Deep in the mountain, after the system blocked the surrounding space, Su Chun took out the qinglingxian city.

Looking at the continuous "dripping" rotation in the palm of his hand, Su Chun seemed very excited about the green fairy city. Su Chun no longer hesitated and moved slightly in his heart. On the other hand, the green fairy seal slowly floated in the palm of his hand.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

At the first time when the green fairy seal appeared, the city was shocked, and the space around the green fairy city and the green fairy seal trembled slightly.

Then, the tremor became stronger and stronger, and the ripples in the space continued to swing in all directions, and finally even shrouded the whole mountain.

If Su Chun hadn't worried about such a thing in advance and let the system block the world within a thousand miles around him, such a big movement would have attracted the attention of countless people.

Looking at the green fairy city and green fairy seal that constantly attract each other in their own hands, Su Chun no longer hesitated and directly wanted to close his hands together.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!"

As qinglingxian city kept getting closer to qinglingxian seal, bursts of strange spatial fluctuations like heart beating came out. At this moment, Su Chun felt a trace of life fluctuation from above qinglingxian city.


When the distance between qinglingxian city and qinglingxian seal was less than an inch, suddenly, there was a sudden change.

I saw the qinglingxian city that was still in Su Chun's palm. When the qinglingxian seal entered it and integrated with it, it suddenly rose into the sky.

Then when it reached as like as two peas, it suddenly split up and suddenly saw nine small cities that were exactly the same as the green Ling Xian City, and in the middle, the green fairy imprints were floating quietly.

Between each small town and the green fairy seal, there is often a mysterious, if not, wonderful light beam like a dream.

Rao Shichun was stunned by the sudden change.

However, when he looked at the nine small cities floating in the air, he finally remembered where he had seen them. When he got to qinglingxian City, qinglingxian city was the ancient secret place and the nine cities under the nine restricted areas.

Only because he was recovered by himself and recognized the Lord, did he become one and become the current qinglingxian city.

At this time, the nine small cities in the upper air constantly resonated with the green fairy seal. As time passed, the resonance between the nine small cities and the green fairy seal became stronger and stronger.

At the same time, on the high altitude, there is also a desolate smell of years.

At this time, there was a sound like a beating heart on the nine small cities. At the same time, their resonance with each other became more and more harmonious, as if they were to be integrated at any time.

Finally, when this resonance reached a certain point, with a loud noise, all the nine small cities went towards the green fairy seal in the middle.


Suddenly, I saw a blue light column suddenly burst out from the sky, straight into the depths of the sky.

It took about half an hour for the terrible blue light column to subside gradually, and then return to calm again. Then, when Su Chun looked high above his head, a different color appeared in his eyes.

Compared with the former qinglingxian City, great changes have taken place in qinglingxian city at this time. Some mysterious and obscure runes are carved on the bronze walls.

In its body, it constantly exudes a long breath from a long time.

If the former qinglingxian city was a superb fairy weapon, then the qinglingxian city at the moment is only mysterious, simple and thick with vicissitudes of life, as well as the indelible artistic conception of long years.

Looking at the reborn qinglingxian city above her head, Su Chun slowly stretched out her hand. She saw that the qinglingxian city slowly fell from the sky, and then appeared on Su Chun's palm.

Looking at the qinglingxian city in her hand, Su Chun felt a slight movement in her heart, and then her divine consciousness probed into it.

There was no change inside qinglingxian City, but Su Chun found that over qinglingxian City, qinglingxian seal was floating on it, emitting a mysterious power.

In addition, the biggest change of qinglingxian city is that the embryonic development of the world is becoming more and more perfect. The sun, moon, stars, flowers, trees, mountains and rivers are no longer maintained by aura, but gradually have independent life.

However, the puppets of the sect were still in the state of stone statues, and there was no fluctuation in their vitality. Although they regretted this, Su Chun was not in a hurry.

Since the flowers and trees in qinglingxian city already have independent lives, I believe it won't be too far until these puppets fully have independent lives.

After thinking of these, Su Chun put away the of qinglingxian city and looked at the light curtain on one side.

However, when he looked at the light curtain, he only heard an angry roar burst out on the light curtain.

"Who is it, I swear, if I catch you, no matter who you are, I will die!"


On the light curtain, Nanming Xianjun, who had recovered his mind, turned his white hair upside down, without wind, regardless of the deep blood mark on his chest.

The terrible mind instantly covered more than half of the spiritual continent, several stars and countless stars. The fear of Xianjun level swept across the continent of the spiritual realm without covering up, which made countless people with low cultivation pale and sweating.

Looking at Nanming Xianjun who was going crazy on the light screen, Su Chun shook his head and ignored it. He was about to wave off the light screen in front of him, but at this time, he was suddenly stunned, followed by the sound of the system in Su Chun's mind.

"The space-time tracker has been deduced by the practitioners of the Immortal Emperor level. Do you want to leave temporarily?"

Hearing the system prompt sound suddenly ringing in her mind, Su Chun was surprised and asked, "the system, the space-time tracker has been found?"

Su Chun was surprised. According to the truth, only when the space-time tracker is in the current space-time, can it be found by those who have high accomplishments.

The space-time tracker he arranged in Xianying building has a level of level 4. The hidden position is in the space-time limit it can reach, 200 years deep in space-time.

Unexpectedly, someone else could find out. Su Chun didn't expect this.

"The other party didn't find the specific location, but through the deduction of the secret of heaven, he found the abnormality here. Someone was peeping in the dark."

Just when Su Chun was surprised, the voice of the system rang out from his mind again.

After hearing these words of the system, Su Chun suddenly knew that if it was the existence of Xiandi, it would be reasonable to deduce a secret and calculate something to calculate these.

After all, not to mention that the demon king of the demon world came across the border from Yeli, it has attracted the attention of the fairy world. Let alone that Yeli waved to destroy the fairy studio and fought with Nanming Xianjun. I'm afraid this world has long been noticed by the people on the top floor of the fairy world.

The green immortal seal of Nanming Xianjun disappeared imperceptibly under the gaze of so many powerful eyes. It's strange that it didn't attract the attention of these people.