Apart from the belief that God created man, life originated from water is the most convincing one at present.

A long time ago, a drop of water fell from the sky.

This is not a drop of ordinary water. When it drops on the planet, great gods such as the Jade Emperor, Granny Taishan, God, Virgin Mary Zeus and so on are possessed by the soul at this moment. It is not a drop of ordinary water. It is mixed with the most primitive origin of life - cells.

Monocytes gradually divided into multinucleated cells. Multinucleated cells became microorganisms after unknown years of evolution. Many years later, microorganisms finally made a qualitative breakthrough and evolved into an insect that can move in the water.

This insect, together with other same insects, eats extra meals every day. What's early, afternoon, tea and night? As long as it's awake, it opens its mouth to eat. It doesn't worry that its body will get fat and eventually become a fish.

A lot of such fish swim around in the water all day. They have nothing to do. They bubble sauna and play mahjong. Although the days are very leisurely, they are boring after all. They begin to be interested in the long-standing vegetation on the ground.

Therefore, they are eager to go to the earth one day. After all, at that time, all places of interest on the earth do not need to collect tickets. They are not afraid of bald shaved thieves and ox noses with hair. They will use your ignorance and piety to sell your faith, threaten to lure you to buy high-priced incense candles, and will not let you eat 381 prawns--

Generally speaking, the tourism environment at that time was still very healthy, which made the fish yearn. If they were lucky, they could also find dinosaur fossils and collect them for millions of years, which would definitely make future generations rich, drive luxury cars and soak up beautiful women.

So the fish began to climb to the shore, desperately.

At first, after they left the water, they still couldn't breathe. Then one day, a particularly clever fish found that they could breathe with their lungs, so they created a "lung suction skill" that is the best in the world, so they can crawl and play on the beach.

Many fish envy it. They carry pig heads and big white geese to the door to learn skills. What's more, they simply offer their daughter with both hands in order to walk around the square ground. The world is so big that they want to see it.

This master fish is also a kind-hearted Bodhisattva. He doesn't refuse anyone. At the worst, he just grabs the wives of other fish to lay eggs and have children for himself. He hasn't made any principled mistakes.

Year after year, more and more fish can enjoy the sun bath on the beach, but the beach is so big that fish squeeze fish and fish are next to fish. If anyone farts, fish within a radius of three kilometers will have to spit out, so it triggered a war, known as the fish war in history.

Those fish who do not pay attention to personal hygiene and fart indiscriminately are expelled from the beach by the fish school. In order to punish them for not knowing how to protect the environment, they are deprived of their right to return to the sea and expelled them into the forest.

There are still many terrible creatures in the forest, such as crocodiles, turtles and bastards. They are too strong to catch fish on the beach. However, they are not polite to these expelled fish. Even if they say they want to give their wives and children, they shout "brothers, let me eat" and jump on them.

The fish ran for their lives in a hurry and moved their slippery bodies with difficulty. They looked all kinds of manners, but no tortoise bastard was willing to appreciate their demeanor and still opened his mouth impolitely.

The fish had to run away and run away desperately. They suddenly found that they had grown limbs and the fish tail was gone. They could run on all fours like those tortoise bastards who caught them.

This made them very happy and hurried to flee deeper into the forest.

Deeper, there are more terrible monsters waiting for them, with sharper teeth and more cruel character -- seeing the brothers and sisters around die one by one, finally a fish tried to stand up and began to walk upright.

It doesn't know that its action of standing up and running upright can have cross century significance. With its empty forelimbs, it can pick up stones, sticks and other things to beat the indigenous people on the ground and develop its own ethnic group.

Slowly, they evolved into them, the most primitive human beings, and began to write a brilliant chapter of new species. After millions of years of evolution, they almost wiped out all the local beasts that threatened their lives.

Those who are more docile have been trained into horse racing, shepherd dogs and the most primitive alarm clock (big cock) and become their slaves for them to eat, drink and play -- until today, when we are idle and bored, we will stand in front of the wide French window and deeply consider when we can launch the Third World War.

As for the fish that defeated them on the beach hundreds of millions of years ago, we will certainly understand that sometimes victory is also a kind of sadness by watching them jump around in our aquarium and eat that one.

When Bai Hong was about to narrate the life history of Jiuyou world, Fang Yuan interrupted her and told her the origin and development history of human life he recognized.

