Chapter 60 Sleeping On The Same Bed

Name:Addicted To Love Author:Peach
Lucian volunteered to wash the dishes after dinner. Amelia stared at Lucian with unblinking eyes as she wondered if her ears were playing tricks on her. She squinted slightly as she asked Lucian, "What did you say just now?" Her words came out slow and soft as if she herself was unsure if she should confirm what she thought she heard.

Her curious eyes were as clear as a child's as she stared straight at Lucian who slowly turned towards her with a playful smile.

Lucian then stared steadily into her eyes and said clearly and softly, "The food you cooked were absolutely delicious. As a reward and thanks, please allow me to wash the dishes for you."

Amelia was unfamiliar to the sudden courtesy that Lucian expressed. But she knew him very well. So she decided to say nothing and silently walked out of the kitchen but stood at the doorway as a mute observer.

Lucian felt uneasy as Amelia's stare burned a hole at his back while he prepared to wash the dishes. So he turned to her and said, "If you're thinking of what to do while I wash the dishes, you can clean the living room or make a pot of tea for me."

His voice was gentle, but had an unmistakable commanding tone to it.

Amelia nodded and immediately went to the living room. She intended to clean it as he suggested. But as soon as she touched a newspaper on the center table, she was startled by a loud crashing sound that came from the kitchen. A bowl broke into a thousand tiny pieces as it fell to the floor.

Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Lucian never had to wash the dishes.

She hurried to the kitchen and saw him squatting down as he picked up the broken pieces of the unfortunate bowl on the floor.

Lucian raised his head and turned towards the doorway of the kitchen and saw her approaching. He was about to stop her, but Amelia was immediately down with her hand on the porcelain shards scattered all around the kitchen floor and was about to start picking them up.

"What?" Their awkward movements caused them to bump into each other by accident that caused Amelia to cut her finger on the sharp edge of one of the porcelain pieces that she reached for when she went down to help.

The wound on her finger bled immediately. Lucian instantly pulled her hand towards him and quickly placed her wounded finger into hi

oked good no matter what clothes he wore. His expression and voice had always captivated her and his choice of words whenever he spoke invoked images in her mind that made her wonder how she was able to stop herself from being attracted by her husband.

"Yes, I am a huge fan of my husband. And I think that it will be a great honor to take him out sometime." It was clear to her that he was thinking of other plans for her. His squinting eyes and impish grin were proof of it. She then started to wonder what would happen if she simply told him everything that was on her mind and made him happy.

Lucian rolled his eyes at Amelia with a boyish smile when he heard her response. He wanted to show that he was not buying Amelia's response. "I already know that everybody agrees that I am handsome," he replied back at Amelia confidently.

'Tsk, tsk, since when did he become so self-infatuated and shameless?'

Amelia cursed in her heart as she grinned from ear to ear. She felt powerless to refute and felt that it would be better to just let it pass. It was true, though, that Lucian was so handsome.

The good vibe during their breakfast extended to the Zhan Group's offices. Lucian told Amelia that there would be a meeting that would take up their entire day as they walked side by side from the lobby and into one of the empty elevators that waited for them. He wanted her to help him with the documents during the meeting. She smiled back at him but said nothing, indicating that she was happy to accompany him during the meeting.

'It's an internal meeting. It would be pointless for an assistant to attend,' Amelia thought to herself.

As if he read her mind, Lucian explained to her calmly, "As the wife of the CEO of the Zhan Group, you should learn more about the company and what makes it tick. This way, you can help me with business in the future."

Lucian's words surprised Amelia even more than the idea that he might've read her mind. She glanced towards Lucian and basked in the mature radiance that he emanated in his well-tailored suit as they went out of the elevator.

When they reached his office, he immediately went through several documents on his desk as Amelia watched briefly. His aura was charming and extremely irresistible as his slender fingers flipped through the documents.