"Damn devil, you dare to come here. There are endless demons here. It won't be long before you will be surrounded and killed!"

"Since you're here to fight, I'll see if you can bear my fists!" the power of the rage devil among the demons even surpasses the burning devil, second only to the God residence.

A punch came, and suddenly a virtual shadow appeared behind him. It seemed that it was the power of a God's residence!

At this time, the devil refining in the abyss was not afraid at all. It punched each other with strength. Its strength even exceeded the epic level. It reached an unimaginable level. When this fist was waved, the dimension above the head cracked, and even some scenes of hell appeared.

The battle between the abyss refining devil and the rage devil was a disaster. Their bodies fluctuated up and down. For a time, the whole Colosseum was even nearly broken through.

When people were frightened, they were also intoxicated.

Such a battle is indeed the highest level of fighting. Every collision is a fatal blow, and there is no water at all.


All of a sudden, the Berserker unleashed his strongest blow.

This degree of bombardment broke out in an instant. People were in danger. Under the strong pressure, both demons and demons were squeezed into flesh and mud. They even had no chance to resist and escape, so they died in situ!

However, the devil refining in the abyss smiled and was not afraid. With a wave of his hand, the hell three headed dog appeared in front of him!

Compared with the ruthlessness of the devil, the devil is more vicious.

At this time, it even wanted to use its own summoning beast to block the knife for itself!

Chen Feng stood aside and saw all this clearly. He suddenly felt that he had some feelings with the other party. After all, he had done similar things and enjoyed it!

The hell three headed dog didn't know what had happened. He just felt a sharp pain coming from his body. Then he paralyzed on the ground and almost lost his breath!


The extremely powerful hell three headed dog is known as the existence of hell gatekeeper. In this way, it is directly Yin dead by refining demons in the abyss!

At this moment, the devil refining in the abyss took the opportunity to attack continuously, and the moves were deadly. Unimaginable forces were refracted from the body and all rushed to the rage devil. After this attack, the rage devil was difficult to parry, and his body was hit hard, and even his arm was broken.

The rage devil doesn't know how long he has lived at this level. Time can't even record. Although his talent is not strong, he has also obtained unimaginable terrorist strength with the blessing of time.

At this time, although an arm was broken, it would not give up. It looked at the devil refining in the abyss, spit out, and a stream of fresh blood sprayed on the top of the devil refining in the abyss.

A terrible scene happened. It looked like only a mouthful of blood, but when it floated in mid air, it turned into a vast ocean, with countless broken limbs and arms, and countless demons and ghosts roaring. Where is blood? It's the Styx!

Who could have thought that in despair, the rage devil summoned the Styx river. This is not the real Styx River, but it is just a virtual shadow, which makes people afraid enough!

The devil refining in the abyss looked at the Styx River falling overhead. There was no emotion at all from its face, but if there were no upturned corners of its mouth, it proved one thing, that is, it didn't care about these forces very much.


The abyss refining devil gave an evaluation. Then, he opened his mouth in vain, and the suction was unimaginable. He saw that the sea of blood falling from the sky completely flowed into his mouth!

The strength of the devil refining in the abyss is beyond imagination. It... Swallowed the Styx River in front of it!

The body of the rage devil became thin. Summoning the Styx seemed to exhaust all its strength, so that the devil had reached the edge of life and could no longer cause any damage to the demon refining in the abyss.

This is the strength of the strongest, the strength of the abyss to refine demons, which has almost exceeded the epic, touched, and even reached a part of the mythical class!

"How terrible!"

Looking at the other party's means, Chen Feng couldn't help muttering. He had to admit that if it was his own, he might not survive this terrible move.

But how did the other party do it?

Instead of escaping, he swallowed it. It's hard to imagine that Geya had such a terrible reinforcements!

The other party has prepared a lot.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng turned his head and looked around the corner. There, Ge Ya was staring at everything in front of her.

Geya has been watching the battle in front of her. She looks very innocent.

All this seems to have nothing to do with it. These demons just appear suddenly, and the demons in madness and resistance can't think of the fact that the boss here is originally a devil!

If you just take a glimpse, it is easy to mistake this demon for a beautiful woman, with hands like catkins and touching heartstrings.

However, as long as you concentrate on it, her sharp fingers and claws, blank eyes and sheep's hoof like feet make her beauty corrupt and distorted and confuse people's minds. There are a pair of burned and broken bat wings on her back, as well as four ten foot long, twisting and uninhibited thorn tails, which repeatedly remind the viewer of her evil nature.

This is the essence of Geya. In the face of this chaotic situation, it can no longer be hidden, because any small influence may degenerate!