Finally, he yawned, loosened Bai Hong's shoulder and walked back to the grass. He casually lay down with his hands holding the back of his head, his left foot on his right knee, looked at the bright night sky and murmured, "I'll go with drunk sleeping gentleman, and come back with Qin in the Ming Dynasty."

Fang Yuanyuan can interrupt Bai Hong, talk nonsense, and then have a good sleep. She doesn't want to hear her boast that Jiuyou world has studied the origin of life.

Due to some unwilling faces, Fang Yuan doesn't want to ask Bai Hong: since you say that Jiuyou world has found the origin of life, it is some ancient fish from ultra-high salinity seawater, where did these ancient fish jump out?

Bai Hong came over and sat down next to him. The graceful appearance under the starry sky is really charming, just like the most beautiful sculpture in the world. It is still alive and alive, which is more precious.

From her occasionally glowing eyes, Fang Yuan could see that she was not angry because she was interrupted. On the contrary, she was happy to listen to his nonsense here and hoped he could continue.

It is one of the basic principles of being a person. Of course, I don't care how much she wants to hear the story now. I just smiled at her gently, closed my eyes and soon snored gently.

Bai Hong's voice sounded like a dream, but he could walk into a dream: "in our world, the most primitive origin of life can only end with ancient fish. We don't know how ancient fish appeared before they became ancient fish. Because the ancient fish came from another world through a mysterious tunnel under the sea. "

"What kind of the world is that?"

It seemed that he should have fallen asleep. At this time, he opened his eyes and asked, "is it the so-called parallel world?"

Bai Hong didn't answer immediately. He looked up at the Beidou constellation in the northwest and said after a long silence: "you can also understand that they come from another planet. We can't imagine what kind of existence life is on that planet."

As long as people have a little astronomical knowledge, they know that there may be life on a planet tens of thousands of light-years away.

But even so, how did they come to earth?

"The sea is mysterious. At present, mankind can only explore a little of its fur at most. Only those people whose brain holes are wide open and regarded as nonsense may think that somewhere in the depths of the sea, a vortex with extremely fast speed will suddenly appear one night, producing unimaginable force, leading to space distortion and forming the so-called time tunnel."

Bai Hong softly explained: "some alien organisms that are not known to the world came to our planet through the time tunnel at a certain moment and became the ancient fish of the Jiuyou world -- that is, our pioneer."

"Well, you have a point. Tell me carefully and I'll listen."

Fang Yuan thought about it and thought it would be good to listen to other people's life development history.

He hopes that Bai Hong can have such a good eloquence as he can make him fascinated, so that he can temporarily forget that he is itching all over -- this should be the feeling that thin scales are emerging from his whole body.

Thinking that when the sun comes out tomorrow, he will become a mackerel, Fang Yuan feels sad in his heart. His interest in listening to the story is greatly reduced, but it is better than nothing.

Bai Hong seemed to know what Fang Yuan was thinking at this time. He looked down at him with an obvious look of guilt and regret.

It seems that the old witch (a woman who has lived for 357 years can't be called an old witch) still can't bear to turn Mr. Fang into a shark.

But what's the point?

Guilt, sorry and other bullshit emotions, can Mr. Fang's fish scales disappear and return to his handsome and handsome little white face image?

"The ancient fish that climbed from the deep sea to the upper ground, from climbing ashore to becoming human, is similar to what you just said, but the primitive species in the Jiuyou world are not available to the outside world, let alone heard of."

Bai Hong said softly, "when the ancient fish were just adults, they thought the world was what they saw. They didn't know that as long as they climbed out of the pit hundreds of meters deep and passed through a curved dark water lane, they could get out of the hole and see the sun and stars they had never seen."

Everything is changing all the time.

Finally, one day, a very boring man began to be interested in the world outside the pit, so he climbed out of the pit through all kinds of hardships.

"The man stood at the mouth of the cave and looked at the boundless blue sky, desert and sun. He didn't know until he stayed for a long time that the world they lived in was like a drop in the ocean compared with the outside world."

When Bai Hong said this, he looked up at the night sky again. His face was full of irrecoverable desire and greed.

She hopes that she can stay in this sky for a long time and lead her people to become the master of the world.

Fang Yuan interrupted her reverie: "so, after discovering that the outside world was wonderful, he began to think about how to take it for himself and become the master of the world."


Bai Hong shook her head: "at least not at first. That person just wants to dissolve into the world, enjoy the real sunshine and breathe the fresh air like you humans. "

"The man's request should not be difficult to achieve?"

Fang Yuan asked, "at that time, did countries exist outside?"


Bai Hong answered.