Dragon three in one.

However, an unexpected scene appeared. Chen Feng even combined the three dragons summoned into one.

Only a multi headed dragon can defeat a multi headed dragon.

Just as Chen Feng now smelted three dragons, the momentum is terrible to the extreme. It can easily explode unimaginable killing and destructive power.

At this time, two multi headed dragons echoed each other, showing the most terrible appearance.

A battlefield with clouds, dust and death.

A human state, with a head and three faucets.

A complete dragon, with a huge head, and three extremely ferocious and terrible dragons.

At this moment, the two multi headed dragons seemed to be fatalistic enemies.

Eyes collide with silent flowers and fires in looking at each other.

Several dragon heads roared together, tit for tat, and the sound of dragon singing swept the earth!

"Man, before you die, I'll ask you one last question."

What is shocking is that under such circumstances, Ren Tianpeng did not choose to shoot, and even completely turned his back to the bad devil, showing enough confidence.

Instead, he focused his eyes on Chen Feng. A pair of dragon eyes locked on each other like a needle.

Chen Feng is not surprised. After all, Ren Tianpeng is a person who is said to have intersected with AI ou, the legendary father of the real dragon god. Even if the other party eventually loses, or even lives on this land, it also proves the other party's horror in disguise, which is unbearable.

"Why? Don't you want to ask me if I can refine you into this shape? Of course I won't miss your rare multi headed dragon. I have to thank you. If you hadn't inspired me, I wouldn't have created such a good work."

Ren Tianpeng grinned and didn't care about Chen Feng's provocation. She knew that Chen Feng, a strong man, had reached a certain level and couldn't find any clues from simple language. Compared with the world he used to live in, the human beings on this land were simply making up!

"Human beings, if one day you find that you are actually just a little ant, a trivial little ant, will you be so proud?"

"Hmm? You're a strange creature who knows how to swallow. Why do you suddenly tell funny stories? Have you been in the human world for too long and your head is broken?" Chen Feng frowned and became more and more alert to Ren Tianpeng. After all, the strength shown by the other party is enough to make him extremely alert.

"Just answer me."

"If there is a day in the future, of course I will. What you need to know is that this land has been destroyed, but up to now, there are still countless people living in this land, and no one wants to die. Just as you and I are facing each other now, if I am really a ant, I have to struggle to survive and never give up. Ants bite dead elephants. I think you are swallowing them I learned this word when I was young. "

"Don't you guys from the outside like to rely on human beings to learn knowledge?"

"Oh." Ren Tianpeng nodded thoughtfully.

"It's you, Ren Tianpeng. You're hopeless. If you didn't commit so many sins, I might even forget the past and cooperate with you, but now everything is irreparable. Since you want to destroy the world, we are doomed to a big war!"

Seeing Chen Feng's righteous words, Ren Tianpeng lightly left him and said slowly:

"Well, that's what I'm going to do. From the moment you enslave my race, I'll put you on the list of inevitable swallowing. Of course, I won't let you die comfortably. I'll let you beg me... To kill you!"

"Like? What a like? But what you don't know is that in a long time, I have swallowed too many dragons, including red dragon, green dragon and black dragon. Oh, by the way, I also turned a white dragon cub into an idiot and gave it to the little girl behind you. What does the noble dragon count? It's just a man-made sin mount."

Chen Feng closed his eyes without any emotion fluctuation on his face, but said quietly:

"Therefore, in the eyes of others, the dragon is invincible in the hearts of other creatures, but in my eyes, it is just some larger animals. You are also destined to die like this. I guarantee that your skull will be crushed by me!"

"Talk big!"

Ren Tianpeng drank violently, and a surging power was brewing all over his body. As a multi headed dragon, he had terrible power, but he also fell inferior in communication. After all, at this time, Chen Feng had the upper hand and said that he was speechless.

At this time, the energy of the four dragons is integrated with each other, the purple flame is burning, and the terrible huge shadow appears behind Ren Tianpeng. The terrible wings seem to cut through the sky and cut off the graben at any time!

"Well, is this your real body?"

In an instant, Chen Feng saw the giant dragon shadow behind Ren Tianpeng. "When he was nervous, he seemed to catch something, but he couldn't pierce the fuzzy film, but it was enough for him to guess some key points!


At this time, Chen Feng made a preemptive attack and roared, but he saw a multi headed dragon composed of three giant dragons, with rolling red flames all over. Where the flames passed, they were as powerful as bamboo, destroying the withered and decadent, and blatantly killed Ren Tianpeng!

Rao was unwilling to do so, but at this time, he was completely enslaved and controlled by Chen Feng. He could not make any refutation. He could only watch himself rush towards Ren Tianpeng.

"Overestimate your strength!"

Ren Tianpeng snorted, and his mouth exploded like a avalanche. At the same time, a pair of blood red eyes burst out two fierce lights on the head of the man on his neck, just like the scourge of tearing the soul and exterminating the living creatures. They were suddenly released from their eyes and directly penetrated into the body of the multi headed dragon.

Ren Tianpeng has been lurking in the human world for many years, and his spiritual power has already recovered to its peak. Therefore, Ren Tianpeng's spiritual power has already broken through the mythical level and reached the limit that life can touch!

It can be said that Ren Tianpeng was suppressed by the world. If he changed to the world where he originally lived, he might have been promoted to a higher level long ago, and even eternity is not hopeless at all.

The multi headed dragon had suffered heavy physical damage due to fusion. At this time, it was too simple for Ren Tianpeng to suppress the multi headed dragon mentally. Therefore, this record was full of Ren Tianpeng's full anger, which immediately made the multi headed dragon hit, and even had no chance to block.

