Chapter 91 - Alexi Studios.

Johnson grabbed his phone and dialed Alexi. She picked up the call in 5 rings.

"Hey, my sweet brother-in-law. Tell me, how can I help you with my sister?" Alexi asked.

"How do you know I want help?" Johnson asked.

"I know, that's it. Now, come to the point. What help do you need from me?" Alexi asked.

"I am having a date with your sister and I want to know what she likes and dislikes." Johnson said.

"Oh, okay. She likes... Wait... What?... What did you just say? Date?" Alexi shouted on the phone.

"Hush! Yes, I and Samantha are going on a date. So, tell me what she likes?" Johnson asked.

"Wait... Did she accepted to go on a date with you?" Alexi asked.

"Yes, actually Samantha asked. She told me, she will plan it but I opposed it and said to her that I will plan it. Now, I want to make it special for her." Johnson answered.

"Omg, I can't believe it. Ok, I can't tell you about her likes and dislikes on the phone. Come to silver cup studio 4, okay?" Alexi asked.

"Okay, I will be there in 30 minutes." Johnson replied.

"Okay, see you." Alexi said.

"See you." Johnson replied and ended the call. Johnson started the engine and drove to the studio.

Johnson soon reached the silver cup studio 4 and parked the car and got out. He took out his phone to call Alexi but before he dial her, someone called his name.

"Mr. Davis." Someone called and Johnson turned around and saw a man.

"Yes." Johnson said.

"Hello, Mr. Davis. I am, Max Evenly. Ms. Julie told me to receive you." Mr. Evenly said.

"Oh, okay. Lead the way." Johnson replied and he took him inside the studio.

Johnson saw Alexi and a man in there costume and filming on the green and white screen sheet when Johnson entered the set. Alexi also saw Johnson from the corner of her eyes too.

The crew recognized Johnson and got shocked to see him there but some crew members are busy with filming like Direction Department and DP crew.

"Mr. Davis, Ms. Julie is in her shot. Until the shot complete, please have a sit." Mr. Evenly said and Johnson nodded his head and sat on the couch, seeing the scene.

"What don't you understand me, Brittany. I don't love you now." Said the co-star of the Alexi.

Johnson knows him very well, he is Oliver Christan, the top actor in Hollywood, they both met in some gatherings but aren't close but Martin and he is close to each other, they both are friends and the Brittany is the name of Alexi in the Film.

"Let me see." Said Alexi, means Brittany.

"Kiss." Director shouted and suddenly Alexi kissed the man on the lips and Johnson felt uncomfortable. Maybe, people staring at Johnson when Alexi kiss the man as it's a French kiss which making Johnson more uncomfortable.

"God! If Martin sees this, he will die on the spot with a cardiac attack." Johnson murmured. 

"Cut." Direction shouted and got up from his seat and said.

"Alexi, the kiss is not perfect. Let's try again." Director said and Alexi looked at Johnson. Maybe thinking the same and she also felt uncomfortable seeing Johnson this kiss scene.

"Action." The Director said.

"Let me see." Alexi said and kissed Oliver again.

"Cut." The Director said again.

"Alexi, you did so many kiss scenes before then why are you looking uncomfortable while kissing?" The Director asked, Mr. Arlo.

Of course, Johnson knows him too. He is also one of the famous directors in Hollywood.

"Mr. Arlo, can we do this scene tomorrow?" Alexi asked.

"No, Alexi. You know, right from tomorrow we are starting your action scene." The Director replied and Mr. Evenly went near the Director and whispered something in his ear and he suddenly turned back and widened his eyes with shock looking at Johnson.

Johnson knows, he will get shocked once he sees him. Of course, every person knows Johnson in the USA because he is one of the top 2 billionaires in the world and the top 1 in America. As Johnson has every power to destroy someone in just a minute.

"Pack up for today." The Director said and walked towards Johnson.

"Hello, Mr. Davis." The Director shouted.

"Hello, Mr. Arlo." Johnson replied and saw Alexi and Oliver coming towards him but Alexi ran towards Johnson and he opened his arms wide with a smile and she hugged him and Johnson hugged her back.

"How are you, Sweetheart?" Johnson asked.

"I am good. How about you?" Alexi asked with a smile.

"I am good too." Johnson replied as he released from the hug.

"Hello, Johnson." A voice cane and Johnson looked at the voice from Alexi and saw Oliver.

"Hello, Oliver. How are you?" Johnson asked Oliver and forwarded his hand for a shake hand.

"I good. How about you?" Oliver asked and they both shook hands.

"I am good too." Johnson replied.

"Hello, Mr. Davis." Came another voice and Johnson turned his head to the voice and saw Zac Effron and frowned seeing him there.

"Zac Effron? What are you doing here?" Johnson asked and Zac Effron went towards them and said.

"I am the producer of this film." Zac Effron said and turned to the director.

"You can't just do pack up for the day." Zac Efron said to the Director.

"Well, you are new to the industry. Famous directed like me can say pack up whenever they want too." The Director said and Johnson smirked.

