Chen Feng was already familiar with the call. After killing the nine winged cicada, he placed it with the body of the frost poison ant. As for the surroundings, he used plasma to depict a scarlet six pointed star.

Looking at the two corpses in front of him, Chen Feng couldn't help sighing that he was just the strength of the golden order in his previous life. Even the sacrifice at the silver peak was a luxury. Where did he think that today, he even used legendary creatures as sacrifices to sacrifice monsters existing in the abyss.

Legendary creatures, no more than before, naturally need some equal energy as a reward to summon helpers of their own rank.

It's too risky to sacrifice only nine winged cicadas. In order to be conservative, Chen Feng added frost poison ants to the sacrifice.

Saruman did not return to the abyss. They seemed to be curious about how Chen Feng summoned his party before. Therefore, at this time, they focused on all this and tried to explore the root of everything.

Even the active evil devil looked like a good girl at this time. Instead of expressing his hatred for the fallen angel in the form of curse, he stared with big eyes and looked forward to the coming of a miracle!

Chen Feng closed his eyes and fell into a calm state. At this time, those spiritual forces slowly overflowed and entered the abyss along the void.

After a period of rest, Chen Feng's mental strength recovered a lot. When he called, the six pointed star at the foot of the sacrifice began to show a slight light. It can be seen by the naked eye that the flesh and blood of the two insect emperors seemed to be eaten by some existence. The fat corpses thinned down bit by bit. In less than three minutes, they became two real mummies!

The cold, terrible and illusory abyss cracks opened again, and those flesh and blood energy were swallowed by the abyss. Compared with summoning golden creatures, it will undoubtedly take longer to summon legends, but Chen Feng has enough patience to wait for the novice.

Time passed minute by minute.

After a quarter of an hour, a human creature about 1.8 meters tall appeared in front of Chen Feng and many summoning beasts.

When saluman saw the other party, his face changed greatly, raised the white bone scepter, and covered himself with a defense shield composed of innocent souls, which seemed to have some effect of isolating spiritual attacks.

The legendary burning devil on one side didn't seem to expect that Chen Feng summoned this kind of existence. The flame sword also burned in his palm again, and the temperature around his body was rising.

Even the Fallen Angel seems to have awakened some memories of this creature. However, it was hit hard by the insect Emperor just now. It can't use too clever moves. It can only cover its upper body with its wings behind it to protect itself!

In addition to Chen Feng, perhaps the calmest thing is the evil devil. The evil heretic with the appearance of a little girl even took a few steps forward with a little curiosity, looked up at the sudden big fool in front of him, and said word by word: "this is... Too ugly?"

Being treated strangely by the summoned animals, it is a creature about 1.8 meters tall. Its eyes have no pupils and are milky white. There are four tentacles near its mouth. Its head looks like an octopus. The color of the body is light purple, and the skin is like a cold elastic rubber, which is also covered with a layer of reflective mucus.

"Mind reading demon."

Chen Feng looked at the new man in front of him and spit out three words from his mouth.

Mind Snatchers, also known as ghosts, are so insidious and powerful that all dark residents are afraid of them. They force other creatures to yield to their will and destroy the enemy's mind.

Like the drow elves and spider elves, they have done their best in their long history to deal with adventurers and heroes who dare to break into the deep underground world. These monsters will tear the enemy's head and rob the brain. But it seems that this is not all. The mind grabbing devil will also control each other's thoughts with spiritual power, or use spiritual shock explosion, which will make the enemy fall into a helpless tremble.

This is the reason why Saruman and the legendary burning devil are on alert. The other party is a monster who is good at using spiritual attack. It will exert its spiritual power to control some demons or dark creatures to serve itself in daily and combat situations.

They will use the super soul power to change the consciousness of the enslaved object. Even if those enslaved have their own ideas, the premise of everything is to be loyal to the heart demon.

This is not ordinary spiritual hypnosis.

Once the mind reading devil controls consciousness, this side effect will last a lifetime. Unless the mind reading devil is killed one day, this control can be lifted. But it must be noted that if the mind reading devil chooses to retaliate against the enemy by exploding his soul before he dies, the ideas of those enslaved will become chaotic and become a fool or a madman who no longer thinks!

