"How can you believe that Qin Dachuan was wronged?"

Before leader Chen answered, another leader stood up and frowned and questioned Li Wenguang.

"I have evidence."

Li Wenguang didn't even look at the leader and answered coldly.

"What evidence?"

The other leaders all raised their eyebrows and asked anxiously.

Zhang Yi's heart clicked and picked up the water cup.

Li Wenguang stopped talking.

Seeing that he began to be silent, the big guy could not wait to rush over, grabbed him by the neck and sternly questioned: you say, you say, you tell me, where is the evidence!

"Comrade Li Wenguang, where is the evidence that you can prove that Qin Dachuan is innocent and framed?"

Miao Dehai, the leader, asked what everyone wanted to ask urgently.

"In -- my heart."

Li Wenguang looked up at Miao Dehai and said faintly.

"In your heart?"

Miao Dehai's sparse eyebrows frowned.

Of course, he knows what Li Wenguang's so-called evidence is.

Just as Zhang Yi repents now, Miao Dehai also has an abnormal headache.

He thought that with the help of Zhang Yi, he was humiliated by the Oriental people, but he was afraid to stand up and testify for Qin Dachuan because of his face. He should turn black and white with the Oriental people and sacrifice a Qin Dachuan, but he could achieve overhead Zhang Yi. It was the best opportunity given to him by God.

As for how much wronged and hurt Qin Dachuan was -- Miao Dehai was so busy all day. Where was he free to ponder the feelings of a small citizen?

As long as the Oriental people can "uphold justice", they can invest in the king of the Tang Dynasty, build high-rise buildings, drive the economy of the king of the Tang Dynasty, and add a strong political achievement to him. This is enough.

Even if we have to think about the little people like Qin Dachuan, is it important that his innocence and the so-called justice can drive the rapid economic development of the king of the Tang Dynasty?

Sacrificing a Qin Dachuan can make the king of Tang get too many benefits. It's worth it.

Didn't Qin Dachuan's teacher tell him that national interests were above everything when he was at school?

Really, just sacrificing a Qin Dachuan can satisfy the Oriental people, continue to invest, seize Zhang Yi's fatal handle and completely overhead her -- just one word, value!

Therefore, after hearing Tian Hongqiang's report that he saw Zhang Yi at the scene, Miao de realized that this was an opportunity. He made a quick decision and set a trap for Li Wenguang around the shortcomings of women's saving face, so as to promote the development of the event to the side he wanted.

When Li Wenguang became angry in front of the provincial leader and director Li, Miao Dehai's plan was perfectly realized and achieved the expected income.

In fact, to tell the truth, as for whether Qin Dachuan or kutian Lianghe wanted to insult Zhang Yi, let alone Miao Dehai, even Tian Hongqiang, who protected the Oriental, didn't see it with his own eyes.

Only five people can know the truth: Qin Dachuan, his escape companion; Kuroda and two victims; Party Zhang Yi.

According to Miao Dehai's rich life experience, we can naturally see that as long as Zhang Yi doesn't say it, this matter will never be clarified (he knows better than many people, and even if it was done by Oriental people, they won't admit it).

It really doesn't matter to Miao Dehai who is the real hero and who is the gangster.

The important thing is that as long as he can get the benefits he wants, it's enough.

However, Miao Dehai never dreamed that the Oriental people were so confused that he didn't know how to deal with it. He had to hold an emergency meeting to put pressure on Li Wenguang to let go of kutian Lianghe and firmly wear the big hat of indecent women on Qin Dachuan's head.

Only in this way can we resolve the crisis faced by the whole leading group of the king of Tang Dynasty.

However, what makes Miao Dehai angry is that Li Wenguang has to "uphold justice" for Qin Dachuan and deal with the big guy with such ridiculous words that he has evidence in his heart.

What bullshit evidence?

It just implies that when I called you to inform you of the indecent assault incident in the southeast mountain area, I said that a female member of the team was involved, but I didn't say it was Zhang Yi.

And yesterday you asked, Zhang Yi didn't admit it, what can you do to her?

After not hearing Li Wenguang speak again, Miao Dehai frowned again, then smiled, looked at Zhang Yi and asked, "Comrade Zhang Yi, can you say something?"

"Comrade Miao, everyone."

Zhang Yi nodded, put down the cup in his hand, looked dignified and said: "in my opinion, the only way to solve the problem at present is to immediately lift the custody of Kamada Lianghe, and let the relevant responsible person make a public statement on the matter and apologize to the Oriental people."

If we put things at the height of the economic development of the king of the Tang Dynasty without involving some dirty struggles, the treatment scheme Zhang Yi said is undoubtedly the most correct and effective.

A large number of Oriental people waved small flags and gathered in the central hospital to demonstrate, just to see the result she said.

Everyone here knew it, so they nodded in response and said Mayor Zhang was right.

Only Li Wenguang asked expressionless, "Mayor Zhang, who should come forward to apologize to the Oriental people according to your meaning?"

Of course it's you!

Besides you, who else can come forward and apologize to the little devil?

The big guy thought so, and looked at Li Wenguang's face with a sarcastic look.

