Chapter 204

Name:Bionic Era Author:Southern Guards
"Wang Wei likes drinking very much. We found that all his drinks are bought from you." He said.

"Yes." Huang Qi did not deny it.

"You two know each other?"

"We met more than ten years ago."

"Do you know these people?"

Lu Wen gives a projection.

On the projection are photos of the previous dead.

Huang Qi just looked at the projection and lowered his head, "recognize We all know each other. "

"You worked for Desheng 16 years ago and were responsible for guiding tourists to their own charter ships. Am I right?" Kevin looked at him.

"That's right." Huang Qi lowered his head.

"When you were working, did you find a very strange phenomenon?" Lu Wen withdrew the projection. "Although other companies occasionally capsize, they rarely attract sharks, and Desheng company is different."

This company's Capsizing accident is almost the sum of other companies.

And the ships of their company seem to be very popular with sharks.

In fact, many tourists have good water quality, otherwise they dare not ask to drive their own boats to the deep water area, but after the capsize, they are surrounded by sharks before they can wait for the rescue team.

It's abnormal.

The sharks here are not interested in humans.

Unless there's something more secret about the fish or something else on the boat.

"It's reasonable to say that Desheng company more than ten years ago has been a big company for 20 years. It shouldn't have made so many mistakes. Can I make a bold assumption..."

"Sir, I want a cigarette." Huang Qi suddenly opened his mouth and planned Lu Wen's words.

"Yes, smoke."

Huang Qi casually took a pack of cigarettes from his container and lit one.

Lu Wen noticed that Huang Qi's hand was shaking slightly.

"Some people died these two days." He told Huang Qi: "the first one, Lu Lin, was engaged in hull cleaning work in Desheng company 16 years ago. The third one, Lin Ziqiang, was responsible for checking whether there were safety hazards in ships going to sea every day. The fourth one, Wang Wei, who you are very familiar with..."

Wang Wei was not in Desheng company at that time.

He is in charge of quality inspection in a shipyard.

After the accident of Desheng company, Wang Wei and another colleague were sent to inspect the ships in the accident because the ships in the accident were all customized in that shipyard.

"He came to the conclusion that none of the vessels had any problems before the accident."

It's a very positive conclusion.

As a shipyard man, his words are more reliable.

And he also showed the certificate given by the shipyard.

So when the public opinion is high, people can only blame Desheng company for the problem.

"All four of you have access to Desheng's ships, especially you. You are responsible for guiding tourists to your own ships, so I can assume that."

"It is assumed that during the hull cleaning period, Lulin put some substances that can attract sharks on a specific ship, which may even damage some structures of the hull and lead to capsizing accidents."

Lu Wen thought about Lu Lin's tragedy.

Among the dead now, Lu Lin is the worst. He was drenched in hot oil and burned into coke.

"Lin Ziqiang deliberately ignored the ships with problems when he carried out routine hull inspection every day."

"And you, you are responsible for guiding the tourists who want to drive to the deep water area to the ships with problems."

"In the end, Wang Wei and his colleagues chose to turn a blind eye and told the outside world that there was no problem with the hull in advance. All the damage was caused by sharks."

It was impossible for the then executive board to ignore such a big matter.

Especially when it comes to public opinion.

"So at that time, Du Changqing, the executive director of the 15th District, personally investigated. Maybe he had found out the problem, but just before he wanted to disclose it A bundle of cash was put on his desk

Lu Wen finished.

He quietly looked at Huang Qi smoking, and did not rush.

A cigarette doesn't last long.

Huang Qi slowly spits out wisps of white smoke and presses the cigarette end in his hand out.

He was silent for a moment, as if recalling something, and finally spoke.

"That would Lao Lin and I are both short of money. Lao Lin's daughter has cancer, and some people in my family are ill and need money urgently. As for Wang Wei, his family was in a hurry to get married at that time, but he had no car or house, so he wanted to get some money to buy a house and marry his daughter-in-law. "

Maybe time makes this middle-aged man regret.

Or maybe he knew he couldn't escape, so Huang Qi chose to confess.

"And Lu Lin At that time, Lu Lin was the one who was most short of money. His eldest son gambled outside, and he lost everything that his family could lose. He also owed a lot of debt. Those who wanted money blocked their house every day. He was really poor and crazy, and even thought of selling organs. "Such four people, plus a greedy Du Changqing.

No There's a sixth.

At the beginning, Wang Wei and his colleagues went to inspect the capsized ship.

"That man came to us and gave everyone a lot of money to bring down Desheng."

Huang Qi sighed.

It's hard to recall the past.

He drew out a cigarette with his trembling hand and lit it again.

"Lu Lin took the most money. He said that he could only do the immoral things. He broke the ship in advance, and he also made the things that attract sharks"

white smoke spread in this small store.

Sixteen years ago, it became clear in the smoke.

"Which company is it?" Lu Wen asked.


Huang Qi gave the name of the company.

It was this company that found them in private and gave them a sum of money.

"The man said that it was not the first time they had done this kind of thing. The two companies had always been in a competitive relationship. When Desheng company was just established, they had done it, but they had just done several ship capsizing accidents, and they were targeted by the executive board at that time. At that time, the chief executive did not enter the oil and salt market, so they did not dare to do it again."

In this way.

More than 30 years ago, in the years when Desheng company was founded, Hanjiang company actually caused the capsizing accident.


A competitive victory in exchange for countless lives.

Hanjiang company got what it wanted and let its old rival go out of business.

Lu Wen checked the data and found that Hanjiang had developed very smoothly more than ten years ago.

"Is there anything left unfinished?" Lu Wen looked at Huang Qi, "you should spend the rest of your life in prison. If you have any regrets now, you can finish it first."

"No, thank you two officers After that, I feel much better. No matter how I judge later, I deserve it. "

Huang Qi finished his last cigarette.

Now the prison is more humanized, prisoners can smoke properly, so he has nothing to miss.

"By the way, have you ever committed any serious crimes in these years?" Lu Wen asked suddenly.

"No Huang Qi shook his head.

"No wonder the murderer didn't do it to you, maybe it's not your turn, or maybe he let you go, so what's left now At that time, Wang Wei's colleagues and the people from Hanjiang company. "

"Sir, the name of Wang Wei's colleague is Hu Qian. If I remember correctly, he committed a crime a few years ago and is still in prison." Huang Qi said.


Lu was stunned.

He looked at him, and he was looking at him.

There won't be another prison fire.

"I'll ask Feng Fugui which prison Hu Qian is in."

Wei Boan took out his mobile phone, just wanted to call Feng Fugui, his mobile phone "buzzing" vibrated.

It's Feng Fugui.

Vivian pressed the answer button.

"What's the matter?"


"I see. I'll be right there."

It's very simple, more than 20 seconds.

He hung up, looked at Lu Wen and said, "the prison fire is coming again."

"Then go and have a look."

Lu Wen looks into the distance.

Area 15 is very big. The burning prison is 20 minutes away.

He had a hunch that the murderer seemed to be getting closer to him.


Good night, fellow readers!