Chen Feng could hardly believe what he saw. It was just a move. Ren Tianpeng unexpectedly blocked the attack of the three dragons.

The terrible three headed dragon, in each other's hands, is like a toy, and has no strength to compete at all.

"Human beings, we fought fiercely for some time. In the human land, you are the only mole ant who can fight with me for so long. I can give you a chance, a chance to save the human world."

Surprisingly, at this moment, Ren Tianpeng did not rush to start, but his eyes condensed into a thin line and glanced at Chen Feng's face.

Chen Feng didn't think that the other party would say so. For so many years, only he recruited others. When can others talk to him like this?

"That's the same sentence. It's beyond my bottom line to have your spring and autumn dream. I can't promise! A alien who doesn't know where it was born still wants to Zhaoan me. I think you've been in the human world for too long and have forgotten yourself?"

Ren Tianpeng said: "I will devour most of the creatures in the world, but there will be a small part left. After all, the energy here is too thick, but the results I calculated show that... You are the most perfect object and the most suitable leader for these people."

When he said these words, Ren Tianpeng looked calm and gave people a completely determined look of Chen Feng: "choose, small human beings, the decision is in your hand... Do you want to fight me to the end and burn jade and stone... Or do you want to help me unify this land and become one of the lucky ones to survive?"

"That's right." Ren Tianpeng continued, "I will give you an undeniable chip, that is, you can choose the human beings you want to live. For those people, you are like a savior."

Kill and kill!

This is the heaviest choice

For other human beings, this is obviously not a simple choice, because Ren Tianpeng's strength is too terrible, and there is a deterrent to destroy this land.

For ordinary people, Ren Tianpeng could not be defeated.

Now, the other party has given a generous reward, that is, to be the only survivor, and the sacrifice to be made is to believe in Ren Tianpeng.

What should I do?

Choose compromise... Or choose the war of resistance to the end!

must not!

Chen Feng found himself shaking!

If you shake your heart, Ren Tianpeng will take advantage of it!

In this extreme battle, the master is fighting for spiritual touch.

Recalling every bit of his rebirth in these years, Chen Feng has ups and downs of heart and knows his joys and hardships. There is no doubt that he has lived a full and wonderful life in recent years, which makes him cherish everything he has.

What's more, now that he has the hope of attacking the gods, does he have to bow down to anyone in the previous life?


Ren Tianpeng is a xeno, but he has been lurking in the human world for many years. He is crafty and cunning. Who knows if he wants to trap the white wolf with empty hands. If Chen Feng really believes him, as long as the other party turns back, he will easily defeat the other party without help at that time.

"How... What is your choice? This is the opportunity I give you and the only possibility for you to live. These three dragons alone can't beat me. It's very powerful, but it can only be regarded as a stronger ant."

This is a carrot and stick, coercion and inducement. Chen Feng even laughs. Isn't this his usual trick?

I just used it on Yang Shuo a few days ago, but now I use it on myself for the convenience of learning and using it flexibly.

This is really a good reincarnation of heaven. Heaven let anyone go.

Now that he was ready to tear his face with the other party, Chen Feng looked up with a flash of eyes. His scarlet eyes were a little ferocious and roared:

"Don't talk nonsense. I'll blow up your body“

"You are just a different species. You dare to shout in front of me. Now I will teach you a lesson and let you know what is the power of mole ants!"

Chen Feng took the lead in killing people.

The next second, with his loud cry, the bodies of the three dragons began to expand again. What's more amazing is that the dragon in the first place opened his mouth at this time. Suddenly, the afterglow of heaven and earth was pulled over. This instant deterrence was like magma gushing.

An indescribable energy cannon gathered on the dragon's mouth, and then roared, tearing the air and rushing towards Ren Tianpeng!


Ren Tianpeng's eyes were stunned. He could not imagine that Chen Feng should be so strong. He would kill people if he didn't agree with him. However, how could he be afraid? With a little finger, he would smash the bomb directly.


The surrounding was filled with terrible energy, and the three headed dragon was not as unbearable as Ren Tianpeng said.

"Well... Is that your choice“

Ren Tianpeng looked at Chen Feng with an angry face and sighed:

"I really intend to kill you. No matter what you think, this is my voice, because I have been in the human world for so long. You are the only role that can be seen by me. Unfortunately, you don't know how to seize the opportunity."

"Because your request is too much! I am me! I am not the so-called spokesman."

Chen Feng said fiercely and ruthlessly. He continued to order the three dragons to attack. From the beginning, Chen Feng only used the dragon as a tool, so he didn't care whether the other party would die if he consumed too much.

In this pressing command process, the strength of the dragon is naturally beyond imagination.

The three dragons raised their heads at the same time, and their teeth vibrated, "bang bang", and thousands of light arrows shot out angrily, as if they were used to neon, so that the professionals in the distance could not open their eyes at all.

This is the dragon's killing move!

It is no exaggeration to say that any beam of light can explode the legend.


The opposite is Ren Tianpeng. His body is a multi headed dragon. At this time, when his body turns, it seems to form an invincible fortress. In a blink of an eye, he will defeat all the light arrows without damage!

"Humans, you think you can defeat me, but how can humans understand that although I am not real, it is an artifact to kill me, but where will there be any artifact in your human world?"

Ren Tianpeng ridiculed Chen Feng, but he didn't know that Chen Feng didn't show his real strength from beginning to end.

"There's no need for artifact to deal with rubbish like you“

Chen Feng's red eyes flashed fiercely, and his hands were raised. At this time, the dragon was burning life. In this way, a terrible round ball energy was gathered above his head.

