"Cowardly devil is a small alien devil. It is usually 4 feet tall and weighs 60 pounds."

"This creature can't speak, but it can communicate through spiritual ability. In addition, it has some wisdom. Of course, if zero represents no wisdom, then the devil fearing brain can only be regarded as one. It can master some basic commands by training pet dogs."

[Comprehensive Evaluation: This is a cunning creature with low IQ. It is not recommended to use it in daily construction or office. However, wilderness reclamation may be a good candidate. It is brave and fearless. It is a perfect exploratory cannon fodder.]


"Magic spiders are good at finding lost items, runaway slaves or enemies, and then taking them back to their master."

"The monster's body is as strong as a bull, and its legs extend 14 feet long. The magic spider weighs 6500 pounds."

[Comprehensive Evaluation: monsters with certain clarity and wisdom seem to have a strong talent for exploration and investigation. It is recommended to use search work or the task of chasing prey.]


"The beholder is a 6-foot-wide sphere with a big mouth full of fangs. The whole activity is controlled by the central eye. In addition, there are ten small eyes connected with branches extending outward from the top of the sphere."

"They can shoot some magic light from their eyes to attack the enemy. When they are hit, their prey will be blind and even life-threatening. In addition, they are proficient in some bewitching energy. Some creatures who are hit by light and do not die have a chance to become slaves of each other and slaves without ideas."

[Comprehensive Evaluation: This is a relatively dangerous creature. It is suggested that it can only be taken to the field for routine tasks after complete training. A runaway beholder is enough to make a team of ten bronze professionals despair.]


"Condemned demons stand 20 feet tall and weigh 8000 pounds. They are constructed from greedy evil souls, especially the rulers of the slave Empire, thieves, bandits and more violent villains."

"They despise the battle, but their desire for blood drives them to fight. Soul judgment demons like to use" evil light strike "to make the enemy lose resistance, and then kill these targets that have no ability to fight back."

"Comprehensive evaluation: no use! This demon is not recommended to be used in any field mission. Once out of control, even the strong with golden rank in the team may be torn up. It is recommended to experiment, imprison and anatomical research!"

Biochemical research headquarters.

Chen Feng turned over the manuscripts sorted out by the biochemical department during this period of time. Sure enough, it was right to hand over the matter to the crazy people in the biochemical department.

Even Chen Feng was surprised at the authenticity and practicability of this report.

Mastering mind reading demons is equivalent to having a group of obedient slaves. Of course, Chen Feng will not waste each other's magical ability. Therefore, the previous week, Chen Feng tore open the crack and summoned a group of demons, while mind reading demons use mind control to brainwash these ferocious demons, smooth out each other's confusion and make them the object of mind reading demons' slavery.

Order is absolutely strange to these evil and ugly creatures. Compared with the handsome half elves and Naga living in the sea, once the devil enters the order, it will undoubtedly cause some panic. After all, the other party's face and temperament are terrible. All evil words mastered by human beings can be applied to these monsters.

Therefore, during this period, Chen Feng needs to sort out a list of demon introductions and infiltrate the residents in the order bit by bit. After thinking about it, this task is still in the hands of the biochemical department under Lin Yueqiu's control.

The biochemistry department is a group of real lunatics!

This group of researchers is different from ordinary people. The latter feels pain because of the coming of the end, while the former immediately realizes the treasure contained in this century after a period of depression!

Insects, zombies, dimensional creatures and energy flowing in the air are all the goals pursued by researchers!

When Chen Feng handed over the heavy task of describing and studying demons to the other party, the Biochemical Department listed this detailed list in just one week.

There are 209 monsters and 13 species, including seven demons and six dark creatures. Their habits, appearance and abilities are clearly described.

The most satisfying thing for Chen Feng is that in the final comprehensive rating, those researchers also gave some good suggestions!

In Chen Feng's previous consciousness, demons are a group of unusable treasures. Throw away violence and chaos. Demons are undoubtedly a group of real soldiers. They are fearless of death and eager for blood. Once applied to the battlefield, they will greatly reduce human death, which is beyond doubt.

Demons are the best cannon fodder, which has been confirmed in countless years of bloody battles. When the bloody battle starts, the cannon fodder creatures such as fear demons are always the first to rush out, and the middle-level demons such as rage demons and Demons follow closely.

Now with the mind reading devil, Chen Feng's plan has finally been implemented. His purpose is to form a demon army on the land of order!

The importance of population to order is self-evident.

Even if every time danger comes, order can win the final victory, but the war will die. No matter how detailed the plan is, it will lead to the passage of life due to various changes of the enemy. This is inevitable, even with magic artillery and enhanced weapons.

But now it's different. When danger comes, human beings can retreat to the second line and know themselves and the enemy head-on.

This is the knowledge left by thousands of old ancestors. Chen Feng is not a reckless ruler. He will not show off his achievements to residents because of enslaving demons. Once those demons who enter the army get out of control, it will be an unacceptable loss for mankind.

Devil's chaos is famous in every aspect. In some distant countries, the word devil itself is a taboo word mixed with all filth. No one is willing to contact the devil, because the other party is always a cold ice, either frostbite you or melt you!

Therefore, this requires perfect planning and training effect, so that demons can use it in daily combat.

Chen Feng gave half a year to this plan, and the biochemical department also gave a draft plan. It is expected that he will master the methods of training cowardly demons and hunting magic spiders in about two months. After all, this is a weaker creature, and it will take another half a year to master rage demons, snake demons and soul demons.

Even demons such as rage devil belong to medium-level combat power in the abyss. Once out of control, the trend of war may change due to each other. Therefore, when the control is less than 100%, they will not carry out combat dispatch without authorization.

"Well, you've done a very good job. I've read the proposal Lin Yueqiu gave me before. I'll send the materials you need to you on the day when the demon fear training is completed!" Chen Feng said.

Standing in front of Chen Feng is a man in his early 40s, with high magnification glasses, sparse hair and slightly bent back. Although he is not beautiful, he is the only second in command of Lin Yueqiu in the biochemical department!

The other party didn't get married and have children all his life, but focused all his attention on research. As early as the peacetime, he served as a mentor of a university and studied many projects at the same time.

The materials peeped by the biochemical department are some substances that are not available in the human world, such as rare substances such as secret silver and soul stone. Some materials even need to be obtained through exchanges.

The biochemical department is like a sponge. The chemical factors produced by science and awakening are quietly changing the pattern of order.

Even if there is no devil research plan, these things will be sent to the other party for research. However, now that the other party can have a stronger power through materials, it is also a scene that Chen Feng likes to see.

"Thank you... Thank you, sir. We will finish all this in the shortest time, two months. No, we will finish the training method of fear devil in one month!" the man was very excited at this time, and even talked intermittently.

Chen Feng nodded: "I look forward to your research, but while achieving the goal, the quality must also be guaranteed."

"Must... Must!" the man nodded fiercely and hurried away, apparently returning to the unfinished research.

"I don't know what it will look like after those demons are tamed. In the future, orderly residents may be able to have a pet from the abyss..."

Chen Feng nodded invisibly and left the matter behind. For him, compared with the half year plan of training demons, he still has a rather urgent goal.

"Plane exploration..."

After two years of preparation, Chen Feng seems to have been able to achieve this long thought goal!
