Cut off the root of trouble, but thousands of worries.

He Xie's hand holding the sword is very stable and his eyes are also very firm.

He knew it would hurt later.

And he was a little ashamed.

Although not himself, after all, he will live an unfettered life for a long time to come.

So let it go.

The old does not go, the new does not come.

Moreover, as long as he has learned the world's martial arts in the future, he may not be able to find a way to overcome the disadvantages of the evil sword spectrum. At that time, he may not have to be free in this world.

Men still need to be fettered, not too unruly.

He Xie overcame many psychological obstacles, took a deep breath and waved a sword!

Seven days later.

Outside the city gate of Fuzhou, a team of knights rode out of the city. The leader was short and looked Yin vulture. A pair of triangular eyes sometimes flashed fierce light.

The Knights did not stop at all. They went straight east along the official road, leaving only smoke and dust all the way.

When they were far away, a young scholar suddenly flashed out from behind a tree outside the city gate and looked thoughtfully at the distant figures of the Knights.

The scholar's face was ruddy and looked like he was in his 40s. The five long beards under his jaw added to his momentum of not being angry.

Behind the scribe, there was a middle-aged man with gray hair and flashing eyes. At the moment, he bowed and hugged his fist and said, "master, Yu Canghai, an old thief, has found nothing for so many days. It seems that he has completely given up."

The scholar's face was flat: "I'm also a great master and the head of a school. It's the so-called gentleman who doesn't speak ill. Don't talk about such contempt just now."

These two people are Yue buqun, the leader of Huashan sect, and Lao dunuo, the second disciple.

Yue buqun arrived in Fuzhou seven days ago. These days, he has been secretly monitoring the Qingcheng sect.

Laudenough said respectfully, "disciple, remember master's teachings."

Yue buqun nodded slightly and said, "DeNO, calculate the day. Lingshan and they should have passed Ji'an. You should go to meet them immediately, and then go to Hengyang together, waiting to attend your martial uncle Liu Zhengfeng's golden basin hand washing ceremony. You are a steady man. Remember to watch your younger martial brothers and sisters and don't let them make trouble."

Laudenough respectfully said yes, and then wondered, "master, you..."

Yue buqun said coldly, "originally, the grudges between Qingcheng sect and Fuwei escort agency were complex and outsiders should not intervene. However, Huashan sect is a chivalrous Chinese. Even if we have no contact with Fuwei escort agency, we can't sit idly by and ignore such a tragedy. As a teacher, I decided to follow Yu Canghai secretly and wait for an opportunity to rescue Lin Zhennan and his wife and restore justice for Wulin. "

Lao de Nuo showed his admiration and said with an arched hand, "if Lin learned that master and they had never met before, but he still ran for them for chivalry, he would be moved for five years."

Yue buqun waved his hand gently and said with a reserved smile, "well, you go."

After seeing laudenough go, Yue buqun's face gradually became serious.

He looked back at Fuzhou City and hesitated slightly. Finally, he dodged behind the tree.

A moment later, he galloped into the official road and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Three hours later, on an ancient tree with twisted twigs not far from the city gate, he Xie skillfully jumped down from the tree and breathed a long breath.

If he guessed right, the people of Qingcheng sect and Huashan sect should have all withdrawn. Even if someone stays on duty, it shouldn't be a big problem for him.

His face was a little pale, with a look of deficiency of both qi and blood. The originally thin figure adds a bit of weakness.

These seven days are definitely a nightmare experience. He Xie hopes not to think of it again in the future.

This is the second painful memory he doesn't want to think of!

Killing chickens is really a technical job.

He Xie didn't have this technology. The next day, he began to have a high fever. As a last resort, he spent another 10 yuan to cure the injury directly.

But it's worth it, because he can move freely on the third day.

In the past four days, he came to the gate to explore every day. In fact, the day before yesterday, all the patrols of Qingcheng sect withdrew. Yesterday afternoon, another group of knights dressed up by Qingcheng sect disciples left Fuzhou house.

However, out of prudence, he Xie still waited one more day. Facts proved that his prudence was completely right. Yu Canghai, the old fox, was really playing a mysterious trick with him.

What made he Xie's heart more awe inspiring was the green shirt scribe not far from him!

This person is obviously also secretly staring at every move of Qingcheng sect!

He Xie recognized the gray haired middle-aged man around the scribe, who had a pseudonym of old man SA and opened a tavern with Yue Lingshan in Fuzhou.

The identity of the green shirt scholar is ready to be revealed!

He Xie stared at Fuzhou City, retreated step by step, and soon disappeared into the mountains.

Two days later, in the evening, a woodcutter wearing an Ruo hat and pockmarked face walked into Fuzhou City with a bundle of firewood on his back. He walked through the streets and lanes to a remote local temple and took off his disguise.

He Xie!

He Xie sat in the temple and closed his eyes. He didn't go out quietly until the watchman knocked three times. He turned left and right all the way. After confirming that no one was following, he carefully sneaked into the Lin family's old house in Xiangyang lane.

This house has been abandoned by the Lin family for decades. Even few people in Fuzhou know that this house belongs to the Lin family. No wonder Yu Canghai doesn't know it exists here at all.

This is a big house that goes in and out. He Xie takes advantage of the moonlight to check each house one by one, but he only glances at the layout of the house at the door or through the window, and then passes by without looking, so the search speed is still very fast.

When he Xie searched the northwest corner of the yard, he looked into a room through the window and was immediately happy - that's it!

This is a dilapidated Buddhist hall with cobwebs and a thick layer of dust. It is obvious that no one has been there for a long time.

The furnishings in the Buddhist hall are very simple. A mottled ink painting is hung in the middle of the wall opposite the door. It can be vaguely recognized that the painting is the image of an eminent monk facing his back. Obviously, the figure in the painting is the Buddha Dharma Master, and the painting is the allusions of his nine years facing the wall.

There is a broken Futon on the ground in the middle of the Buddha Hall. The wooden fish in front of the futon can't see what it is.

He Xie pushed the door in and looked around for a week with some emotion.

Who would have thought that the sacred skill Scripture that people in the Wulin dream of would be hidden in such a humble place?

He Xie's eyes fell on the portrait of Dharma. His left hand behind him seemed to hold a seal formula, and his fingertips pointed to the direction of the roof.

He Xie has no lightness skill and can't get up to the roof at once, but he has been preparing for this moment for a long time.

He took out a bundle of rope from his waist, which he had used to tie firewood.

He wound the rope around the beam and tied a knot. He Xie tried to pull it, and then jumped up. The next moment, he sat on the beam!

He groped on the beam for a while, and his heart sank gradually

No, no?

Shit, are you kidding? I'm castrated!

He took a deep breath to calm himself down, looked at the portrait again, then drew his sword and waved it fiercely against the roof pointed by Dharma in the picture!


In the falling dust, a mass of red things slowly fall, which is particularly eye-catching under the moonlight.

He Xie must have grabbed the rope and flew down. People grabbed the red thing in mid air.

This is a cassock. The cloth looks like brocade but not brocade. It is very strange. He Xie spread out the back of the cassock and saw eight eye-catching characters written on it in the moonlight——

"If you want to practice divine skill, you must first go to the palace!"