Chapter 682

Zhang's house.

In the conference hall, the six elders, Qi Baisheng, Li Wanxing, Zhang Dongqing and others gathered for a meeting.

Different from the previous expression, this time everyone's expression was very relaxed and there was a sense of relief.

Li Wanxing was greatly relieved and sipped his tea in a good mood: "after this price reduction, our market share has stabilized at 30%. Although the price of pudumen's pill is also decreasing, their price is still 20% higher than ours. Although the quality of pills is high, the price gap is there, and they do not have an advantage in share. It seems that they can't reduce prices any more because of cooperation or cost. "

Zhang Dongqing also recognized this statement and said: "elder Li said it well. They lowered the price three times before it was reduced to 80% of the original price. Obviously, this is their limit. If the price continues to be lowered, there will be systematic problems in their pill sales. Although pudumen has just begun to be aggressive, it has a shallow foundation and can't compete with us. "

Qi Baisheng was very satisfied with the result and said slightly, "well, it's probably the case. Our Zhang family's house has paid a huge price for lowering the price to 60%. He is just a Purdue door, and has no strength and capital to reduce the price by such a large margin. Next, we only need to hold on for a few months and we can completely bring down purdoman. "

Li Wanxing was greatly relieved: "what the elder said is that the share of pills in Zhang's residence has stabilized. We only need to persist for a few months, and pudumen will collapse. Then everything will go back to the past. It's impossible to shake the pill Market accumulated by Zhang's family for 20 years! "

Zhang Dongqing decided, "well, it's impossible! Pudumen is too young. Yang Feng is too arrogant! He thought he could fight against our Zhang family by standing next to the big tree of Li Hetu. He simply exceeded his strength! "

Qi Baisheng's face returned to his former arrogance: "Li Hetu can only ensure that Yang Feng will not be killed at most."

Yang Feng also wants to rely on Jiangning branch to bring down our Zhang's house. It's really fantastic! Facts will prove that this time against our Zhang's house is the most wrong decision Yang Feng has made in his life! "

Li Wanxing also said: "the elder is right. Now that we have stabilized the market share of pills, we must let Yang Feng pay the price. Only in this way can we set an example to the others and let the people in the Jianghu know that all acts against our Zhang family will pay the price of extinction! "

Qi Baisheng's eyes were cold: "elder Li was right. We were tired of dealing with the pill share before. Now we can take out our hands to take care of Yang Feng - pudumen must be destroyed! Because this is the price pudumen needs to pay against our Zhang family! "

Li Wanxing was very excited: "what the elder said is what everyone in Zhang's house thinks. We must let others know that Zhang's house is invincible. Even if someone does anything against our Zhang family, he will pay the price of his life. Pudumen, this time it annoys our Zhang family. Next, we must make the Purdue door disappear! "

Qi Baisheng said, "OK, we can start planning the extinction of pudumen now..."


With the new wind rising in pudumen's market, a vigorous pill war began with the Zhang's house.

Jiangning's Jianghu has also been fried.

"Pudumen is so strong that it dares to directly confront Zhang's house in the pill Market of China Shipping province! As usual, Zhang's residence has dominated the danyao market in Zhonghai province for 20 years. No one has ever dared to confront Zhang's residence's danyao! Not even the chemical weapons gate! "

"Yes, Zhang's house has become a big Mac in the danyao market of China Shipping Province, synonymous with it! It is an invincible existence with an unchallengeable prestige! "

"Yes, over the years, no one has ever been able to tear a hole in the pill share of Zhang's residence. But pudumen actually cut down 70% of the share in three days, and once hit the Dan medicine share of Zhang's house to the terrible point of only 10%! Although Zhang's house is fighting back frantically, it has regained 30% of the share. However, pudumen still firmly occupied 30% of the share, and shared equally with Zhang's house. Purduman is so strong! "

"In such a short time, it is enough to share the same score with Zhang's house in the danyao market of China Shipping province!"

"The terrible Purdue gate. The rise of Purdue gate is simply a legend. The tiger wolf Association and the provincial Nanyun family were brought down before, and only in the past one or two months, they openly challenged Zhang's house. Purduman is crazy! "


The whole Jianghu in Jiangning is crazy and talking about pudumen.

Originally, the reputation of pudumen in the Jianghu was almost the same as that of the previous provincial Nanyun family. Everyone subconsciously thinks that there is a huge gap between purdumen and Zhang's house! Not a level of existence!

However, this time, pudumen openly attacked Zhang's house and shared the same score with Zhang's house in such a short time. It has shocked the people in the Jianghu. Everyone has vaguely placed pudumen and Zhang's house in the same position.

The reputation of pudumen is rising like the sun.


Chemical weapons gate.

Zhenwu Island, Zhenwu hall.

Qianshuimo wrote brush words on the chief desk.

