Jing Dong glanced at Jing Yuejun, who was also worried, and finally gave up the idea.

In order to push forward the progress, she must bear it now and never startle the snake.

When Feng Shi came forward to see the ceremony, he knew that the Jing family had a problem with him. He didn't follow him in. Tongjing Dong said hello and left.

After entering the old house, Jingdong and the second old man explained well, and they calmed down.

I've been worried these days. A big living man can't be found. Who can put him in a hurry.

Jing Zhishen explains the situation to the police station. Jing zhiting and Jing Zhixu are back.

After chatting with the second old man for a while, the second old man couldn't bear to have a rest. They were nervous these days, and they didn't have a good rest.

There are only a few brothers left. Jing Zhishen and Jing zhiting know that the second old man just said Jing Dong, and they don't know what to say.

Instead, Jing Zhixu looked at Jing Dong reluctantly and said, "you'd better hurry up and contact the school. In addition to asking for leave on the first day, the other three days can be regarded as absenteeism."

According to the regulations of Beijing University, absenteeism for more than two days will be dismissed.

Because Jingdong's whereabouts are unknown, Beijing University is not in a hurry to deal with it. Instead, it plans to wait until Jingdong comes back to explain clearly before dealing with it as appropriate.

After all, if an 18-year-old double doctor didn't make a serious mistake, ordinary schools wouldn't let people go.

But we can't let her break the school rules wantonly because of her talent, which many people are staring at.

The school has helped Jing Dong explain the situation these days. There are no unnecessary rumors below, but the teachers know that the rumors will certainly spread.

Her rhetoric is not good for the leaders of Beijing University.

At present, she still needs the job of Beijing University. After thinking about it, she can only ask someone for help.

After a brief cleaning up, she went to school in the afternoon.

Jing Dong is still very serious. He is absent from work for three days for no reason. If there is no good explanation, he can only be dismissed. Even if there is a good explanation, he will be punished.

So she came directly to the school leadership office.

It happened that the director of the human resources department was also in the office. When he saw Jing Dong coming in, he subconsciously frowned.

As the director of the human resources department, what he can't see most is that someone is absent from work for no reason. This person is still a people's teacher!

The director of the human resources department looked at Jing Dong calmly and frowned more tightly. She wouldn't think it would be all right if there was Jing family behind her?

In the morning, some people in the Jing family did come to greet and give gifts, but they didn't accept them. This kind of thing has caused a very bad impact, which can't be explained by getting lost.

The director of the human resources department said, "if Mr. Jing told us that we were lost, I'm afraid this matter can't be solved so easily. We can't explain it to other teachers and students."

Jingdong nodded. "It's not lost, but on business. I invited an elder to explain to the two leaders."

The director of the human resources department and the school leaders looked at each other. Did they invite people with higher status to exert pressure?

"If it's really business, you don't need someone to testify. You just need to tell me what business it is." the director of the human resources department doesn't believe she's for business.

It is understandable that young people are playful, but if they are teachers, they should have the consciousness and responsibility of teachers.

At this time, Hou Jingdong answered a phone call and then said to the school leader, "the person has arrived and has gone upstairs."

Not much. There was a knock on the door outside. The director of the human resources department opened the door of the office and saw two old people standing outside.