"Aren't you the CEO of Bulli gaming? Then, why did you got so interested in this suddenly?" Johnson asked

"Well, I just wanna try as I got interested in this field." Zac Effron answered looking at Alexi with lustful eyes and Johnson palms fisted in a ball.

"Can you both excuse us?" Johnson asked the Director, Oliver nodded there head and went away.

Johnson again looked at Zac Effron and saw still looking at Alexi with lustful eyes. He looked at Alexi and saw that she feeling uncomfortable under his gaze. So, Johnson wrapped his arm around Alexi's shoulder in a protective way and she looked up at Johnson and relaxed.

"Zac Effron." Johnson called him sternly.

"Yes, Mr. Davis?" Zac Effron asked and Johnson looked at Alexi and said.

"Alexi, Go and get change and come fast. I will wait for you here." Johnson said and Alexi nodded her head and went to the dressing room to change.

"Zac Effron, I don't know why you suddenly got interested in this field but If I again see you looking at Alexi like how you just looked at her now. Then, I don't know what I will do to you and to this field of Yours. Got it!" Johnson said with a stern face.

"Are you threatening me, Mr. Davis?" Zac Effron asked.

"Think whatever you want but stay away from Alexi." Johnson replied.

"Why should I, Mr. Davis? I found out that you didn't get engaged with Alexi and she is not dating anyone. Then why can't I have her?" Zac Effron asked.

"She is not a thing, Zac Effron. Don't test my patience. Alexi is not someone to play with and it's none of your business, whom I am too Alexi." Johnson said to Zac Effron and saw Alexi walking towards him.

"Let's go, Johnson. I already told the driver to take my car back to the pent..." Johnson cut off Alexi before she says penthouse.

"Let's go, Alexi." Johnson replied and gave a last glare to Zac Effron and grabbed Alexi's wrist and took her out of there.

They went out of the studio and saw Paparazzi.

"Why in the hell, paparazzi are here?" Alexi shouted at security.

"Sorry, Mam. Someone leaked out the news that Mr. Davis is here to meet you. So, the paparazzi want to know about your relationship." The guard replied.

The paparazzi started asking them questions about their relationship. Like, really inappropriate questions.

Johnson is getting so angry with this paparazzi as they were really asking disgusting questions.

"Johnson, Are you cheating on your Fiancee or you and Alexi are engaged or friends with benefits?" The paparazzi asked.

That's it. Johnson lost his patience and shouted at the paparazzi.

"STOP TALKING NONSENSE." Johnson shouted at the paparazzi.


"Listen, carefully. I am not cheating on my Fiancee nor Alexi is my Fiancee. I am in love with someone else and mainly I and Alexi are not friends with benefits, Understood?" Johnson asked and the paparazzi mumbled a sorry.

Johnson and Alexi got into his car and Johnson hit the road and suddenly, Alexi burst into laughing.

"Why are you laughing, Alexi?" Johnson asked annoyedly.

"You should have looked at your face when they asked the questions. My God! You look so scary when you are angry!" Alexi answered laughing out loud and Johnson chuckled.

"Leave the topic now and tell me about your sister, now?" Johnson asked and Alexi nodded her head and started telling him what Samantha likes and dislikes.

"How about you send a dress to Sam for a Date?" Alexi asked.

"That's a nice idea, Do you know any store?" Johnson asked.

"Yes." Alexi said and they both went to the fashion store.

The store is not either small or big but it's perfect. It's a calm location. There are only 2 customers present in the store. So, they don't have any problem to shop there.

"Which color does Samantha like?" Johnson asked Alexi.

"Royal blue." Alexi replied.

The saleswomen show every model dresses of Royal blue color but none a dress catches Johnson's eye for Samantha's personality.

Johnson kept an eye on Samantha's style and discovered that she doesn't wear too revealing clothes and mostly wears comfortable clothes, knee-length dresses, which doesn't expose her thighs or skin a lot.

"Excuse me, Sir. We have one royal blue dress, we just designed it yesterday. Would you like to see it?" The owner of the store asked.

"Sure." Johnson answered.

"Just wait a minute. I will bring the dress here for you." The owner said and Johnson nodded his head and she went to bring the dress.

Johnson looked at Alexi and saw her so busy in choosing her dresses and shoes. Johnson shook his head at her as they came to the with some other work but Alexi is doing her own work.

"Sir." Someone called and Johnson turned around and saw a beautiful dress in her hands.

"Wow... It's beautiful. Let's take this." Alexi's voice came and Johnson turned around and saw Alexi with Dresses and shoes in her arms. Johnson looked back at Alexi and saw the saleswomen with more dresses.

"Are these all for you?" Johnson asked with his eyes wide.

"Yes and you are going to pay for it because I told you about Sam." Alexi answered and Johnson chuckled but nodded his head.

"Pack the dress with these dresses and shoes." Johnson said to the owner and she nodded her head in Yes as Johnson handed his black shining card.

"Come, Let's look for your suit." Alexi replied and took him to the suit section.

Alexi selected the same color suit of Samantha's dress and finally finished their shopping and Johnson dropped Alexi back in Amaxi Hotel and started preparing for his first Date.