Off the court, all twelve elders of Zhenwu Pavilion of Huawu gate are listed.

In addition, there are Qingmu, Yu Wenji, Qiangong Yu and Feng Tilan.

Zhenwu Pavilion is the most powerful force organization of the chemical weapons sect. Every elder of Zhenwu Pavilion is an evil monster with cultivation against the sky. Cultivation seems not to be under Feng Tilan, and even many are above Feng Tilan.

It can be said that Zhenwu Pavilion is the second largest killer of the whole chemical weapons gate except for thousands of ink and wash!

Megatron's existence!

Under normal circumstances, the twelve elders of Zhenwu pavilion are practicing in seclusion and crazy seclusion. Rarely pass!

This time, all the twelve elders of Zhenwu came to Zhenwu hall, obviously to discuss extremely important events.

Feng Tilan stood next to Qian Shuimo, stared at all the key figures in the audience and coughed: "another month will be the Dragon sacrifice once every five years. At that time, the sect leader will take the heroes of Jiangning into the Dragon hall and hold the Dragon sacrifice once every five years! This is the biggest event in Jiangning in five years. It must be done well, otherwise it will be bad if the dragon gate is not satisfied! "

The expressions of the twelve elders of Zhenwu are very serious.

This is a grand event. Dragon sacrifice will be held in the Dragon hall next to the hundred Nu River!

Once every five years, the chemical weapons sect does its best every time and dare not slacken.

Because anyone who has been to the Dragon sacrifice knows how terrible the Dragon sacrifice is!

Anyone who neglects the Dragon sacrifice will pay a very painful price. Even if the existence of a strong overlord like the chemical weapons sect is neglected, the consequences will be unimaginable. There will even be disaster!

Even the chemical weapons sect, let alone others!

Feng Tilan said, "now let's draw up a list of participants in the Dragon sacrifice. As usual, apart from our chemical weapons gate, only Zhang's house and Nanyun's house in province are qualified to participate in the Dragon sacrifice. Only the giants who have been granted the imperial seal by our chemical weapons sect are eligible to participate in the Dragon sacrifice. But now the cloud family no longer exists. Instead, it is pudumen. "

Feng Tilan turned his head and looked at Qian Shuimo and asked respectfully, "master, will you let pudumen take the place of the cloud family to participate in the Dragon sacrifice this time?"

Qian Shuimo wrote slowly. After a while, he put down his pen and said, "it should be so."

Feng Tilan said, "in that case, send the post of dragon sacrifice to pudumen. As for who to take, let Yang Feng decide. "

Qingmu immediately said respectfully, "yes, deputy sect leader, I'll arrange it now."

Feng Tilan nodded and said, "the Dragon sacrifice is a grand event held by the Dragon Gate in each provincial capital every five years. It is reasonable to say that the dragon gate will send a dragon messenger to supervise every Dragon sacrifice. Which expert of the Dragon Gate came to supervise our dragon sacrifice in Jiangning this time? "

Qian Shuimo thought for a moment, then said, "I haven't received the news yet, but in my opinion, the Dragon sect has an unparalleled sword to supervise the Dragon hall in Jiangning!"

The sword is unparalleled!

Everyone on the court couldn't help jumping when they heard the name!

The body and soul trembled suddenly.

This is the peerless swordsman who left endless legends in Jiangning!

Now, this sword with infinite legend color is unparalleled. Is it finally coming to Jiangning?

Many people want to see the unparalleled style of the sword!

Feng Tilan took a breath of air-conditioning.

Zhenwu's twelve elders also felt stagnant breathing.

The unparalleled power of the sword is rooted in everyone's heart and can't be shaken!

Qian Shuimo waved lightly: "well, don't talk about it. Those who should come always come. You go back and make good preparations for the Dragon sacrifice in a month. This time, there must be no accident!"

Feng Tilan said, "yes."

Zhenwu twelve old respectfully said, "yes!"


Zhang's house, Beishan.

Zhang Chaobei still sat on the stone, closed his eyes and cultivated meticulously.

Qi Baisheng respectfully went up the mountain with an invitation in his hand and sent it to Zhang Chaobei.

Zhang Chaobei, who was still practicing, didn't want to ask about anything. Even in the face of Qi Baisheng's arrival, Zhang Chaobei didn't meet. Just as he was about to ask Qi Baisheng to go down the mountain, Zhang Chaobei suddenly saw a black invitation in Qi Baisheng's hand.

Seeing the familiar invitation, Zhang Chaobei's disdainful eyes suddenly became respectful, and then stood up: "give me the invitation!"

"Yes, master." Qi Baisheng handed the invitation to Zhang Chaobei with respectful hands.

Zhang Chaobei bent down and bowed, raised his hands above his head and accepted the invitation respectfully.

It is hard to imagine that a giant as strong as Zhang Chaobei and crazy as Zhang Chaobei would be so respectful to an invitation!

