Chapter 92 - Don't Leave Her!

Alexi came back to the penthouse after her morning work out and while going to her room, Alexi heard a familiar voice yelling. Alexi heard carefully and heard the voice is coming from Samantha's room.

"Shit." Alexi said and ran towards Samantha's room and opened her bedroom door and saw her yelling in her sleep and the tears were flowing from her eyes.

"St... Stop... Please... Le... Leo... Please." Samantha yelled in her sleep and Alexi got scored seeing her having the same nightmare which she was getting from the past 5 years but from oast few days, Samantha looks happy without nightmares, and this sudden nightmare sacred Alexi again.

"Sam." Alexi called and went near her and tried to wake her up.

"Sam... Sam... Wake up..."Alexi shouted holding Samantha's hands.

"Sam, wake up... You are safe." Alexi shouted by shaking her arms and suddenly Samantha opened her eyes and looked around her room. She looked at Alexi with fearful eyes and got up and hugged Alexi tightly and started crying on her shoulders.

"Sh... Sam... Don't cry... " Alexi said hugging her back.

"You are good and safe now." Alexi said and relaxed her saying soothing words and she slowly stopped crying.

"Sam, you had the same nightmare, again?" Alexi asked and Samantha nodded her head in yes.

"But, It stopped a few days back, right?" Alexi asked and again Samantha nodded her head in yes.

"Then, why did it come again until you don't remember it again?" Alexi asked but Samantha didn't reply.

Alexi knows that Samantha remembered her past and so that the nightmares come into her mind again. But, Alexi wants to say so badly to Samantha that she should forget about her past and move on in her life as life is giving her a second chance. 

"It's okay. I will call Aunt Lucy and tell her to come here for a quick checkup." Alexi said.

"No, Lexi. No need to call Aunt Lucy, I am good now." Samantha replied.

"Sam, you need to see Aunt Lucy." Alexi said seriously.

"Fine! I will check today's schedule and will try to go near her." Samantha replied and Alexi nodded her head in Yes.

Alexi knows that she will not go to see Lucy. So, Alexi though to call her and tell her about Samantha's nightmare.

"Have a shower, Sam. You will relax." Alexi replied and Samantha nodded her head with a small smile and went to the restroom.

Alexi went to her room to the restroom and got into the shower and started thinking about Samantha's nightmare and the questions made her more scared.

Samantha had a nightmare again? Is this marriage affecting her mentally? If it is then Alexi needs to do something.

Alexi thought to warn Johnson beforehand before he takes Samantha on the Date, today.

Alexi got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body and went out of the restroom to her walk-in closet.

Alexi grabbed a white t-shirt and shorts and wore them and went downstairs.

Alexi made cereal for herself and started eating her breakfast when Sam walked downstairs towards Alexi in her daily routine suit. Alexi rolled her eyes seeing Samantha again in her daily routine suit as she really needs to have a change in her dressing sense.

"Are you okay now, Sam?" Alexi asked.

"I am good, Lexi." Samantha answered with a smile and Alexi returned the same smile to her.

Alexi saw her pure smile and an innocent smile. Alexi prayed to Almighty to don't take that smile away from Samantha again.

"Coffee?" Samantha asked.

"Sure!" Alexi answered and Samantha nodded.

"Aren't you having breakfast?" Alexi asked.

"No, I am not in a mood to have breakfast." Samantha answered and as she gave Alexi her coffee and sat in front of her.

"Um... I am going on a date with Johnson, tonight." Samantha said.

"Okay." Alexi answered as Samantha doesn't know that Alexi knows about her Date.

"I want to tell you about it yesterday. But some work came up and I was late to penthouse and when I checked on you last night, You were asleep. So, I didn't disturb you as you look so tired." Samantha said.

"It's okay, Sam. But tell me, Are you going to tell Johnson, everything?" Alexi asked.

"I... I don't know, Lexi. Should I?" Samantha asked.

"Tell him, Sam. He has a right to know everything about you." Alexi replied.

"But what if, He leaves me there itself after I tell him everything about me? What if, He regret loving me? What if, He hates me for not telling him everything about me before the engagement? What if, he sees me as a disgusting person after I tell him everything, Lexi?" Samantha asked as tears falling down from her eyes.

