Chapter 446 - A Beast!

"What the fuck are you talking about? And what I did with mh wife is none of your business! It's our personal life and I will do whatever I want to with my wife... If I married her forcefully then yes, there is a reason why I married her forcefully but that doesn't at all matters to you... You getting it?" Zailn asked.

"Then remember that this is my personal things... You don't have to brother about what I do with the people around. It's my business and I would like to keep it private... This doesn't at all matter to you... I do what I want too... If you care so much about what I do... Then go look after you life first then later... Talk about mine!" Leo answered as he looked at Zailn angrily and Zailn chuckled.

"Don't be silly... This doesn't at all suit your personality... This angriness just keep in your pocket infront of me... Or else... Show on someone else... But don't you dare to show it on me... You really know so well what will happen if you show this angriness on you... Right?" Zailn asked as he chuckled.

"Zailn... How dare you talk with me in this tone?" Leo shouted making Zailn laughed out loud.

"Can you just shut the fuck up? You don't at all have any right to shout at me too... We are in same boat, Leo and as you said... I care about whatever you do... Because I have seen that woman who you want make her life a living hell right now suffered a lot in her past... You don't at all have any idea what you did to her and still, you want to make her life a hell?" Zailn asked as he got up from the chair.

"Yes... Yes... Yes. I want to make her life a living hell... I don't care about I did and neither I regret about what I did to her. She deserved with whatever I did to her. She is a bitch... I wanted her... And I still want her. She promised me she will love me for this life time... But she now... Married someone else... Forgetting all her promises..." Zailn cut off Leo in mid-sentence.

"If you don't break the promises you did with her and doesn't spoil her life then she would apsolutely kept her promises and waited for you... But you are the first one who broke her promises that you did with her... Well... You did broke her heart and soul... Those promises would mean nothing to you... You just crushed her soul... So badly." Zailn said the bitter harsh truth of Samantha's life and every word that comes from his mouth hit Leo's nerves like a fire... 

He knows whatever he said was rught but Leo ego just doesn't want to believe it or accept it in anyway... He is not at all ready to accept anything that anyone says... He just wants Samantha and only wants to take revenge for the promises she made... That she crashed them all in just a few years... Leo knows what she went through all these years but still, he is not at all satisfied with whatever he did with her and he wants to make her a living hell... A hell that can make her breath brearly... That hell that will suffocate to her to death and would just wish and beg for the death but that just never comes to her any time soon. Thinking all these... He laughed evilly in his mind knowing that Samanath is the toy in his life right now that can be played as a ball in his life... He knows, he should never go interupt with her life... Well, that what he promised to the person who saved his life... But Leo just can't sit normally like this seeing her happy around with her husband and family when she broke all the promises she made to him... 

There were few happy days of Samantha and Leo where they loves ecwh other to death... And all those were just so amazing for Leo... Seeing her giving the love to Johnson that is what he would have been deserve the love from her if he doesn't get created as a DEAD PERSON! But he knows, with whatever he did... She never gonna come near him... She is scared of him... Because, Leo is a real monster in Samantha's life that made her life a living hell... But his ego is still not ata lk satiated with whatever he did with her and it would never be satisfied until his last breath. And he wants to make her regret her every single day with his revenge he takes on her. He wants her to yell his name when he make her suffer... He want to see that scared eyes when he punish her like hell... Thinking about everything he wants to do with her... It's itching his hands to just show up infront of her eyes and see her reaction. 

He knows that reaction of on her face is worth watching and he would never wants to miss watching the face... He knows that she will think about the past as soon as she sees him... And it will again start testifying her as hell... That can just be a wonderful watch for Leo... He doesn't care about how its affects her life... Or whatever it is! Yes, he is just so cruel... Cruel for his love that left him years ago for whatever he did with her is just nothing for him... He would never regret wherever he did with her because for him, whatever he did was his love... He did all that with love... Well... It's according to him... But he knows, he did wrong... But he would never accept it and would never either. 

He just chuckled seeing Zailn curious face as he so wants to knkw what is going on in his mind that can just be so dangerous for anyone... 

Whenever it comes to Samantha's topic, Zailn wants Leo to be away from everything. He did his best to keep things away from Leo.

Zailn made Leo go far away from New York from many years... Zailn knows what will happen to Samantha if he gets to know that Samantha is going to be happy... Leo only knows that Samantha was not at all happy with her life until she got engaged. But as soon as he got to know that she is engaged and going to get married soon... Leo so wants to comes back to New york and wants to see her how happy she is... But Zailn never did gave Leo that chance and tried his best to keep him away from her things. And Zailn used to make sure that any informative would never go to Leo even though he has his ways to know about things... Zailn dir his best that nothing goes to him and make sure that his informatives and dead. He did his best to make Leo as much as busy as he can... But it's until, Zailn has to go undercover for the biggest deal ever in his life... And that is where Leo took his chance and got back to New york and started his hunt on Samantha. When Zailn got to know Leo is back... He just wanted to shoot him and bury him somewhere... But he doesn't at all have any right to do that when he is someone who is so close to the their leader. 

But he so wants to do it if he ever gets that chance... No, he wants to make Samantha do it with her own hands... He wanted to make her do shoot him with her own hands becayee he spoil her life and again is on hunt to make her life a hell. He doesn't at all deserve to live on this world... And Samantha should be the one who should give him the death he deserves with her hands... Only then, it will make her happy... But he knows that woman would never do something that can hurt anyone so Baldy... She will and is ready to all the blame and sad everything on to her but she could never see anyone hurting themselves for someone they are close to her even though it's her enemy, she would never wantbto hurt them in anyway... 

She is just so beautiful from inside and outside that people crave for her love... Where this man who wants to crush her soul again and again for the thing he did wrong... Where she did nothing wrong but still suffering from the hell he built for her... 

Zailn just prays that, God bless Samantha and Johnson keep her happy and fight together with the man who is infront of him right now who just wants to make otehrs life so cruel and worst with his beast inside him.