After receiving the invitation, Zhang Chaobei opened it respectfully. He was very respectful and awed: "it's an invitation for Dragon sacrifice! For five years, the most terrible day has come again! "

Qi Baisheng stood beside him with a heavy look: "master, the Dragon sacrifice is undertaken by the chemical weapons gate. In fact, the organizer behind the scenes is the dragon gate. The Dragon sacrifice five years ago... "

At this point, Qi Baisheng seemed to think of something very terrible, and he was silent again.

Zhang Chaobei said, "the Dragon sacrifice once every five years has to go. It's also an honor to participate in the Dragon sacrifice. But this year I don't know who it will fall to! Go down, get ready, take the elite of Zhang's house and join the Dragon sacrifice. "

Qi Baisheng said, "yes!"

Zhang Chaobei waved and muttered to himself, "what should come will come after all."

Qi Baisheng did not step down immediately, but stood still.

Zhang Chaobei said, "what else can I do for you?"

Qi Baisheng said, "master, there are two other things. I think I should report to you."

Zhang Chaobei said, "say."

Qi Baisheng said, "first thing, because yunfeiyang and Yunjia are gone, Huawu gate decided to let Yang fengpudu gate take the place of the Yunjia in the south of the province in this dragon sacrifice."

Zhang Chaobei raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Are Yang Feng qualified to participate in the Dragon sacrifice, the highest event in Jiangning? Qianshuimo really took great pains. He spared no effort to cultivate an opponent for me. But I'm afraid Yang Feng is a helpless ah Dou. Qianshuimo, you'll be disappointed. "

After a pause, Zhang Chaobei continued, "what's the other thing?"

Qi Baisheng said: "another thing is about a detail of the open alliance between Wu Yanhong and Yang Feng at Pudu seven days ago. At the scene of the alliance at that time, in addition to Li Hetu, President of the seven chambers of Commerce, another standing member also witnessed. He is Lu Chengren, the uncle of nawuru! "

Zhang Chaobei listened patiently.

Qi Baisheng continued: "after the alliance ceremony, LV Chengren openly attacked Yang Feng to avenge Na wuru. When he started, LV Chengren opened 560 acupoints. He thought everyone thought Yang Feng would be killed directly. But no one expected that Yang Feng just slapped him lightly. As a result, LV Chengren was stunned by a direct slap. "

At this point, Qi Baisheng took a cold breath: "a slap stunned LV Chengren who opened 560 acupoints. Yang Feng's strength is not strong. I just got the news. I think Yang Feng is growing up too fast. It's terrible. We have to guard against it! "

Zhang Chaobei kept silent when he heard the news. After a while, he slowly opened his mouth: "I want to slap LV Chengren who opened 560 acupoints. At least a master who has to open 600 acupoints can do it! Did Yang Feng open 600 acupoints seven days ago? "

Zhang Chaobei was surprised!


Qi Baisheng continued: "when I first saw Yang Feng, he seemed very difficult to deal with Chu Caiyun. But Chu Caiyun is still a master of two-part recovery. But now only a few months later, Yang Feng has grown to a three-thirds master of Yuan returning who has opened 600 acupoints. At this rate, Yang Fengbao will soon open 720 acupoints, and it is even possible to cultivate 72 Tongti! "

After a pause, Qi Baisheng continued: "master, I thought Yang Feng might really become an opponent of our Zhang family. This time, Yang Feng and Jiangning branch openly launched a pill war against our Zhang family's house. Maybe he came prepared. I think we should start first. Now please kill Yang Feng and eliminate future troubles! "

Zhang Chaobei was silent.

If Zhang Chaobei had heard such news before, he would have felt very disdainful.

But now, hearing Qi Baisheng slowly tell these news, Zhang Chaobei actually has a feeling of uneasiness.

Qi Baisheng respectfully hugged his fist and said, "master, I know you are one of the strongest decision makers, but it's always right to be prepared. This is the unanimous suggestion of me and other elders. Please think twice! "

Zhang Chaobei said in a deep voice, "I know. I'll think about it carefully. Let's wait until the Dragon sacrifice. After the Dragon sacrifice, I Zhang Chaobei personally killed the Pudu gate. "

Qi Baisheng was overjoyed: "the master of the mansion is wise!"

Zhang Chaobei waved to Qi Baisheng to leave.

Qi Baisheng respectfully turned and left with a full smile on his face. As he walked, he murmured to himself: "hahaha, Yang Feng, an ant like you also wants to challenge my Zhang family. Soon you will know what price and despair are! Soon, you have only one last month left! "


A month later.

Pudu mountain, shangzi tower.

On the top floor of shangzi tower, Yang Feng's wild laughter suddenly burst out: "ha ha... Ha ha..."

This laughter, wind, arrogance, domineering, self-confidence