Chapter 203

Name:Bionic Era Author:Southern Guards
[wine takes away the wisdom of the wise, makes the sages play, and makes the unsmiling smile]

this kind of note lies quietly on the table in a single room.

"It's from the old said." He said.

Lu Wen turned his head and looked at him in surprise.

This muscular middle-aged man has said the source of the sentence several times.

"I am a graduate of a famous university. My grade point is the second in the whole department. I used to be the president of the school's poetry and painting club. You should not always think that if you are muscular, you must have a simple mind." As he spoke, he showed off his muscles at will.

Lu Wen moved his eyes and began to observe the house.

All the decorations in the room are old.

There is a dusty laptop, it seems that it has not been turned on for a long time.

The gray curtain cloth was weak and drooping, occasionally swaying lazily in the wind.

The sun is on the other side of the building.

Open the wardrobe, except for the gray work, there are few other clothes.

"He doesn't have a lot of clothes, which means he doesn't have social needs. Maybe he doesn't even have social needs outside of work." Lu Wen closes the cabinet door.

Everything in this room reveals depression and loneliness.

It seems that the life of the owner of the room is spent in a flat cycle, calmly watching the sunrise and sunset outside the window, waiting for the final moment of death.

"The dead Wang Wei has been in such a state for a long time. He has no goal to fight. He lives day by day. Maybe when the murderer finds him, his will to resist is not too strong."

Lu Wen found a lot of wine bottles under the bed.

Most of it's beer.

the rest is some inferior Baijiu bottles.

"Use these things to anesthetize yourself If there is not too much hope for life, it is also good

In fact, it's not just Wang Wei, a middle-aged man.

Many young people in Mowu are no better.

They went to the company with the dream of nine to five, and found that the salary was only nine to five, and the rest of the time was voluntary overtime. If they didn't succeed, they had to leave.

Busy can make a person become tired, numb.

"Mowu city turns a blind eye to the overtime work of many companies. One is for the sake of economic development. People are creatures. If they don't squeeze hard, they don't know where their limit is."

Many companies in Mowu city are looking for a balance between "extreme squeezing" and "staff jumping".

But the balance is not so easy to find.

So jumping off a building has become a major scenic spot. Lu Wen has met it several times.

"The other is to eliminate the increasing demonstrations."

When people have been exhausted by the busy work of the whole day, they will no longer have the energy to participate in the parades.

The art of fatigue and people has never disappeared for thousands of years.

The higher and higher housing prices in Mowu city are the result of this abnormal strategy. Many people live all their lives for a flat. When they are old and dying, they recall their lives and find that there were so many regrets

Now the whole city of Mowu is like a tight string, which may break at any time.

Other cities are similar.

The two cities in the West were already in chaos, and flames rose in every street with the riot.

Although the reason is because of bionic human, but in the final analysis or Bionics have been unable to divert the public's anger.

"What is the reason for this dead man being targeted by the murderer?"

A crime that can lead to death.

From Wang Wei's life experience

"There was an explosion in the shipyard where he was engaged in quality inspection work, causing five deaths and two injuries. In the end, it was judged that the accident was caused by improper operation of the staff, and the shipyard lost a lot of money. The report did not point out which staff was responsible for the improper operation."

But after the explosion, Wang Wei was expelled from the shipyard.

Because it's all mediated internally, the executive board doesn't have much record of the bombing case.

"The only employee who was fired, it seems, was his improper operation."

Later on, Wang Wei changed a lot of jobs, most of which were unsatisfactory.

Finally began to engage in pipeline maintenance, until now.

So far Except for the second dead Du Changqing, the other three had certain relations with Desheng company, which went bankrupt more than ten years ago.

"I checked the Desheng company and found that it was not founded more than ten years ago, but a company that had experienced great storms more than thirty years ago." He said.

"Yes? It seems that I was wrong, but more than ten years ago, it was really a golden age for the development of tourism and the most competitive time. " He responded.

Not long after its establishment, Desheng company had a lot of ship capsizing accidents.

And these accidents were sent to the network by rival companies, causing great discussion.The public opinion almost drowned the small company that just started more than 30 years ago, but the company persisted tenaciously, reorganized and reformed its internal system, standardized its system, spent a lot of money to calm down the public opinion, and spent 20 years of stable development.

Then came the golden age of tourism more than a decade ago.

The company began to expand its enrollment.

Not only this company, but also many companies are expanding their enrollment.

As a result, the security and peace of the past 20 years have been broken again. Perhaps the training of a large number of new employees has not been done well, and the ship capsizing accident has been staged again, which has caused a sensation.

"Therefore, development must not be in a hurry. This is the result of vicious competition." He said.

"Come on, find someone." Lu Wen picked up the note on the desk.

"Liquor man?"


Lu Wen is looking for Feng Fugui to monitor.

As Wei Boan said, it's really inconvenient to work in other regions.

If it is in the 13th District, Lu Wen has the right to use most of the regional monitoring.

"The surveillance shows that the deceased often goes to a small shop not far away, where they bought the drinks and often chat with the owner of that shop for a long time."

The shop owner is Huang Qi.

Lu Wen looked up Huang Qi's information and found a very interesting thing.

"Huang Qi also worked in Desheng company. More than ten years ago, he was recruited into the expanding Desheng company together with the previous dead."

What happened to this company more than ten years ago? Capsize?

There seems to be nothing more than a lot of capsizing.

It is these influential capsizing events that led to the final closure of Desheng company.

"Could the killer be a survivor of a shipwreck more than a decade ago? Later, I moved to district 10... " Lu Wen shook his head and denied the speculation. "In terms of the style of the murderer, this should not be merely revenge. It will definitely involve something deeper."

It's close to home.

They went downstairs, walked for about five minutes, and came to the door of the store.

"Is that Huang Qi?" Wei Boan took out his identification.