When Fengshi connected Jingdong, he left the county and drove to the capital.

Different from the average speed of 160 to 200 when you come, when you go back, close the speed of 80 and take the outermost lane.

Speed 80 per hour is the minimum speed of high speed.

"Next time you tell me something in advance, I can comfort the king family," Feng said.

Jingdong glanced at him gratefully and felt that this man was really good at sealing, "OK, I didn't expect this time."

She thought she only went for one day. Who thought she could hardly come back.

Moreover, the signal over there is blocked, and everyone can't contact the outside world, neither can she.

"How are my grandparents now?" Jing Dong asked uncertainly.

She mainly asked about their emotions.

When sealing, he glanced at her faintly with a smile, "not very good. They called the police yesterday morning."

Jingdong can imagine that the second old man must be very worried and angry under this situation.

Although she felt guilty, Jing Dong thought, won't she be beaten when she goes back?

Such an adult will be beaten again

But when I think about the old man's mood again, she deserved to be beaten.

Sighed. Jingdong was not in the mood to talk.

Find Jingdong again, feel much better when sealing, stop the secret action in the capital, and drive back with Jingdong enjoying the scenery all the way.

"Have you seen Jing Zhiyuan?"

After silence, a sudden question gave Jingdong a meal.

Then she replied, "No."

Why do you suddenly ask when sealing? It's to try Jingdong.

Smart as Feng, when Jing Dong's breath stagnated, he knew that she was really with Jing Zhiyuan.

Knowing this, Feng's mood sank a little.

Jing Zhiyuan is especially different from Jing Dong, and his attention is much higher than that of ordinary people.

To a certain extent, Jing Zhiyuan can be said to be a kind of person with him. He walks on the edge of life and death all year round and takes a very light view of feelings.

Such a person will not have feelings easily, but if they do

It's better to let Jingdong and jingzhiyuan have less contact in the future.

However, Jing Zhiyuan is more in touch with Jing Dong now than he is. In Jing Dong's heart, he should still be a partner

Think about some headaches. Small doctors are smart everywhere, but they are slow in this aspect.

After Jingdong answered, he reacted and turned to Feng, "why do you ask?"

Feng Shi: "Jing Zhiyuan has disappeared these days. I thought he went hiking with you."

The answer was too natural, but Jing Dong thought of Jing Zhiyuan's special identity.

I always think there's something strange in it.

No matter how slow the car was when it was closed, it still reached the door of the Jing family. The second old man of the Jing family had been waiting at the door long after he got the news. Seeing Jing Dong get off the car, old lady Jing shook off the old man's hand and greeted him.

Mr. Jing stood where he was with a calm face, angry and refused to pass.

Mrs. Jing looked at her up and down. "My little darling, why did you get lost? Why didn't you tell us before you left? Don't you know we're dying!"

Mrs. Jing spoke louder and louder. It was false to say that she was not angry, but she was more worried. If something happened, how could they live?

She said she was a granddaughter, but Jing Dong was closer than her granddaughter in the second old man's heart, and even treated her as a daughter.

The second old man can't even sleep these two days. He wants to find it with the boys below.

Jingdong looked guilty. "I'm sorry, grandma. I thought I could come back in one day..."

For a moment, she wanted to tell them the truth.