Alexi went towards her and sat beside Samantha and hugged her tightly.

"It's not your fault, Sam. You are the victim here." Alexi said.

"First, tell him everything, Sam, and let's see what will happen next." Alexi replied.

"But, I'm scared Alexi." Samantha said.

"There is nothing to be scared off, Sam. Look, if a person truly loves you then he will try to understand you and your problems and your past. He will be with you to support you and turn into more beautiful." Alexi replied.

"But, Alexi. I don't know. I want to trust Johnson but at the same time when I turn around and look at my past then I don't want to trust anyone and wanted to be alone." Samantha said.

"Samantha, tell me what do you think about Johnson?" Alexi asked.

"He is good, Alexi. There is no doubt about this. I know, he will look after me good and respect me. But... The thing is, what if he don't accept as who I'm?" Samantha asked.

"Look, Sam. As I said, you need to tell him about your past to know the all answers for these questions." Alexi said and Samantha nodded.

"Just be honest with him and tell him everything. If he leaves you thereafter knowing about your past then trust me, I will make his life a living hell. He can't mess up with Julie's sisters." Alexi said and Samantha chuckled.

"Okay, I will tell him everything." Samantha said and Alexi nodded with a smile.

"Okay, I should leave now. I am getting late." Alexi said and got up from the chair and grabbed her bag and her car keys.

"Wait... I am coming with you to the basement... I need to go somewhere." Samantha said and grabbed her bag and her car keys.

"Are you again going to visit her?" Alexi asked angrily.

"Huh... No, Lexi." Samantha lied 

"Sam." Alexi said sternly.

"Ah! Lexi. Yes, I am going to visit her." Samantha replied and I took a deep breath and said.

"I already warned you many times to stay away from her. Then, why don't you listen to me?" Alexi asked calming her anger down.

"Look, Alexi. She is good and helped us. I still don't know why you hate her?" Samantha asked.

"Sam, you know it very well." Alexi said.

"Then what about Peter? Why don't you hate him too?" Samantha asked annoyedly.

"Peter is different, Sam." Alexi said.

"No, he is not." Samantha replied.

"Fine! I can't argue with you now about those people. Just be careful." Alexi said and Samantha nodded her head.

They both walked inside the private elevator and reached the private basement. They both got into there different cars and drove off to their places.

Alexi dialed Johnson and He answered the call in 3 rings.

"Good Morning, Alexi." Johnson said on the phone.

"Good Morning, Johnson. Are you busy?" Alexi asked on the phone.

"No, Alexi. Just having my breakfast. Tell me?" Johnson asked.

"Um... Johnson, Did you arrange everything for a date, tonight." Alexi asked.

"Yes, Alexi." Johnson answered.

"Good but Johnson, I need to tell you something about Sam." Alexi said.

"Yeah, sure. Tell me?" Johnson asked.

"Sam is having nightmares from many years but they were all stopped a few days back again suddenly she again got the nightmare this morning." Alexi said.

"OMG. Is she okay now?" Johnson asked with worried voice.

"Yes, she is okay. Don't worry. " Alexi replied.

"What is the nightmare about?" Johnson asked.

"You will know if she tells you, tonight." Alexi replied.

"What do you mean?" Johnson asked.

"I mean, she maybe tells you about her past tonight." Alexi answered.

"You serious?" Johnson asked.

"I serious. Why will I joke on this?" Alexi asked.

"But, is she really ready to tell me all this? Because, I don't want to force her to tell ne about her past. Yes, knowing her past will help me in know her more but I don't want to offend Samantha. I just want her to be comfortable with me." Johnson said.

"Its okay. She is ready to tell you but is little scored that you might leave her. Just give her hope that you will not and she will fine with it." Alexi replied.

"Yes, thank you for telling me this." Johnson said.

"Its okay. But Johnson, please don't leave Samantha alone after whatever she says to you." Alexi said.

"I promise you, Alexi. I will not leave her alone." Johnson promised.

"Thank you so much, Johnson. See you soon. Enjoy your date." Alexi said.

"Thank you, See you soon." Johnson replied and ended the call.