not caught LV Qingchen, or

Li Yao did not dare to think about it any more. He increased his speed and approached the entrance of the emperor's tomb.

This mercury and Pearl like sphere is quite different from the ancient giant.

If the ancient superstar symbolizes primitive, natural, wild and rough, then it is the symbol of absolute precision and control, is the man-made product of super civilization.

"Arsonist" is less than 100 meters away from the entrance of the emperor's ancient tomb. However, at such a close distance, Li Yao still can't detect the slightest defect and unevenness on its surface. On the surface with a diameter of more than a few kilometers, even the 0.001 micron fluctuation is not detected.

——With Li Yao's understanding of materials science and metal processing, it is impossible to process solid metal materials into such an accurate sphere.

What's more, it's not a solid at all. It's a kind of unknown material similar to liquid metal, but far more magical. It's a "entrance" that you can walk through freely.

It is so quiet, light, unconquered with the world, blooming its own light, showing its own strength, so that all the latecomers have a sense of high mountains.

It is no longer appropriate to call it "the entrance to the emperor's tomb".

Because Li Yao is sure that even the most powerful emperor of human civilization does not have the ability to create such an entrance.

Even from the remains of Pangu and the warships of Nuwa, their metal smelting and processing capacity is far from this level.

Li Linghai is right. This relic is neither the hand of the emperor nor the hand of Pangu civilization. It can only be the product of the "black wall maker". It is the hand of the super civilization that covers hundreds of millions of stars and completely seals the Pangu universe!