Zhang Yi blinked, looked at Li Wenguang positively and said slowly, "in my opinion, the Municipal Bureau should shoulder all the responsibilities and make a small thing like sesame into the size of watermelon."

"Hehe, sesame like little things?"

Li Wenguang sneered and said, "in Mayor Zhang's eyes, it is naturally a small matter for Qin Dachuan to be slandered by the Oriental people for his reckless escape. But for him, it was a major event that changed his fate. If the Municipal Bureau has not found out the truth yet, it will rely on the one-sided words of the Oriental people and force all the responsibilities on Qin Dachuan, that will be my biggest dereliction of duty. "

Zhang Yi's face turned red and his tone became severe: "well, let me ask you, under the current situation, do you have any good ways to solve the problem?"

"Two ways."

Li Wenguang answered in a deep voice.

Zhang Yi narrowed his eyes: "which two ways?"

"First, the parties themselves stand up and explain the truth of the case."

Li Wenguang stared into Zhang Yi's eyes. Almost word by word.

Zhang Yi sneered: "what if she doesn't stand up?"

Miao Dehai, who was sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight, said: "this problem will be discussed later. Comrade Li Wenguang, now talk about your second way. "

"The second way is to let the Oriental admit it."

When Li Wenguang said the second method, he was quite short of confidence.

It's more difficult for anyone to think about this than a dog.

"Comrade Li Wenguang, how can you be sure that the Oriental is a gangster who molested women, not Qin Dachuan?"

Secretary Chen couldn't help interrupting again and asked.

"Because I got a report from one of the direct parties, that is, Qin Dachuan's escaping partner, which is exactly the same as what Qin Dachuan said."

Li Wenguang replied: "after the indecent incident, Qin Dachuan was controlled by the police, so he had no chance to collude with his companions, but what they said, including every small detail, was completely consistent. Can't this prove that the Oriental people wantonly confuse black and white with the help of the women concerned? "

"But this does not represent direct evidence that the Oriental people confuse black and white!"

Secretary Chen said forcefully: "in my opinion, the best way to solve the problem at present is to release Guitian Lianghe immediately -- as for who will apologize to the Oriental people, there seems to be no need for so many people in the Municipal Bureau to come forward in person, Secretary Li?"

Miao de echoed on the seahorse: "yes, Secretary Chen is right. I can do the work of deputy bureau of Tian Hongqiang and let him stand up on behalf of the Municipal Bureau and apologize for the Oriental people. As for the truth, it doesn't matter at present. The most important thing is that the superior leaders are paying close attention to us, and our whole leading group is under unprecedented pressure of public opinion. "

"Comrades, now is the best opportunity for the great economic development of the king of Tang. If only because of the interests of one or two people, it will bring a devastating blow to the king of Tang's economy, then our current leading group will be the sinner of the king of Tang and will be firmly controlled in the pillar of shame and reviled by the people from generation to generation!"

Miao Dehai's voice became excited: "now, I propose to raise my hand to vote and immediately release kutian Lianghe. Tian Hongqiang will come forward on behalf of the Municipal Bureau to apologize to the Oriental people and solve the adverse situation facing the king of Tang Dynasty. If you agree, please raise your hand! "

He said, raising his hand first.

Zhang Yi followed -- except Li Wenguang, others looked firm and raised their right hands to support Miao Dehai's decision.

Since all questions involving a show of hands will be recorded and filed.

"Well, eight votes support and one abstention (because there is no vote, there is no need to raise hands again. Li Wenguang's vote is taken as abstention). The resolution is passed."

Miao Dehai put down his hand, straightened his chest, looked at Li Wenguang, and said positively, "Comrade Li Wenguang, please hurry to the central hospital immediately and resolutely implement the decision of the Standing Committee!"

Miao Dehai's voice didn't fall. The door of the conference room was pushed open. His secretary Xiao Wang took his mobile phone and said in panic: "Secretary Miao, leaders, there was an armed conflict in the central hospital. The two sides of the conflict were the police officers of the Municipal Bureau and the Oriental demonstrators. At present, four Oriental people have been injured --"

Without waiting for Xiao Wang to finish, Miao Dehai stood up, slapped him on the table and shouted, "play the piano!"

Li Wenguang was also surprised.

When he came to attend the emergency meeting, he repeatedly told Yang Jian, who was in custody of Kameda Lianghe, not to have any conflict with the Oriental people who demonstrated. Most of them were just Shabi who were bewitched. Once there was a conflict, things would be even worse.

I'm really afraid of anything.

Just now, he was thinking about lowering his head and forbearing for the time being (there was no way. Miao Dehai always pressed him with the big hat of Tang King's economic construction, which he really couldn't carry). There was an armed conflict over there, and four Oriental people were injured.

There was no time to ask Xiao Wang anything, so Li Wenguang rushed out of the office.

At this time, the sun is setting, and the rosy clouds are shining. They put on a beautiful colored dress for the world, which looks incomparably charming.

Especially when it shines on the water, it is like thousands of golden snakes shaking and dancing.

Fangyuan has no mind to enjoy the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Whoever's head hurts as if it's going to explode, will ignore all this.

"Are you awake?"

A girl's voice like a silver bell came from behind him.