"We will not fail!"

The furious devil seemed to have foreseen death, but he didn't choose to give up. The next second, he did an action that shocked the devil refining in the abyss. He bit his tongue and said something. Not only that, he stretched out his sharp nails and scratched directly at his own body.

Terrible scars appear. Those scars make the blood of the rage devil flow, but the other party still turns a blind eye to them. It's like a destroyed body, which is not his own at all.

"Damn it, this guy tried to sacrifice blood!"

The abyss refining devil found some key points. At this time, it was angry. When trying to kill each other and stop each other's blood sacrifice, the rage devil had a new action.

"The real master from hell will kill you for me!"

After saying this, the body of the violent devil suddenly exploded, and didn't give the abyss a little preparation time to refine the devil!

"The true master from hell?"

Somehow, the devil refining in the abyss suddenly had a bad feeling. At this time, a black crack suddenly opened beside the dead violent devil, and then a red figure came out.

Looking at the summon that is completely in the form of devil, the abyss is refining demons. It looks like an ordinary person sees a ghost. He can't help muttering: "son of hell

The physical appearance of the son of hell is a humanoid creature with dark red and smooth skin, and sometimes green scales. Although the sons of hell have different appearances, they usually have horns; Maybe it's a thick and short horn in the center of the forehead, or a pair of thick and short horns, or a big horn like a goat. Their eyes glowed with malice. Their physical appearance comes from the devil's master who left before becoming the son of hell, so as to remind them of their sins in their previous lives.

Although the outer appearance of the son of hell comes from hell, the inner mind and soul are cleaned and purified by the power of goodness. The sons of hell retain vague and hazy memories of their past lives. The images of former allies and enemies constantly trigger their feelings of uneasiness and pain, but they can't get more detailed memories and details, only subtle fragments of the past like insect wings. Whether to be free from the burden of evil, or influenced by the forces that force them to return to evil, the sons of hell can freely pursue their own path.

"This damn guy, I should have killed each other earlier!"

It's not hard to hear from the sound of refining demons in the abyss. It makes it angry that it hasn't killed the Berserker!

All the reason is that the other party summoned the son of hell when he was dying.

The son of hell has the appearance of a devil, but he gives birth to the heresy of the light camp!

There is no doubt that for the devil, light and darkness are opposite. In the eyes of the devil, nature is a natural heresy!

The sons of hell are hated, cursed and excluded by others. They are loners abandoned by the original society. Despite their lofty aspirations, most people still hate it, and most communities will reject the son of hell.

Camp: almost all sons of hell are orderly and kind, and a few are chaotic and neutral. The son of hell devotes himself entirely to the elimination of evil.

Place of residence: the son of hell has no home of his own. A few sons of hell can bear to be excluded by the people they protect now; Most choose to wander and enjoy the beauty of the mortal world until the time of their destiny comes. All sons of hell must cope with the emotional upheaval they have faced. They search for any place where the BART demon family has an important influence and hope to destroy the demons' plans.

Although the sons of hell bear a curse, they are smart, attractive and natural leaders.

Adventurer: time is short for the son of hell. Nine times out of ten, they won't get anything in return at the end of their lives - no blessings, no warm and grand welcome. The sons of hell see the future in their eyes, full of eternal suffering, the destruction of their own characters, or being completely destroyed and swallowed by the nine abyss hell. Therefore, the sons of hell strive to achieve great heroic achievements. They fight against all forms of evil to prove their value and virtue, just to avoid the slim hope that has long been doomed to destruction.

The son of hell is very organized in everything. They are patient and only careful. They are prepared to fight when they detect a threat. They don't often go to war rashly and take time to identify any covered up facts. Any combat error represents death and an endless journey to hell.

They cherish words like gold, and the son of hell is not talkative. They are obsessed with fighting evil, and their conversation is easy to return to the conspiracy of hell or other similar topics. Some sons of hell are different. They will preach to their companions.

Compared with the heresy of the son of hell, the abyss refining devil is undoubtedly a real devil. It is committed to killing and research.

Its research projects include torture, death, skinning, stripping, vivisection, anatomy, body transplantation, breeding experiments, and the construction of new skeletons by mixing and splicing skeletons from hundreds of different donor organisms.

In its territory, it seems that it is still doing some experiments to create new demons and even demons. The abyss refining devil is a successful biologist. With his efforts, the original varieties born include brezu devil, ox devil, giant ox devil and worse.

The devil refining in the abyss has completely fallen into darkness. At this time, how can it have good intentions for a son of hell who exudes light?

