Chapter 151

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Widely known and established is a very special social phenomenon, which has appeared since the first day of the formation of human society and continues to today.

People somehow have a consensus on what they will do when they are at a certain stage. Maybe no one can tell him exactly what to do. He has mastered this skill.

From the first purchase of a second-hand entry-level luxury, it has gradually become the "rich man" in people's eyes. With it, in addition to satisfying envious eyes, there is also people's respect.

This is a very interesting social phenomenon. We always emphasize respecting knowledge and educated people. In fact, we only respect power and money.

In order to maintain their dignity and class, the middle class needs Lynch and cheap "high-end" clothes that they swear they won't say are fake brands.

Look, the problem is solved. If lunit doesn't say it or Lynch doesn't say it, the people who bought these people naturally can't publicize that they are fake. Is there a more perfect link than this?

No, so no one has to worry.

After leaving lunit's factory, Lynch thought about another thing. He wanted to buy lunit's factory, which has something to do with his next plans, but he also knows that now is not a good time.

The situation is not bad enough to make the mayor or the whole society have to make concessions, so they still insist on deceiving themselves, which is actually a civilized society.

When they can't stick to it and maintain their dignity and kindness, they will tear off their hypocritical coat and let people understand that this is not a civilized society, but a society in which one "eats" people.

Only in this case can some bills regarded as moral principles be changed. Lynch can wait. He has enough patience.

Later, he met the mayor's nephew. A big boy named Mark looked twenty-five or twenty-eight, less than thirty, with some green on his face.

He was very enthusiastic. He talked about the conversation between his uncle, the controller of the city and him, Lynch's business and his intention to become a shareholder.

"I have entrusted my friend to do the survey. I have to say, Mr. Lynch, you chose the right business at the right time, my uncle..." he shrugged. "That is, mayor Langdon praised your performance very much. He always praised your excellence and excellence in front of family members, which makes people jealous."

Mark is a good chat guy. People like him are often good at chatting, otherwise they wouldn't take the job.

"I think interstellar trading company is a company with great potential. You have an excellent management team and a complete development plan for outsiders. If you can, I want to take a ride."

In fact, everyone knows, including mark himself. He is just an agent in front of the stage, but he can clearly understand his work and scope of rights, otherwise the mayor would not give him such an important job.

Lynch nodded. This was what he agreed with the mayor. "Someone valued us at $70 million, but the mayor helped me a lot. I am very grateful to him. I am willing to use the valuation of $50 million as the bottom line for financing."

He smiled at mark, who was listening carefully. "What about you? How much do you want?"

Mark suddenly blushed and scratched his head in embarrassment. This action made him look like a bookworm facing a girl for the first time in school, a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

However, this situation in the current environment does not mean that it is a good thing. Lynch knows that the other party is going to talk to the lion.

Everyone actually has some small actions to hide their inner thoughts. Lynch forces himself to unify all natural and unnatural habits, emotional expression and expression management into a smile. A smile can relax people's vigilance. There is no more appropriate control method than this.

Mark's control method may be to make himself look "embarrassed". He will cooperate with this method and use some words to bite.

The next second, just as Lynch expected, he said shyly, "I didn't know the valuation would be so high. I only prepared 800000, but I want 3% of the shares. My information channel seems to have a problem. What should I do?"

According to federal and financial laws, an individual who owns 3% of the shares of a company can attend the board of directors, and more than 5% can attend the board of directors. The proportion of shares he wants is very subtle.

Three percent is not objectionable, because stock holders are not qualified to speak at the board of directors or initiate any power related behavior, such as initiating voting, initiating rest, initiating discussion, etc. they are only qualified to sit at the back or close to the wall and listen to the board of directors quietly. They can't express their opinions.

It won't make people dislike them too much. They are like a decoration to decorate the board of directors.