This is a half step epic. The giant dragon, which can trample countless legendary strong men under its feet, is completely frozen in front of such terrible impact. A pair of very dignified dragon eyes are turning white, and a low cry is sent out in his mouth, as if he is sobbing

The next second, the three dragon heads directly began to spit blood. They were pale, disorderly breathing, cold and trembling. With a "clang", they knelt down on the ground.

Many dragons bear the brunt of this terrible bombardment, and Du Jingcai and Yang Shuo on one side are even more unbearable. At this time, they fell pale on their faces, and their eyes even became listless. It seems that Ren Tianpeng's roar directly destroyed their souls, which is terrible to the extreme.

The professionals on one side were frightened. Even if they listened to Du Jingcai's orders and didn't dare to take a step closer, they still felt the extreme horror filled in this roar even thousands of meters away.

Bean sweat, falling from their foreheads!


How could this happen!

The mental power of the terrible monster in front of you is too terrible. It's like a raging sea. Even if it's far away, it's enough to make their onlookers seem to be staring at by gods and demons. My scalp is numb and hot, and my heart is about to jump out of my throat!

Several of Du Jingcai's confidants looked at each other at this time. They only felt that they had mixed feelings and didn't know what to say. They knew that even now, it was useless in the past. They couldn't help each other at all. On the contrary, they might become a burden to each other.

At this moment, it can only be entrusted to the strong people on the front line. Maybe only they can avoid the destruction of the devil city.

"Commander... Please help yourself..."

For the vast majority of the remaining speculators, they can only pray at this time. Some people even want to grease their feet and run away. Because they have realized how terrible the enemy they face today!

Chen Feng was mainly the target of the other party's bombardment. Almost at the same time, Chen Feng caught the other party's way and fell into a daze for a second.

"Ah, ah, ah --"

At the critical moment, Chen Feng's Shentai suddenly cleared up, as if there was an extremely terrible energy to help him. This is the power of the abyss. It is the abyss that extricates him from difficulties and slightly curbs the spiritual impact that Ren Tianpeng shot into his mind.

Chen Feng is sober. In an instant, I felt a thick humiliation. My eyes were fierce and bright, and I bared my teeth and roared:

"OK, OK! It's the first time that I, Chen Feng, have been in the last world for such a long time. However, I've fought with countless holy mansions. Although you are terrible, because of the dimensional wall, your strength will not be promoted any more. I'm different. When I meet strong, I'm strong. How can I lose to a strange creature like you when I just break and don't scratch? You're just me It's just a stepping stone! "

"I will defeat you now, then take away your body and make a blood sacrifice with everything you have. Then let me really step into the rank of myth!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Feng made a move, but he saw that a visible energy was caught out of the abyss. The next second, the energy was completely poured into the body of the multi headed dragon like a river.

The energy returned again and fell to the ground. The eyes of the multi headed dragon were swollen and "rubbed" and burned!


The violent power broke the Dragon Armor on the multi headed dragon, and the body was filled with the power of the abyss. Even if the multi headed dragon finally defeated Ren Tianpeng, it was definitely impossible to survive, and this was Chen Feng's purpose.

Summoned beasts are never used for protection. When necessary, they need to be prepared to be sacrificed.

Just like now, the multi headed dragon in front of Chen Feng is just a puppet that can be abandoned at any time!

Feeling the endless power, the multi headed dragon is now completely shrouded in anger. It strongly wants to spread its endless strength and Qi to explode the hateful Ren Tianpeng.


The material for smelting the dragon is not vegetarian. Seeing Ren Tianpeng's terrible, he immediately vented his resentment on the other party. When attacking, he exerted so much force that even his nails almost collapsed. But even so, the multi headed dragon still didn't hesitate and still rushed forward!

"No matter where you come from, I Chen Feng will kill you today!"

At this time, Chen Feng no longer hides his identity. After all, one person and one dragon are immortal. Today, he can't successfully kill the other party, and no one will step back.

Ren Tianpeng's face was still calm without a trace of worry. He smiled faintly:

"Oh, I'm so scared. Then I'll just stand on the ground and stretch out my neck to let you cut to death."

"That's what I mean!"

Chen Feng's sword eyebrows coagulated and didn't say much. More and more forces of the abyss were caught by him and then put into the running multi headed dragon.

The speed was amazing. Almost for a moment, the body of the multi headed dragon had crossed over Ren Tianpeng's body.

"Good chance!"

There was a long roar of surprise in his mouth. Without any hesitation, the multi headed dragon grabbed it hard and grabbed it on the other party's head. If this blow was hit, Ren Tianpeng would really die!


Before the smile on Chen Feng's face could spread, he saw the most incredible scene!


A crisp metallic sound. It spread all over the battlefield and spread to the whole devil city!

Everyone was stunned at this moment. Not only Du Jingcai and Yang Shuo who had only one breath left, but also Yang Shuo and many professionals who watched the war in the distance showed incredible eyes one after another.

Ren Tianpeng unexpectedly caught this terrible claw.

And it's easy!

And only two fingers!


Chen Feng was shocked. It was like inhaling a large amount of poisonous gas. He stared at Ren Tianpeng, who was still indifferent!

He knew how much terrible energy the multi headed dragon had used. The blow was on the steel bridge, which was enough to destroy the huge bridge.


Why can Ren Tianpeng on the other side easily clamp the fatal claw of the multi headed dragon with two fingers.


It's impossible!

Rao is Chen Feng, who has traveled far and wide, fought and fought with countless divine mansions, but has never seen such a strange scene. At this moment, Ren Tianpeng's figure rises infinitely in his mind. In just a few seconds, the other party seems to have become a dam.

How can humans compete with dams made of tens of thousands of tons or more of cement?

This is Chen Feng's only idea now!