Knowing that the other party was not aware of the specific location of the space-time tracker, Su Chun was too lazy to take other measures.

"Since the matter of Xianying building has been solved, it doesn't make sense for the space-time tracker to stay there. Withdraw..."


At the moment when the system voice falls, the space-time tracker on the spiritual continent directly escapes into the depths of space-time, and then disappears.

On the spiritual continent, somewhere in the extraterritorial void, almost at the moment when the space-time tracker disappeared, countless people opened their eyes, and their huge thoughts were unscrupulously patrolling the spiritual continent. During this period, no one was aware of it.

After a long time, these lost thoughts hovered over the spiritual continent for a long time before they reluctantly dispersed. Nanming Xianjun, who remained alone in the sky and exuded a gloomy atmosphere.

"Hum, if anyone dares to say half a word about today's matter, he will die!"

At this time, Nanming Xianjun looked around indifferently, especially the top forces on the spiritual continent. The meaning of the words is self-evident.

Although he didn't explain what it was, everyone in the spiritual realm knew what he meant, even if he thought with his ass.

As the top level of existence in the fairyland, the last blood spitting gate incident has spread in the upper circle of the fairyland. Today, he once again made a blood spitting baby in public. If it is spread again, his face will be completely thrown in.

He believed that in the spiritual world, absolutely no one would spread this matter, and even those with deep foundation would restrict themselves.

However, his idea is very good, but what he can't think of in any case is that what happened in his previous war with Yeli has already spread to the whole fairy world through the light curtain.

Even about his blood vomiting, countless people have used the memory crystal to play back indefinitely and sold it wantonly in the whole fairyland.

"Ha ha, Nanming, I dare say that you are definitely the biggest laugh of the year!"

At this time, a wild laughter suddenly sounded over Lingyue continent, followed by a virtual shadow suddenly appeared in the sky.

The visitor was dressed sloppily and hung a white wine gourd around his waist. He looked like a beggar from a distance. But when he saw the visitor, Nanming's cold face couldn't help showing a dignified color.

"Drunk call flowers!"

"Tut Tut, I don't know why. I feel itchy when I see you as white and like a dog..."

The middle-aged man, called Zui Jiaohua by Nanming, smashed his mouth a few times, then stretched out his hand behind him, grabbed it hard a few times and said, blinking his eyes.

"Hum, say something quickly. I don't have time to gossip with you!"

Obviously, although he was afraid of each other, Nanming's face sank involuntarily when he saw the sloppy appearance of the person in front of him, especially the black mud in each other's fingernails.

"Oh, it's no big deal. I just want to show you something so that you won't lose face here!"


He was pointed to his nose and said that he was ashamed. Nanming was immediately angry. His eyes became gloomy, and his gloomy breath increased a bit. He was about to run away.

However, at this time, I saw that the virtual shadow of drunk flowers had disappeared, and instead was in place, leaving a projected picture.

Seeing this projection picture, Nanming frowned, but he still looked at it. However, when he saw himself in the picture, the whole person couldn't help shaking.

On the virtual shadow picture, it was the moment when Nanming vomited blood, and the picture of Yeli standing in situ with a stunned face, and the same picture was still playing back, especially the action of his vomit blood, which was constantly repeated.

The whole picture is funny, but Nanming's face is hard to see.

"I don't know why. I always feel that something is missing from this picture. If I could have more happy music, it would be more interesting..."

At this time, I saw the virtual image disappear, followed by the figure of drunk crowing flowers again. But at this time, Zui Jiaohua looked at Nanming and said, his face full of pity.


Listening to the drunken scream in his ear, Nanming suddenly gave a cold drink. He looked coldly at the drunken scream, and his killing intention in his eyes was undisguised.

Obviously, he thought it was made by drunken crows and deliberately made himself ugly.

"Don't stare at me. I have nothing to do with this. If you don't believe it, go to Shenque, Xiannan and the ice field."

"Now about your blood spraying action, it has been made into a memory crystal projection by countless people and sold to all parts of the fairyland. The price has gone up and scared people to death. I tell you!"

"What?" Nanming frowned when he heard drunk crowing flowers. At this time, his first reaction was not others, but how the other three continents knew about it.

It seemed that he saw the doubts in Nanming's heart. He saw drunk Hua hehe smile. Then he went to the wine gourd, took a sip of wine, smacked his mouth and said, "I said you can keep the news closed. I'll give you a hint, Lord of the light curtain!"

"You mean..."

Hearing the words of drunk flowers, Nanming was slightly stunned in his heart. Then he seemed to think of something, and a dark and cold killing opportunity suddenly appeared in his eyes.

With him as the center, the terrible God thought burst out and covered the whole spiritual continent.

However, after seeing his action, Zui Jiaohua shook his head and smiled, "don't waste your energy. He has already left, and even if he doesn't go, don't try to find it with your Taoism."

"Because those people almost tried to catch them at the same time, but as a result..." when I said this, Zui Jiaohua took another sip of wine and shook her head.

"It doesn't matter anymore. The important thing is that I can be sure that the green fairy city and the green fairy seal are in the hands of the Lord of the light curtain!"

"Only those who get the qinglingxian city will want to get the qinglingxian seal. After getting the qinglingxian seal, it means that the qinglingxian city is about to wake up."

"I believe that the so-called Lord of the curtain of light, I will see him soon. At that time, I will let him know that Ben Jun's things are not so easy to take. I have to spit out 100 times and 10 times as much as I eat!"

"Now, I'm looking forward to the immortal devil road being opened earlier..."

With that, Nanming looked down at the blood mark on his chest, threw his big sleeve, stepped out step by step, and then disappeared in place.

"Oh, Nanming, qinglingxian city is not so active. Whether it's you or the strange Lord of the light curtain, it's just that there are no bones left to eat at that time..."

At the end of the conversation, Zui Jiaohua shook his head, and the virtual shadow disappeared. Peace was restored between heaven and earth again. Below, the area where the fairy shadow building is located was completely turned into a dead land.

At the same time, Lingyu continent, Daoyuan Xianyu, was the location of the last transmission array that Su Chun and Xia Bing fled.

Su Chun stands high above the sky and looks at the area that has been razed to death below. Su Chun's face is calm.

At this time, he couldn't help thinking of the scene that Xia Bing died on the spot in order to save him.

Looking at the purple lotus pattern on her hand, Su Chun moved slightly in her heart and said to the system, "system, unlock her seal..."