The unimaginable breath spread around. They looked at each other like this. It seemed that they would rush over and tear each other up in the next second. Of course, this is something that the abyss demon refining wanted to do very much.

Looking at each other like this, the surroundings seem to stop beating and become stationary.

"The son of hell!"

Chen Feng has been paying attention to the trend on the battlefield. At this time, after seeing the other party's appearance, he jumped in his heart. He just felt that some of the violent demons were dead, regardless of the feeling of flood after him.

After all, if it weren't for his rusty head, how could he summon the existence of the son of hell!

It sounds like the son of hell is very powerful and a member of the devil, but he defected from hell very early, so he went to justice and became an existence who killed evil and guarded the light!

This extremely strange contradiction made the sons of hell once regarded as evil demons. However, they proved themselves. They united just to save more people.

Relationship with other races: for a long time, the sons of hell have kept their nature hidden, which makes them have a little problem interacting with other races. Undoubtedly, their personality like dark and thick curtains makes them more obedient in interaction, but most sons of hell are at least sincere.

Given that their personal values were often judged by their monster appearance, the sons of hell learned to look for the good side of all creatures. They also found friendships in unexpected places, usually members of excluded races, such as orcs. Many sons of hell, although they must face prejudice and stubbornness, remain kind. Drow, devil, or jackal, goblin and big goblin in the rare kind camp are often proved to be loyal allies of the son of hell!

For those weaker races, the son of hell showed enough compassion and recognition, but for the devil and the devil, the son of hell was very angry. From the moment he saw the devil refining in the abyss, his whole body was raised by half a meter and became a little giant!

"The evil soul should be redeemed!"

Son of hell, speak to the devil refining in the abyss.

If possible, the son of hell will kill all the demons and Demons around him, because in his eyes, these lives should not have appeared in this beautiful world.

"You guy, can you stop saying such disgusting words!"

In the face of the furious devil, the devil refining in the abyss, which has been in the rolling posture, was abnormal at this time. He even began to satirize the son of hell. In its eyes, the other party really disgusted the demons.

It is precisely because of the characteristics of the son of hell that it is discriminated against. Even when some demons find that they are born with a devil appearance but a bright heart, they will directly strangle each other!

Demons never pity their enemies, even their own children!

Facing the ridicule of the devil refining in the abyss, the son of hell didn't open his mouth to refute. He just looked at each other quietly and was ready to fight.

The son of hell saw everything around him, and the power in his body began to bloom. He naturally knew that he alone would never be the opponent of these armies in front of him. Therefore, he tried to summon his companions to help him defeat the enemy!

The situation is getting more and more chaotic!

Chen Feng felt the energy fluctuation from the son of hell, and his whole head became much larger. After a while, this level has been mixed with too many power systems.

Not only did the devil and the devil form an alliance at the beginning, Nara has sufficient energy and can summon the dead to fight. Even more, if Nara is willing, he can open up the kingdom of God, and then directly let the believers inside appear from it and occupy this land.

Can be nailuo into the existence of the kingdom of God, you can imagine what terrible strength you have!

However, the war in Shendi is extremely terrible. Some old opponents may stare at nailuo day and night. Once the other party opens the entrance to the kingdom of God, some Shendi will destroy the kingdom of God and drive nailuo out.

Therefore, before the critical moment, Nara will not rush to travel to the kingdom of God.

Chen Feng's head is a little big. Now the situation is very small. In addition to himself, there is the abyss demon refining force represented by Geya. The other party was so powerful that he killed the strongest in the Colosseum face to face. Originally, everything was in Geya's plan, but the dying call of the violent devil summoned the heretical representative of light and the son of hell.

It's a little fun now.

Moreover, looking at the son of hell, it seems that the other party wants to summon his companions to the abyss level.

You're kidding!

If you wait until the sons of hell come here, don't say it's an abyss to refine demons, it's ten, all of them may have direct hatred!

Because the son of hell itself carries a strong purification energy for the devil and the devil!

At the thought of this, Chen Feng's eyes can't help becoming vicious. He is ready. If the son of hell really insists on this, Chen Feng will kill him even if he gives birth to justice!

Chen Fengcai doesn't care what justice is. He only cares about one thing, that is, whether he will reap some benefits from it.

The emergence of the son of hell will lose all his previous investments!

Without waiting for Chen Feng's hand, the abyss demon refining on one side could not bear it. It roared. Then, the body suddenly appeared in front of the son of hell.

Without any catharsis, I can only see the devil refining in the abyss. At this time, my eyes are red and obviously stimulated!

It can't stand that the son of hell called the Legion and tried to pick the fruit he got!