Chapter 152

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Mark's participation in the interstellar trading company on behalf of the mayor may be difficult to understand in the eyes of some ordinary people, but in fact, this is normal, because some ordinary people may not even have heard of it.

Some people jokingly say that the last second of every general election of the Baylor Federation is the moment when a new consortium is born. The Baylor Federation has a history of more than 300 years since its founding, and has ushered in 52 presidents.

Why 52? Because some presidents accidentally fall downstairs and die of serious injuries, or are blown into the sea by a gust of wind while fishing, or

In short, there are always some people who are not so lucky, but it's normal. This is life, isn't it?

In addition to these unlucky presidents, there is basically the shadow of a consortium behind every other president, such as the familiar "Jerry dais" of the Federation, a typical consortium born because of the president.

The consortium has supported three politicians to ascend their glorious moment on the stage of federal history. It is precisely because they have supported three presidents that "Jerry dais" has never encountered trouble for more than 100 years.

No one knows when they will elect a new president for the Federation, which is also the fourth president of their group.

Oh, by the way, the three presidents are the son of the founder of "Jerry dais", the grandson of his son, and the son of his son's grandson. They are a family!

Political power and capital power are sometimes like fire and water, but sometimes they are inseparable from each other. This is bailer Federation, a free and sweet country!

In this way, the mayor's stake in the interstellar trade company becomes less frightening, and it was completed by his nephew mark. Lynch believes that once there is a problem, mark will immediately stand up and apologize to the society.

Because he did these terrible things without telling his uncle, his uncle, Mr. Mayor, would never easily forgive anyone who violated the laws and rules, even if he was his nephew.

If these terrible things do not happen, if the interstellar trade company can continue to make profits in a relatively appropriate way, perhaps Lynch and his company will also become part of a consortium in the future. Of course, the mayor can not be the president, and the core is his superior or superior.

At this time, Lynch had already passed the age of cynicism. He didn't think he was offended. Instead, he thought it was a good thing. Mark could do something that wasn't easy to do after he became a shareholder.

No one is more suitable for this role than him. Many people will think that mark represents the mayor. Even if there is trouble, we should solve it ourselves. We can't trouble mark, because trouble mark is equal to trouble the mayor, but Lynch doesn't think so.

Everyone knows that when mark represents the mayor, Mark's appearance means the mayor's attitude. He doesn't even say anything, just stand by his side!

Skip this too small thing to mention. Lynch met the mayor the next day. It was a charity party. Strictly speaking, it was true. Almost all the local celebrities in Saibin came to the scene.

The number is not too many, hundreds of people. The upper circle of a city with a population of 800000 can only accommodate these hundreds of people, of which almost half to one-third, just because their male or female companions have the opportunity to enter the hall, they themselves do not have this strength, which will reduce the actual number of upper class circles.

Lynch sat a little behind. His age, his career and his wealth were not enough for him to be in the eye-catching position in the middle of the first row, but it was also good to sit behind. At least he could see the small movements of the well-dressed ladies and gentlemen in front.

The theme of this charity party tonight is to help some unemployed people through donations. The unemployment rate in Saibin has reached a terrible figure of 16%, and some people have starved to death.

This is not a good sign. The city hall, or the mayor, used his own energy to suppress the news, but he also realized that the situation really needs to start mobilizing political power.

In fact, people starve to death every year. It is normal for tramps on the street to die of heat in summer and freeze in winter.

A few years ago, there were reports of tramps attacking wild dogs, but they were eaten by wild dogs instead of wild dogs. It also triggered a short hot debate in society. After the hot debate, people no longer paid attention to this group.

Many people hold the same view when interviewed by reporters. Tramps have hands and feet. They can work and support themselves. Even picking up waste can make themselves live well enough, but they choose to beg, so they don't deserve sympathy.

It was not a tramp who starved to death this time, but an unemployed old man living alone.

He is old, but he is not old. He is only in his fifties and has not reached the age of retirement.

