As the voice fell, Su Chun felt something suddenly disappear from his hand. Then, he saw a purple lotus shadow on the palm of his hand.

Then, the purple lotus virtual shadow turned into a human shadow. It was purple lotus!

In fact, as early as the day Su Chunxia's ice body died, when Su Chun decided to use God's hand, he had ordered the system to seal the memory crystal in his hand that can project the virtual shadow of purple lotus at any time.

"Are you still alive?"

The first time Zilian appeared, she didn't ask Su Chun why she wanted to seal the memory crystal, but her eyes looked at Su Chun blandly and said.

Hearing the speech, Su Chun smiled and said, "thanks to you..."

"Nothing. After all, we have a cooperative relationship now. I still need your help to check some things. It's hard for me to find a suitable partner after you die."

Purple lotus stood on Su Chun's palm. After glancing at the surrounding environment, her eyes flickered a few times and then stopped talking.

They had a tacit understanding and didn't ask much. After all, they both had their own secrets. The purpose of cooperation was to achieve the purpose they wanted to achieve in each other's hearts. As for others, seeing through without telling was the least rule.

"Are you going to take revenge?" at this time, purple lotus asked again.

Hearing the speech, Su Chun didn't deny it. That's why he called out purple lotus. He just wanted to confirm the depth of Daoyuan Xianzong through purple lotus.

Seeing this, Zilian was also very straightforward and said directly: "I have made a deep exploration of the Taoist yuan Xianzong last time. Among them, the person who has the cultivation of Xianjun realm is not in the first hand."

"In addition, there are several secret spaces shrouded by the power of law in the depths of Daoyuan Xianzong. I even notice a stronger breath than Xianjun level. Therefore, if you are not sure of winning, I suggest you not be impulsive."

Hearing Zilian's words, Rao Shi had long known that Daoyuan Xianzong was strong and had a deep foundation. Su Chun was shocked.

"I see..."

Smelling the speech, Zilian nodded and disappeared into Su Chun's hand again. Seeing this, Su Chun looked into the depths of Tao Yuan's star domain, and his eyes twinkled with the color of thinking.

After a long time, Su Chun's eyes flashed a resolute, "anyway, Xia Wudao must die!" thinking of this, Su Chun no longer hesitated, stepped into the transmission array, and then disappeared.

Daoyuan Xianzong, the mountain behind Guangming peak.

Xia Wudao closed his eyes and surrounded his body with mysterious breath. With his continuous breathing, the flowers and plants around him also fluctuated, like breathing.


At this time, Xia Wudao suddenly opened his eyes and opened his mouth with a mouthful of blood.

"It's a little short, what's the difference..." waved to calm the constantly surging Xianyuan force in Xia Wudao's eyes.

"Is it the last step to break through to Xianjun..."

On an uninhabited star not far from the star where Daoyuan Xianzong is located, Su Chun looked at the picture on the light curtain in front of her, and a flash of pure light flashed in her eyes.

But soon Su Chun shook his head and stopped thinking. In his eyes, Xia Wudao was already a dead man. Even if he can't destroy Daoyuan Xianzong today, Xia Wudao will die!

Thinking of this, Su Chun said to the system, "system, what is the explosion point of God's gun?"

"The rental time is 10 million explosive points per minute. For each launch, God's gun needs to pay another 30 million explosive points. The time interval for each use is half an hour!"

Looking at a white sphere as big as the moon hanging in the sky on the light curtain in front of her, Su Chun couldn't help feeling a burst of flesh pain while listening to the introduction of the system.

God's gun, in addition to the rental time, has to pay the explosion point for each launch, and each time it is used, that is, it takes half an hour to fire a gun.

Including all his current wealth, it's enough to shoot two shots in total!

But thinking about what he's going to do next, it's not too expensive to think about the 40-50 million explosion point of this shot.

"Do you want to use?" at this time, the prompt sound of the system sounded in my mind.

Hearing the speech, Su Chun no longer hesitated, and a cruel color flashed in her eyes, "yes!"

At the same time, over the back mountain of Daoyuan Xianzong, when Xia Wudao was meditating, a long lost palpitation suddenly rose in his heart.

It was a chill from the depths of the soul.

Suddenly, at the next moment, Xia Wudao's heart suddenly jumped wildly, his eyes twinkled, and his eyes looked directly at the sky above his head.

I didn't know when there was a round of pale full moon. At this moment, all the creatures in the whole Daoyuan secret realm saw this strange scene.

Almost at the same time, at the moment when the strange full moon appeared, in the deep space of the secret land of Daoyuan, several terrible eyes suddenly opened and stabbed into the sky.


However, in everyone's heart, they were surprised and puzzled. In countless Daoyuan Xianzong, when the strong existence was just ready to explore, everything happened too fast.

Without warning, space collapsed, time and space distorted, and the terrible white beam broke through all obstacles and arrived in an instant, and then blasted into the back mountain of Guangming peak under the eyes of countless people!


At the moment when the terrible white light beam fell, the world was suddenly quiet. All the disciples of Daoyuan secret place were stunned at this moment.

The terrible spatial fluctuation is like a big wave. One layer after another takes the main peak of Guangming peak as the center and swings in all directions.

At this time, looking at the place behind the Guangming peak of Daoyuan Xianzong, I saw a huge pale light beam, which was blocked by the white robed old man who suddenly appeared in front of Xia Wudao at the moment of falling from the sky.

Of course, it was blocking, but in less than half a breath, the old man, who was full of Xianjun realm, was directly swallowed by the white light beam, and then continued to bombard Xia Wudao unimpeded.


All of a sudden, it was impossible to defend against the attack. Rao was Xia Wudao, who reached the peak level of Jiutian Xuanxian.

However, although the appearance of the old man in Xianjun realm just now had less than half a breath, it was enough to make Xia Wudao make the most critical response.

The terrible white light beam directly annihilated Xia Wudao's body, while Xia Wudao's general yuan God left at the most critical time!

Su Chun, who always paid attention to this scene, saw that some yuan gods escaped from Xia Wudao, and her eyes sank slightly.

Just as Xia Wudao and others thought, everything was unexpected. He didn't expect that there would be an Immortal King level around Xia Wudao to protect secretly.

At the most critical time, he earned time for Xia Wudao to run for his life.

Looking at the missing Xia Wudao's little half god, Su Chun couldn't help sighing. He knew that he had no chance to give him a second shot.

Because he could feel the terrible breath coming from the depths of the stars where Daoyuan Xianzong was located towards his position.

Thinking of this, Su Chun took a deep look at the stars in the distance. After a look at the stars where Daoyuan Xianzong was located, his heart moved slightly, the reincarnation stone plate started, and then disappeared from the original place with the gun of God.