"What Dynasty is that?"

When Fang Yuan became interested, he turned over and sat up and reminded him, "you'd better say Chinese history, not foreign, such as Pompeii ancient city. I don't understand those."

"All right."

Bai Hong thought about it and asked, "what is the oldest Dynasty in China you can think of?"

"It should be the period of three emperors and five emperors."

Fang Yuan pondered and said, "however, that era was not a dynasty, but a tribe, such as the Yellow Emperor tribe, the Dongyi tribe and so on. The real Dynasty should start from the Xia Dynasty, the son of Dayu who controlled the flood. "

The Xia Dynasty is the first hereditary dynasty recorded in Chinese history books. It is generally believed that the Xia Dynasty is a country in the form of tribal alliance. The so-called "family world" in history began with the establishment of the Xia Dynasty.

"Hehe, that's even in the Xia Dynasty."

Bai Hong smiled with a perfunctory meaning.

Fang Yuan was dissatisfied: "what is called yes? Originally, the first dynasty of China began from the Xia Dynasty."

Bai Hong didn't want to argue with Fang Yuan. He just asked, "in your opinion, is it the Xia dynasty or ancient Egypt?"

Fang Yuan, who was always proud of being Chinese, said without thinking: "of course, China has a long history -- hey, in fact, ancient Egypt also has a lot of details. The two sides are almost the same, almost."

The Xia Dynasty (about 2146-1675 BC) began with Dayu and finally Jie. There were 17 rulers. It was the first dynasty in Chinese history and the first slavery Dynasty in China.

The Yellow Emperor before the Xia Dynasty (2717-2599 BC) was the leader of the ancient Chinese tribal alliance, the co owner of the ancient Chinese nation and the head of the five emperors. He was respected as the "first ancestor of humanity" of China.

However, according to the history of ancient civilization familiar to modern people, whether it is the first hereditary Dynasty in China, the great Xia Dynasty, or the Yellow Emperor, the first ancestor of humanity, can only be calculated as early as 2717 BC, and then pushed forward, it can only be traced back to the late Neolithic age, that is, the primitive society.

There is no civilization in primitive society. It's just a group of monkeys fighting with beasts with stones. Let alone studying aircraft artillery quantum satellites, even if there is a ramming house -- it's unimaginable.

However, the pyramids of ancient Egypt date back to 2600 BC.

In other words, when the Yellow Emperor, the first ancestor of Chinese culture, died, people had already built a tall pyramid, which fully responded to the trend of astronomy and geography. It is estimated that if they had raised money from outside at that time, they would not have wanted to get the key to their new house if there was no three or five hundred thousand square meters.

In this way, the history of Egypt is many years earlier than that of China.

This is also written in books: China has only 5000 years of history, but Egypt has 6000 years of history, a thousand years earlier.

How much things can be done in one thousand years, waiting for the current housing bubble to burst, is not a big problem.

Therefore, even if Fang Yuan is patriotic, he has to admit that ancient Egypt is the earliest country in the history of human civilization, such as the ancient Maya (400 BC) and Pompeii ancient city (1970s BC).

Apart from the legendary Atlantis, it is estimated that no one can be more corrupt than Egypt.

(according to the research on the discovered site fossils, it's a very bad existence. As early as 12000 years ago, people could drive Geely cars to pick up girls everywhere, but later they sank. Together with those super abnormal technologies, it's the greatest regret in human history. If this place can survive, maybe I'll call you now, Ask you, who lives on mercury, if the real estate developers over there are also worried about raising money and then covering up the price increase).

Without him, several pyramids built as early as 2600 BC strongly prove this.

"It's not almost, it's too far."

Bai Hong didn't save face for Fang Yuan at all. Although his tone was flat, it was particularly awkward in his ears. He couldn't help staring: "even if the history of Egyptian civilization is earlier than that of China, what's your business? You yearn so much for Egyptian history, why don't you go there and make trouble? "

Seeing that Fang Yuan was a little angry, Bai hongdai frowned and said, "what I said is too far away. It's not that Egypt was too early than China's history and civilization, but --"

Fang Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly and interrupted her: "you mean that China's history and civilization are earlier than Egypt?"

"Too early."

Bai Hong's face looked yearning. Looking at the distance, his voice was as ethereal as if it came from the famine era: "when my ancestors just came out of Lop Nur, which was still an oasis at that time, they saw people living and working in peace and contentment and tamed cattle and sheep, which made him extremely envious and hoped that he could become a member of external human beings --"

"Wait, wait!"

Fang Yuan cried, "please tell me how many years ago your ancestor saw us Chinese!"

Bai Hong looked down at him and said a moment later, "when our ancestors first set foot in the Central Plains, about 5000 years later, the first pyramid appeared in Egypt."

"Lying trough!"

Fang Yuan has always been a good young man who doesn't say dirty words (even if Bai Hong is an old witch in her 300's, but she is young and handsome, and a super first-class Jiao didi beauty). This time, an exception has been made.