In addition to having high intelligence, complete evil thinking and terrible abuse habits, mind grabbers are very selfish. If the war situation is unfavorable, they will not hesitate to leave their servants and friends to escape.

Of course, in addition to the spiritual attack, the reason why most dark creatures resist the mind reading devil is that in order for their children to have the power of self-protection in the abyss, the mind reading devil will find some bodies to let their children integrate with them and become a mind reading devil of magpie nest and dove occupation.

Mind readers are hermaphroditic creatures.

This creature will complete fertilization by itself and then give birth to its own eggs!

At the beginning of the life of the mind Snatcher, it was a small purplish red tadpole that breathed with gills rather than lungs.

At first, the mind snatcher tadpole had no fixed shape, no tail, and its mouth was just a simple V-shaped mouthpiece under its body. When it grew up a little longer, the tadpole developed a round beak with smooth edges. At the same time, four tentacles connected by translucent ribbon tissue began to develop around it, and their function is equivalent to the tail of heart snatcher larvae

A terrifying deformation process that tadpoles undergo when they become adult mind reading demons.

This is also the main reason why they have become the target of public criticism.

The adult mind reader will implant a fully developed tadpole into the ear of a helpless humanoid, which is a cruel and long process.

The tadpole will drill into the victim's brain, quickly eat its gray matter and replace it with its own dirty body tissue. Under its influence, the tadpole will fuse with the victim's uneaten lower brain stem and erase all residual personality and soul. When these things completely disappear from the body, the mind reading devil tadpole will use it as its own body.

Within a day, the victim's body will also begin to change in form.

During this period, the boarder can clearly detect the changes of the body, which is different from the xenogeneic. The latter is more fusion genes, while the mind reading devil offspring will completely attach themselves to the victim's head, nibble at each other's intelligence bit by bit, and then seize each other's body!

In the process of metamorphosis, the host's own internal tissue will be replaced by the mind reading devil. When the deformation process is over, the original host will no longer exist. "Expel disease", "Remove Curse", "resurrect the dead", "restoration", "complete resurrection" or similar spells can not reverse this process. In addition, after transformation, the mind reader will not inherit anything in common from the victim, nor will it acquire its gender identity.

This means that even if the mind reading devil hosts a burning devil, he will not have the ability to control the flame and resistance to the flame, but simply complete a transformation from childhood to adulthood with the help of each other's body!

The face of the mind reading devil looks even uglier than an insect, especially the mouth. It's a disgusting thing. It looks like the stomach of a lamprey. If it doesn't absorb the brains of live prey, it will constantly drip oily mud.

Even though the read-only mind demon was a legendary strong man, it could not change this physiological habit. In just more than ten seconds, a small pile of mud like vomit gathered on the ground, and there was some unbearable smell in it.


The mind reading devil took a step forward, while Saruman and other summoned beasts stepped back three steps.

As a bisexual creature, the mind reading devil will complete the whole process of life birth in an unknown time. Therefore, no one knows whether the other party carries several [parasitic tadpoles] that are about to mature

Compared with summoning animals, Chen Feng looked at each other with a little curiosity. After summoning fuhra, he seemed to have exhausted the amount of [beauty]. Since then, all summoned objects were at the lowest ugly level, such as benthic magic fish or heart reading demons in front of him, even reaching the [thriller level!]

But there is no doubt that Chen Feng is satisfied with the strength of the other party.

Saruman is more proficient in necromancer spells, while mind reading demons master mind magic. Compared with lich, the title of mind reading demon slave owner is one of the best in the whole abyss.

What does that mean?

Chen Feng's eyes flashed a fine light. All along, opening the abyss crack is a taboo in the human world. It's like what happened in the insect world just now. There is no restriction of contract. Those demons see humans like lions who have been hungry for a week. It's a truth to see sheep!

Instinct suppresses commands and becomes the main emotion that dominates them!

This is also the main reason why Chen Feng can't develop the force resources of the abyss. But now, the emergence of mind reading demons will completely change all this.

A legendary creature good at spiritual magic and a notorious slave owner, for order, this means that a new labor species will appear on this land soon.

That is
