Chapter 61 Sasha Got Injured

Name:Addicted To Love Author:Peach
How could she, an ordinary girl, meet such a handsome and exquisite man?

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Amelia entered the meeting room, following Lucian. When they entered, the representatives of all departments had already sat down. Everyone curiously looked at Amelia. Maybe it was because that they couldn't discuss anything without being too obvious about it. Even if they were confused, everyone tried to calm down and waited for the meeting to start.

The large meeting room was full of Lucian's colleagues, which made Amelia so nervous that her eyebrows twitched.

She bowed her head and followed Lucian. She kept her head down until Lucian took his seat.

She was too nervous to hear that Lucian had gently asked her to sit down.

"Mrs. Amelia, Mr. Lucian asked you to take a seat," reminded Eric, Lucian's assistant.

"Uh..." Amelia replied, her face hot from blushing.

Everyone's focus was on her, and her slow reaction was apparent to everyone in the room. They must have thought that the CEO of the Zhan Group married a dull woman.

Before the meeting began, Lucian comforted her and told her not to be nervous. She managed to calm her nerves and adjusted herself.

The atmosphere was quiet and even though Lucian had spoken in a low voice, his voice echoed in the room and everyone clearly heard him.

Amelia nodded sluggishly, her face still burning as if she were a student attending her first of school and was unaccustomed to a new environment.

"Give me the file," Lucian spoke to her, his voice low.

Amelia was alert this time

serious tone, "Be careful. Don't take Sasha's words to heart."

Amelia immediately straightened her posture and nodded approvingly, and with a little hesitation, she said, "But I feel terrible after hearing those words."

What Sasha said had something to do with Lucian. It's hard for her to not take them to heart.

"What did she say?" Lucian looked at her pursed lips and asked patiently.

Uh... Should she tell him? If she told the truth, Lucian would definitely be angry with Sasha. So after thinking for a while, Amelia chose not to tell the truth. She deliberately avoided the subject and asked whether he would go see Sasha.

"I was supposed to care about her, but she deserved it. Don't worry. Besides, Eric will come and tell me about her situation later." Lucian caressed Amelia's long black hair like it was no one's business.

Amelia was rendered speechless. She planned to visit Sasha during the lunch break. After all, it had something to do with her, and it was necessary to at least see if she was okay.

"I'm sorry. It is my fault that the meeting had to end so abruptly." She always felt guilty. No matter if what she did was right or wrong, she would take everything to heart as long as she was involved.

"Well, Amelia, your kindness doesn't mean that you can't tell right from wrong. If you still have a soft heart, this kind of situation will happen again." Lucian frowned as if he felt that she was too fond of taking responsibility for everything.

"Alright." Amelia nodded reluctantly. She did not know what more she could say.