
"These demons dare to attack our demons. It's a dead end. We demons are naturally stronger than demons. We are invincible in both quantity and physique."

"Where did these demons come from and dare to attack us? In that case, we have to complete them and let them be completely buried here..."

The bloody battle broke out in an instant.

Perhaps the communication between Chen Feng and nailuo was too long, which made Geya feel some crisis. Therefore, at this time, it did not hesitate at all and directly used its cards.

What really overwhelmed Chen Feng was that he didn't expect that when he just won, Geya would call out the crack and then call out the devil's legion.

And is this the other party's means?

It turned out to be opening up cracks and summoning the devil to this land!

The bloody battle between demons is not a simple struggle.

Most guys think that a bloody war is just a war between monsters... No, wait a minute, that's not true. In fact, it really comes out of the mouth. Using the word "strange" to call demons is like going up to ridicule them because you see a group of guys unhappy. It's really not a wise thing. Not only does it annoy them, but it also labels themselves as ignorant.

The bloody war is a battle between tanali and Batiz demons that has lasted for tens of millions of years (for those who do not know, tanali demons are disordered camps, while Batiz demons are orderly camps).

But this war is far from that. This is not a small fuss that a guy can avoid the lower level - in fact, there is no such place in the whole multiuniverse for you to hide and watch bloody jokes.

The war permeated everything; The whole society fluctuated with the tide of bloody war.

In terms of combat effectiveness and number, the devil has an advantage. But the devil is orderly and disciplined; The devil's nature is not constrained. He fights with the devil and kills each other. Nature can't beat the organized devil.

At this moment, this level was originally controlled by the devil. Although it is not clear how the devil came here unconsciously, the demons did not show much panic.

Tanali demons of all shapes climbed out of the bottomless abyss, and their burning anger and hatred seemed to originate from the plane itself; They need to be strong enough to survive the boundless terror of their hometown.

Anyone with a plan to visit the bottomless abyss had better understand that the tanali devil is a capricious and ruthless creature. Bartz devil may be interested in twisting words, but tanali devil is interested in twisting your neck. They are obvious killers. They kill whenever they want and whoever they want.

When the channel to summon the devil was opened and the devil Legion rushed towards this level, they began to kill the demons.

However, this is the main battlefield of demons!

These demon soldiers are not panicked, but excited. Every demon's gene has the idea of blood, violence, cruelty and killing. Once released, it will be a flood and beast

Groups of demons appeared and reached the sky.

The war began to burn.

This is the devil's territory.

Countless demons gather together, and the devil's breath boils endlessly. Any devil who enters this land will feel the deadly pressure!

Elvin ruled the auction. Because it was Rose's industry, many people often failed even if they made up their minds.

But here, because it is an ownerless place, many people have the idea of peeping at it, but in the end, it is because of the terrible demons that they blind the eyes of hostile forces and can no longer be monitored!

The devil's Legion will not shrink back. Perhaps they have received the notice long ago. They have no duty to hesitate, even if they start charging!

The demon army and the demon Legion collided first, and immediately the dense demons rushed up.

In this crazy counterattack, some demons fell!


Scream again and again. Chen Feng saw that a large number of demons were slaughtered. Wherever the devil Legion went, the demons were directly hanged.

Many old timers who watched the battle were so frightened that their legs trembled directly. They never expected that the devil was so brave. Just one face to face, he killed many of his good men!

Nevertheless, the demons didn't plan to stop at a good time, but continued to roar and crush them towards the demons.

"It's so powerful. Knowledge is unstoppable."

"After this round of slaughter, all the demons in the periphery died, and the defense of the Colosseum is too weak?" some demon experts sat together and carefully distinguished the trend of the battlefield.


At this time, people saw that on the battlefield, a group of extremely powerful blood lights flashed, and an unimaginable big hand stretched out. This huge hand seemed to have a strong adsorption ability. Just for a moment, countless demons were adsorbed on each other's palms, and then disappeared!

The devil didn't come here accidentally. What they have to do now is to cut the grass and eliminate the roots!

Many demons licked their lips and felt very happy to see the countless corpses piled up in the Colosseum!


When the demons retreated and a large number of demons were slaughtered, the invincible master among the demons finally appeared.

A tall shadow appeared in front of the demons. The shadow seemed to be ten meters tall, towering and chaotic, like a chaotic ape. A little movement of the huge ape's palm could wipe out the whole demon Legion!

The other side is stronger than expected. It seems impossible to predict what kind of creature the other side is.

As soon as the other party appeared, many demons died in the same place at that time. At a close look, they were scared to death!

The demons began to counterattack!

And the demons who have been waiting for a long time seem to be ready for everything.

A prison fire ancient dragon broke the dimension and came to this area, which immediately curbed the deterrence of the devil's virtual shadow.

Prison fire Cologne is the spokesman of the nine abyss hell of Barto's plane in the humanoid community of the main material plane. They are representatives of arbitrary rights and dominate people and things by cunning means. Prison fire Cologne dominates the war of bullying the weak, supports the evil alliance, and even spreads the tyranny under its rule.

