Chapter 447 - Leo's Anger!

"Leo..." Zailn called making Leo raise his eyebrows at him.

"Please... Stop everything... This is nothing to easy to play... And you did someone a promise... What about that?" Zailn asked patiently and Leo laughed out loud.

"That promise... I don't know... I don't think... It will ever bother him... I can explain him things later on..." Zailn cut off Leo in mid-sentence.

"You can't just do that... This is something serious... His promise doesn't mean to you anything? Just it doesn't matter to you anything? It really doesn't?" Zailn asked.

"I don't understand why are you just so brothered about it? I am not at telling you to give me a hand in this and help me in anyway... I am just taking my revenge... You Shouldn't at all care about me when you have a lot of works to look after!" Leo said as he rolled his eyes that makes Zailn angry but he is trying his best to control his angry on Leo but he just couldn't take this anymore and shouted at him so badly.

"You bloody bastard... Still how much you want her to suffer? She already lost your child... That you never cared about... And there are very very less chance for her to give birth... Do you have any idea what will a woman go through if she gets to know that she can't give birth? It will be so damn for her... You took that away from her... The child... Your blood... That was growing in her womb... Died with yours hands... Still, you doesn't at all care about it? Huh?" Zailn asked angrily as he held Leo's collar. 

Leo widened his eyes in shock as he never saw Zailn this angry ever in his life and this is the first time he held his collar that made him get angry... Leo with all his strength pushed Zailn that made him stumble back and he falls down on the ground and that Leo a chance to grab his gun from his back and point it at Zailn.

"How dare you held my collar?" Leo shouted and was about to click the trigger but suddenly, a bullet hit Leo's hands that made the gun falls down and blood started coming out of his hands. 

Leo yelled loudly and Zailn was shocked and grabbed Leo's gun and pointed the gun at the man who shooted Leo but was shocked as he saw the person who shooted Leo.

Zailn lowered the gun that person as the person walked towards them.

"Boss..." Zailn said with a scared face as the person kept looking at Leo who was in pain but staring back at the person who is walked towards them.

"Dad..." Leo said with a scared face as he looked at the person who is looking at Leo with a stern face. 

"What the hell you think you were doing?" The person, Stephen asked with a stern voice making Leo gull down his saliva.

"Umm... Dad..." Leo stuttered.

"What the hell you think you were doing, Leo?" Stephen yelled without caring that his son is in pain.

"Dad... I... I am sorry." Leo said as he lowered his head infront of him but suddenly a punch landed his face that made him stumble back a few steps buy Zailn held him by his shoulders. 

"Leave..." Stephen yelled making Zailn leave Leo.

"Who the fuck you think that you pointed your gun at?" Stephen yelled at Leo.

"I didn't keep you here to shoot whoever you want... You getting it?" Stephen yelled and Leo nodded his head in yes.

Stephen looked at Zailn and then to Leo.

"First do his first aid... And then come to my office... I need you both in my office as soon as possible!" Stephen said with a stern voice and Zailn and Leo nodded their heads.

"Yes, Boss..." Zailn replied.

"Yes, Dad..." Leo replied and Stephen looked at Leo with an angry face for the last time and walked away from them.

"Let's have you a first aid first!" Zailn said and Leo nodded his head and they both walked inside the house. 

Zailn cleaned his wound as it was not a deep wound... It should recover in a few days... And the bullet didn't get inside but just slightly touched his skin that didn't do anything to Leo...

But Still Leo should take care of himself well as their is a lot of blood loss for him. 

"Ummm... I am sorry... I should have controlled my anger..." Leo said to Zailn and he looked up at Leo as he banded him.

Zailn didn't say anything but just concentrated on his band... 

"I am really sorry, Man... I know, it would have costed heavily if... I shooted you..." Leo said and Zailn chuckled as he was done with the banding and looked up at him.

"You wouldn't have seen the next morning if you shoot me... You know that so well... Your anger is the main thing that affects you so badly and make others go through a lot... You won't at all look after anything because you are selfisn and you just wants things to be done as your way... If those works doesn't at all done as you told... Then it should cose others so heavily..." Zailn replied and Leo took a deep breath.

"And now... Boss... That is your Dad... Who has seen you raise your gun at me... Shooted you... Just think, what will happen if you shot me... As I said, you would never see the sunrise again... But now... I guess, you need to answe someone about this and why you want to shoot me... Let him know that what you are going to do... And see what he decides for you... Good luck!" Zailn said with a smile on his face and Leo looked at Zailn agrily. 

"Let's go now... Boss is waiting for us." Zailn said as he smirked at Leo. 

Zailn Chuckled as he saw Leo started ti get angry again but he really didn't bothered about it and walked out of the room leaving Leo alone in the room.

"You bastard... Just because of you... I got into trouble today... If not you, I would have been good..." Leo cursed Zailn and sighed as he knows what should he face right now if he goes to his father office. 

Leo took a deep breath and got up from the couch and walked out of the room closing the door behind his back and walked downstairs and stood infront of the office room. He was really scared to open the door and go inside. He knows what to face the moment he opens the door and walked inside the room because he is sure that Zailn told everything to his Dad. 

Leo again took a deep breath and knocked ,opened the door. He saw his Dad sitting on the couch and Zailn sitting opposite to him and they both are having their coffees. They were seems like having a talk but stooped seeing Leo on the door.

"Get inside and close the door." Stephen said and Leo nodded his head.

Leo stepped inside and closed the door behind his back.

"Have a seat!" Stephen said and Leo nodded his head and walked towards them.

He sat on the other couch beside Zailn and looked at him.

Zailn just smirked at Leo saying nothing and just continued having his coffee.

"Do you want have have any drink?" Stephen asked and Leo shook his head in no.

"No, Dad. I am fine!" Leo answered and Stephen nodded his head at him and kept his coffee down on the table and looked at them both stenly.

"So... Tell me... What happened and what is going on between you both? And why did you point out your gun at Zailn, Leo?" Stephen asked sternly making Leo gulp down his saliva.

"Dad... I... I..." Leo stuttered. 

"Why are you stuttering?" Stephen asked and Leo took a deep breath.

"I will tell you why he was angry at me and pointed his gun at me, Boss!" Zailn said making Leo's eyes wide and Stephen turn his head towards at Zailn.

"Sure... Tell me... What happened? I need truth. If I get to know you are lying... You both won't be alive." Stephen replied with a stern voice.

"No, Boss... I won't lie to you ever. I promised you that I will always be a honest and genuine to you." Zailn said. 

"I trust you, Zailn... I trust you more than anyone in this world." Stephen replied with a small smile looking at Zailn that made Leo angry.

'How in the hell my dad can appreciate some other man infront of his own son? He is behaving as if he is his son and not I am? He should give the most priority and should trust me more than anything... But... This bastard is taking everything away everything from me.' Leo cursed himself as he looked angrily at Zailn.