He had a job, but he lost his job four months ago. He wanted a job, but he couldn't find a job. When his savings ran out, he starved to death in his own bed.

If his neighbors were not affected by the stench, it might take a long time to find out about it, so the mayor realized that the matter could not be delayed any longer and had to come up with some ways.

At this time, the mayor stood on the rostrum. He simply said the news in a very heavy tone. In fact, the celebrities sitting below were also shocked, and some women even left sad tears.

Some people are really shocked, but some people are not really sad.

In fact, for these people, it is hard for them to imagine that an ordinary person will starve to death. The current situation is indeed not as good as in previous years, but should it be so bad?

But the fact is that many people are facing hunger and difficulties. They need people's help.

In the Baile Federation, they have not faced a similar situation in the past 300 years. They have a set of practical and effective ways to solve these problems, at least for now, that is, distributing food rolls and supply rolls.

At the beginning, people would directly relieve these people of money, but they soon found that someone came to claim it falsely, and some people took the money to gamble or squander it, and then applied again, so the money relief became food rolls and supply rolls.

The property donated by celebrities will be used to buy a large amount of food and some necessities, and then those families in need can receive this subsidy.

It can't make them rich, but at least it can keep them from starving. This is the limit that bailer federation can do at present, and try not to let more people starve to death.

In fact, the generous donation of each rich person is not how generous they are, but that this is a charity party, and all the donation amount will be "returned" to each kind donor in the form of tax deduction.

At least it is deducted in full, and it may be deducted in excess, so it is not a loss, and it may even make some money. This is also the reason why the top rich are willing to do charity. They need to pay too much tax, and it is a victory to pay less.

However, because there is also an upper limit on the tax deducted from charitable donations, it is not up to the rich to decide how to arrange. Before they attend the charity dinner, their personal accountant will tell them how much money to donate is the most appropriate.

Everyone seemed to care for these people in need from the bottom of their hearts. People gave generously, and Lynch also donated 100000 yuan, which made many people look at this young and disgraceful young man.

Perhaps Lynch's performance made him look like a "trust". Soon, some people launched the second round of donations. They raised the donations from thousands or tens of thousands to at least 350000, or more than 100000 and 200000. They are a little uncertain. Is this the mayor's meaning.

But as long as there is the slightest possibility, they can't take risks.

By the end of the charity party, the mayor had raised nearly 15 million donations, which had to be said to solve part of the current problems to a great extent. In the mayor's final speech, more than 200000 people in Saibin who are suffering from hunger will be fed up with everyone's kindness and kindness.

After the meeting, the mayor was ready to leave. He had other things to do next. During this time, the problems of the city made him worried. Even if mark did an absolutely profitable business, he didn't have too many smiles on his face.

Money can only meet material needs, and what he yearns for is power.

But he still took half a minute to Lynch. He arranged Lynch at the end. "I heard mark say he likes you very much?"

Two people shake hands and talk, and others can't lean over. This is etiquette in social occasions.

Lynch nodded, "I also like mark very much. He is a great young man..." his words didn't seem to have finished, which made the mayor a little confused and urged him to say anything as soon as possible, because he will have a small closed door meeting soon.

Lynch then said what he didn't say later, "is it still time for me to set up a food factory?"

The mayor was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing. He thought Lynch would tell him something about mark or the transaction last night. Unexpectedly, he thought of the $15 million "charity money" in his hand.

A young man with unique vision and ideas, the mayor confirmed the idea again, but he shook his head, "mark certainly didn't tell you that he has a food factory..." if he pointed out, "I'm very optimistic about you, you will become good friends!"

Lynch glanced. "That's really a sad thing. As for me and mark..." he smiled. "I also believe we can become good friends."

The mayor clapped his hand, said no more and left directly, which disappointed some people who didn't have a chance to talk to the mayor at night, but they soon began to examine Lynch. What's his relationship with the mayor, and why did the mayor leave the last time to him?

Some people began to try to contact Lynch, and Lynch turned around and integrated into the cocktail party after the charity party.