Prison fire ancient dragons have the appearance of demons. They are terrible dragons with evil bones sticking out from their heads and shoulders. Its phosphorous body also has continuous long thorns, and their eyes burn a terrible yellow. Their scales change colors, showing the color of flowing faces, and their bodies emit the smell of sulfur.

Prison fire Cologne defends its territory with its knowledge, wealth and skills of coercion and inducement. The typical prison fire Cologne doesn't care about any country at all. They visit each country with different identities. It plays the role of consul with boundless pain. They usually become tevolins to deal with things with humanoid creatures, and assassinate everyone who knows its true identity. When there is nothing evil to do, they retreat back to their secret nest.

Prison fire Cologne can speak dragon language, purgatory language, and common language as fluently as all races around.


Without fear and without stopping in battle, prison fire Cologne are all experienced combat experts. They fly in the air, casting mind influence spells and spitting hot dragon breath at the enemy.

The call from the devil did not end. While praying, many strong people responsible for opening up cracks fell to the ground.

A pair of huge fire red wings and burning eyes let the huge devil exude thrilling fear.

If there is anything more terrible than the prison fire ancient dragon, then it is the abyss refining devil!

The governor of hell territory, the commander of the nine prison army, the aides of the devil Archduke, and the devil refining in the abyss are the real strong ones at the top of the devil society. Powerful, tenacious, and extremely terrible wisdom, these ruling classes of hell are endowed with a considerable degree of self-determination, whether they are working for the Archduke, enforcing their own laws in the closure of the nine prisons, or domineering in the mortal world.

Next to the commander, there is a hell three headed dog!

The watchdog in hell, the three dogs in hell, always bear the pain of the body. These powerful hunting dogs are made up of the essence of the evil soul. As jailers and guardians, they are often trusted by villains or people with more status. These detestable three headed dogs have much more cunning hunting instinct than their skinned and animal appearance - they often realize their terrible wisdom and a lot of greed and malice before those poor victims enter the country of death.

The legendary lineage of the three hell dogs is said to be able to trace a primitive evil beast still guarding some abandoned and lifeless ruins. Hellhounds hate their distant brother, hellhounds. As long as they are not prohibited by a cruel owner, they will attack these hellish creatures with extreme malice.

In hell, you can see three hell dogs as watchers from any powerful devil. Their amazing tracking and hunting ability even crossed the barrier of death, making them the coveted subordinates of countless people in the multiverse. The beastly appearance and the love of killing of these hounds often urge their owners to turn away from some hidden allies in search of new killing; Before brutally killing all weak and careless creatures, their hunting will not end easily. (I can't turn it here, pure free translation. I hope the boss can correct it.)

Those hounds who have not been domesticated by the demons will gather in the barren land and form small groups one after another under the threat of harsh environment. Among them, the strongest or most cunning three hell dogs will become the leader, quickly and deadly hunt invaders in this huge hunting ground, and chase any lost soul found with amazing tenacity. Although they cannot get enough food from these dead, their malicious souls will be satisfied and permanently strengthen their deadly jaws to help them better adapt to the environment of hell.

As soon as the abyss demon refining appeared, it solidified the whole time and space. Stop the demons' counterattack.

"Hum, the scum hidden in nobody's corner!"

When you look at the devil refining in the abyss, you know that it is the devil's peerless strong man. If there are no such experts, you can't resist the devil's Legion at all.

"Come out, good, good. I just want to see if you can hold all the demons present? Kill you and my real authority will be established."

The pit refining devil shouted angrily, and the stone surface under the whole body completely collapsed!


The huge explosive force and pressure emanated from him. It seemed that the whole Colosseum trembled at the same time. Then many demons and Demons found that a large long sword suddenly appeared in the hands of the devil refining in the abyss and pierced forward!

The demon virtual shadow that had not appeared roared again and again, shook and exploded, and punched the long sword.

And the abyss refining devil didn't look at it at this time. Suddenly, a long sword appeared around him. The energy condensed rapidly and directly penetrated the enemy's heart!

"Hateful devil, we will kill you one day and wait for disaster!"

The body of the demon virtual shadow suddenly became much stronger. Even so, the body was still not broken!


The devil refining in the abyss sneered, and in an instant, he came to the demon virtual shadow.

The ghost of the devil who had never appeared did not expect that the ability of the abyss to refine demons was so powerful that he rushed over at such a distance, but what kind of person he was. He made a quick decision and his body slowly became strong. After a few seconds, a violent demon with rock like muscles stood in front of the abyss to refine demons.

No one thought that the devil's ultimate patron saint, since he is a violent devil!

This violent demon seems to be extremely powerful, but it is very careful inside. It is precisely because of this that it can live in this dimension for so long.

In the face of attack, the devil is not afraid at all. With the blessing of faith, its power is almost invincible under the gods!


Perhaps they felt each other's respect, put down the sundries in their hands, and hit each other with two fists. The violent devil retreated repeatedly after being bullied, couldn't stabilize his body, and showed a look of panic on his face.

Many demons and demons can see this series of battles clearly.

With each move, everyone saw that the atmosphere of the abyss demon refining was torrential, completely at the peak, took the upper hand, no longer used weapons, but simply punched in the past!

On the contrary, the rage devil roared and retreated again and again, and had no power to fight back.