Seeing the terrible attack of the three headed dragon, if it were an ordinary person, he would have dared not compete with it. However, Ren Tianpeng is different. From the information inadvertently disclosed by the other party, he can even sit up and sit with AI ou. Would he be afraid of a little deformed younger generation?

Facing the attack of three dragons, Ren Tianpeng shook his head back and forth over his body:

"Man... I can give you one last chance... It's still too late to choose another path“

"I've said no too many times. Your so-called Dragon God is too cumbersome. I'll kill you today and take the divinity from your body. I see how you can avenge me“

In his anger, Chen Feng released a huge spiritual force, which was directly blessed on the dragon.

While releasing endless energy cannons, the Dragon stepped on the ground again, just like a giant truck, and collided with Ren Tianpeng.

What's more terrible is that the momentum of the three headed dragon is extremely terrible. A series of attacks can be described as dazzling. Although they are temporary monsters, they can't compete with ordinary creatures.

At this time, even if an ordinary master of half step epic comes over, he may hate Jiuquan, and there is no possibility of struggle at all.

The three dragons were furious. They raised their claws and pierced Ren Tianpeng's throat. But at this moment, Ren Tianpeng's body was like an invisible meat grinder. There was an inch or two of it. It was broken and separated into white ashes, which could not hurt Ren Tianpeng

Chen Feng's expression was very sharp

"Human, do you know how many years my body has been polished? For you mole ants with a life span of only 100 years, I can't imagine the power I have!"

"Although this body is only a separate body, I have been tempered for nearly a thousand years. I have no patience to entangle with you. Next, I will burst out terrible power. After killing you, I will choose new humans to help me manage this land. As for you, I can only die regretfully."

"Before that, I will solve the deformed dragon in front of me. It was enslaved by humans. It was a waste!"

Ren Tianpeng didn't look at Chen Feng at this time. He seemed to eat it completely. The next second, a blink came directly to the three headed dragon. It was so close that it was even only two fists away.

The next second, a powerful force gathered from Ren Tianpeng's body and directly shrouded the three headed dragon's body.

In the face of this terrible force, the three headed dragon only felt completely unconscious all over the body. The huge pain and shock were like a speech gushing, pounding every inch of its flesh and blood crazily. Although the three headed dragon's consciousness was integrated together, it still had the feeling of pain.

Since the battle of three headed Long Yu Ren Tianpeng, he has been in a passive state because of the suppression of power, but now, it seems to have a feeling that every nerve of his own seems to be torn apart by the impact force!

I'm not reconciled

We are a great race that has convinced all kinds of creatures. How can we fall in such a place?

When the three dragons just merged, they could not adapt to their own state, which was like a body suddenly stuffed with the other two souls.

However, in the process of adaptation for a period of time, the three headed dragon also gradually mastered the control of the body. They merged together and enjoyed a common body.

They don't want to die.

Even if the eyelids are heavy and the body has collapsed, the three dragons don't want to be easily defeated by Ren Tianpeng and become a victim in front of each other.

In the blur, the three headed dragon's mind recovered a little. It seemed to hear the order from Chen Feng, although it hated Chen Feng and turned them into this shape.

But now, Chen Feng is like a benchmark, which has become the driving force for them to persevere. They can feel that the energy from Chen Feng's body keeps pouring out and then projected into their bodies. With the blessing of this energy, they seem to be given new strength again.


An incomparably loud dragon chant suddenly swelled from the mouth of the three dragons and came out in unison. It can be said to swing through the sky!

Everyone present was trembling!

They all fixed their eyes on the three headed dragon.

"What happened here and why did such a terrible demon appear?"

"Watch carefully and don't talk. Don't you see that this demon is our helper?"

"Yes, the commander stood beside each other. I saw them fighting side by side with my own eyes. However, the three dragons had been injured so badly before. It is reasonable to say that they should have died suddenly, but how can they make a loud dragon chant? Is this a reflection?"

"In a word of the human world, this is playing tricks!"

At this time, Ren Tianpeng might feel a little angry because of the outbreak of the three headed dragon. At this time, he didn't stop at all. He seemed to break the mountains and rivers, stretched out his arm straightly, and covered the three headed dragon's head.

It can be seen with the naked eye that at the moment of stretching out the palm, the right hand turned out to be as big as the door panel, and directly sent out a faint cold awn.

In a moment, the three headed dragon will completely disappear from the world.


Another loud dragon chant!

In an instant, the body of the three dragons began to change qualitatively, and their scales became golden. People in the distance only felt that their eyes became unreal, just like seeing a mirage. The three dragons turned into a ten meter fierce beast.


The three dragons changed at the last minute. Nevertheless, Ren Tianpeng's palm reached each other's body, and a terrible energy began to cover around.

The upper body of the three headed dragon disappeared into powder in an instant.

This is a picture that everyone did not expect. Even though the three headed dragon has completed the cohesion and maximization, it is really like a mole ant in Ren Tianpeng's hand. It can be ravaged as much as it wants, and has no power to fight back!

The power of one blow... It's so terrible, so terrible lethality. Even if FRA comes over, maybe she will be killed directly after one blow. There is no room for resistance!

And this may be the inside story of a Dragon God.

Seeing that the three headed dragon was defeated almost strangely, Chen Feng was not discouraged. He just smiled calmly. Sure enough, compared with these miscellaneous armies, his own Legion is more suitable for fighting.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng pressed his hand on the ground, and in an instant, a terrible and dignified energy appeared in front of him.