However, attending the board of directors as nonvoting delegates is valuable because they have completed the first stage of share acquisition. In the securities and finance law, if a person holds more than 3% of the shares, he must make a statement to the relevant institutions and make it public to the public.

The second stage is 5%, that is, to become a major shareholder who can attend the board of directors.

If a person fails to make two statements in accordance with the rules, that is, 3% and 5%, it can be considered as a malicious acquisition or even suspected of illegal rights and improper transactions behind the scenes. The company concerned can file a lawsuit to delay some of these problems.

The advantage of doing so is that when someone buys 3% of the shares, if the company thinks the situation is wrong, it can respond in time. For example, raising the stock price forces the acquirer to give up the acquisition because they don't have enough funds to meet their demands for the proportion of shares.

Mark's 3% can be directly increased to 5% without a statement and without Lynch's knowledge, so as to obtain the right to attend the board of directors.

When a mayor's agent gets the power to vote on the board of directors, we can imagine what a terrible result it will be!

So mark or the mayor behind him is very smart. Maybe the smart comes from themselves, but Lynch believes Ferrar must know some more specific situations.

Facing Mark's request, Lynch hardly hesitated and hesitated. Everything was stroked in his mind like lightning. He agreed after blinking his eyes.

"The mayor and I are both members of the progressive party. We should help each other..." he nodded with a pursed mouth. "We can prepare the contract."

Such a happy statement made mark hesitate. He talked to many businessmen about taking shares, but these businessmen always bargain with him. Some people even called the mayor angrily and thought mark was doing something.

These people are very stupid. There is no doubt that an agent will not have his own ideas. Mark's opinions actually represent the opinions of the mayor. The young man dare not and is not qualified to change the mayor's will at will.

Instead of making everyone look bad, we still have to bite the bullet and sign the contract. Why not just have a good time, maybe we can get some extra benefits?

Mark looked at Lynch with a strange expression, especially his eyes, like looking at a fool or.

He held back his smile. "You're very interesting, Mr. Lynch. I brought the contract..." he then took out a contract from his briefcase, which made Lynch determine that the price is the price instructed by the mayor, and there should be another contract in Mark's briefcase.

If he calls the mayor, the mayor and mark will seriously "talk", and then change the price slightly, but not too much, so there will be a second contract in his briefcase.

Lynch picked up the contract and looked at it again. There was no big problem. The main content was the price and proportion of transfer, and how to dilute and reduce holdings when new funds came in in the future.

Lynch played the contract, took out his pen and signed his name on the contract, then mark.

If they each keep one copy, the transfer is completed.

Looking at the 800000 bank promissory notes, Lynch couldn't help laughing. Whether he was happy or unhappy, he would express it with a smile.

Mark was puzzled when he saw him laughing, because the essence of this matter can be said to be a kind of coercion, but Lynch not only didn't resist, but also kept smiling, which made mark feel very special and strange.

He couldn't help asking, "Mr. Lynch, is there anything happy to share?"

Lynch looked back and nodded. He put away the contract and said with an eyebrow, "of course!"

"You know the mice in the countryside are very cunning. Even the best domestic cats can hardly catch those mice, but they have recently invented a new method."

"They put some water full of starch and soup on the stove and cook it. After it cools down, they pour it in some places where mice like to haunt. As long as one night, many mice will drown in it."

"Sugar and starch attracted the attention of the mice, but they ignored how sticky it was!"

Lynch stood up with a smile, stretched out his hand and shook Mark's hand. "I'm glad my company has the first partner, but I hope you can keep the price of the transaction between us confidential. You know, we have a market value of 70 million, 3% of your hands, and now we have a market value of 2 million!"

"Of course, Mr. Lynch, I know how to do it." mark shook Lynch's hand hard and released it. He suddenly remembered something. "Are you free this weekend? Maybe we can play golf or find a place to drink."

Lynch shook his head. "I'm going to attend a meeting at the city hall at the weekend. Next week."

"OK, next week!"