When sealing, he saw Jingdong standing on the side of the road and crossing the car on the side of the road. He strode to Jingdong and saw that her face was a little tired and her skin condition was worse, but the person was intact, and the thick black under her eyes finally dissipated.

At first, he didn't care much when he heard that Jing Dong asked for a day's leave. He just thought it was something in the Jing family. He asked someone to inquire about it, and there was no abnormal behavior, but the next day he didn't get any news from him, so he began to send someone to look for it.

At this time, the Jing family also began to take action. After all, Jing Dong asked for leave from school. The Jing family didn't know what she was doing.

On the third day, everyone, including Jing family, began to worry.

If people don't come back, they can't be contacted!

Doesn't that mean something must have happened!

In the process of tracking, Feng Shi found that someone deliberately erased the trace of Jing Dong. Although similar things had happened before, Jing Dong appeared soon, so he was just surprised.

The person who tracked him this time told him that the person who erased the trace had better means and extremely strong background, which was likely to be Jun Fang.

Feng Shi didn't know what Jun Fang was doing looking for Jing Dong. The clue was broken in the capital. He immediately used all active relations to find Jing Dong and began to radiate outward from the capital.

In this way, an uproar began to rise in the capital. We all know that there is a powerful force acting in the dark, and a feeling of dark tide surged on our faces.

On the fourth day, Feng Shi began to change his mind and involuntarily thought of Jing Zhiyuan. The purpose of this guy hiding in Jing's house is unknown, but he should never appear here.

As soon as I inquired, I knew that Jing Zhiyuan had disappeared for several days, but this was normal for others and did not attract other people's attention.

This time is very strong. Jing Zhiyuan is a special person. Does it have anything to do with the disappearance of Jing Dong?

When sealing, immediately send someone to search for the trace of Jing Zhiyuan.

Feng Shi knew that if he couldn't find Jingdong again, he would really use some extraordinary means.

In that way, his identity will not be preserved, and it will also damage the interests of some people. In particular, if he goes to war so vigorously, many people will be afraid.

These are not the main things. The main thing is that Jingdong will also be exposed to people. Those who stare at him can't guarantee that they won't stare at Jingdong.

That's why he hasn't done it.

Fortunately, he tried to contact Jingdong again and again. The last time he contacted him, he rushed over.

As for Jing Dong's story about getting lost in the wild mountain, of course, he just listened. It should be that it needs to be kept secret. It's inconvenient for her to say.

When she saw Feng Shi, Jing Dong's gray mood suddenly became much brighter for several days. She didn't think much.

Only when he walked in did he find that there was a green shadow in the fundus of his eyes.

"You came so fast." Jingdong didn't know what to say for a moment.

When sealing, thin lips gently sip. Can you be unhappy.

When he couldn't find her on the third day, he was scared to death.

Afraid that hateful little medical assistant will disappear again!

When Feng Shi came to Jingdong, he had an impulse to hold her, but when he saw Jingdong's unprepared eyes, he stifled it.

He knew that if he did that, Jingdong would no longer have this mentality towards him.

"You'll make people worry," Feng said with a frown.

Jingdong smiled. "I know, my grandparents have called the police. I have to explain to them when I go back. Thank you for picking me up."