He really can't believe what Bai Hong is saying is true.

I'm sure it's just to make him happy. After all, it's "fiancee and husband". It's the duty of every wife and fiancee to make her husband happy. Only in that way can a man be willing to pull a condom, throw his head and blood for their good life, and be willing to be a cow and a horse.

Similarly, only those women who are silly and think they are very strong will be proud of their men's "fear of their wives". They are silly and happy. They simply don't know that when men are afraid of her, they will lose their spirit of making progress, so that she will never be able to drive a luxury car, carry a name bag and coax her baby to make money like Mrs. Ma, but they hang out with little white face at home.

Women who are afraid of men are destined to eat bran and swallow vegetables and wear stall goods all their lives. Therefore, I advise female friends to go and stop being proud of taming men, because you don't know that while you are proud, you also lose the qualification to drive a luxury car, carry a name bag and keep a small white face.

Strange -- why did brother get involved in this problem again?

Sorry, I'm not very smart today. It seems that I'm dreaming. Gaine really had a nightmare last night and didn't have a state, so you should be a fool. After spitting on your brother's face, resist the urge of nausea and continue to watch.

Bai Hong is powerful. At least she can be immune to Fangyuan's rude words. She smiled softly and said, "I'm not coaxing you to be happy. The historical records in Jiuyou world recorded in detail the time when the ancestor went out and what he saw and heard."

"OK, OK, please go on. What did your ancestor do when he saw that people in the outside world were jealous of living and working in peace and contentment?"

After Fang Yuan nodded again and again, he suddenly thought of something: "frighten, the prosperous scene seen by your ancestor can't be the period in the ancient Chinese legend?"

The ancient legend of China dates back to about 10000 years ago.

The typical representative figure is empress Nuwa.

Nuwa, also known as the queen of Wa and the goddess of vulva in historical records, is the earliest humanistic pioneer of the Chinese nation. It is said that Nuwa made people, changed 70 times a day, made people with yellow mud, created human society and established a marriage system.

As for whether empress Nu Wa really existed, no one can be sure, but there is her tomb on the Loess Plateau. It is about thousands of years ago. It is similar to the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. It was built by later sons and grandchildren to commemorate her.

"I don't know."

Bai Hong shook her head and said, "in a word, when the civilization on the Chinese side reached a fairly high level, Egypt is still in a matriarchal society. As for why China did not leave something like the pyramid to boast of its great achievements, it is actually because the ancient wise kings paid more attention to the people's livelihood. How could they oppress the people because of where they were buried after their death? "

"It must be so. Our ancestors were always low-key and high-profile, and even modest enough not to let people record their great achievements. Therefore, they were thought by those shallow archaeologists that they only lived in ancient myths, and went to hold the feet of the Egyptians who bullied the people to build tombs for themselves."

Fang Yuan nodded seriously and said so.

Mr. Fang may be right. Just like the so-called authoritative scholars in the west, they always doubt that China has no 5000 years of history and culture. The 800 year old Zhou Dynasty is a blank period in their view.

Those earth buns who haven't seen the world don't know how low-key and modest King Zhou Wen, who founded the Zhou Dynasty, is?

King Wen just wanted the people to live better, so he didn't bother to do things like pyramids.

If King Wen was like one of his descendants, the one who played with princes in order to make his wife happy, he would have left 180 pyramids and Stonehenge.

(this was done by boss Zhou Youwang. In order to make Baosi a fool happy, he lit a beacon and coaxed the princes to rescue him. If he did so again and again, it turned out that an enemy came and he lit the fire again. He called to inform all bosses to come to King Qin to rescue him, but no one listened.)

The book belongs to the true story.

Bai Hong's ancestor found that the outside world was so big that the Chinese people had to go out. After walking, he immediately returned to the Jiuyou world, told these to the Lord of Jiuyou at that time, and strongly encouraged the Lord to go out quickly, otherwise the territory would be robbed.

Unfortunately, the sisters' blood was poured with cold water.

The Lord of Jiuyou who was in power at that time thought: if he really went out, would these boys listen to me after seeing the world?

No, you can't go out. You can't even let others know that there is a wonderful world outside the Jiuyou world!

Anyone who knows must die, lest he deceive the public.

Therefore, the ancestor who was lucky to see the great beauty of the outside world was tied to the shelf like Uncle Copernicus, who stubbornly believed that the sun was the center of the universe. His feet were filled with firewood and burned to death.

It was her people who died, but her great thought did not perish!

The world is so big, I want to go out for a walk -- this great idea has always been deeply hidden in the heart of the people of Jiuyou, and gradually fermented. After years of brewing, it has become a reality.

"At that time, two people were ordered to go out of the Jiuyou world and come to the world."

Bai Hong said, "it was a mother and daughter. They saw the world described by their ancestors, knew a businessman surnamed Ma, and invited him to Jiuyou world."