Chapter 214

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"Things are solved much faster than expected!"

Walking in the most prosperous streets of Saibin City, people finally feel a depression atmosphere called after the turmoil.

There were no people in the street. Even if there were, they bent their waist and bowed their heads for fear of attracting the attention of those soldiers on duty.

In just one morning, the city's public security has been extremely effectively controlled. So far, almost no criminal acts have been seen, at least where people's eyes can watch at will.

Some people tried to provoke these soldiers. They didn't know what happened in the morning. As a result, these people got the result they wanted.

Some people were pressed to the ground, some people fled home and were not let go. Not only themselves, but also their families were pressed to the ground, which was the fulfillment of their wishes.

Unfortunately, they don't have the courage to shout such shocking slogans as "who will shoot me" at this time. Maybe someone will meet them!

It's an unregulated time. From 9:00 to 11:00 in the morning and from 4:00 to 6:00 in the afternoon, people can travel in an orderly manner.

It must be orderly. If more than three people walk together, they may be investigated by soldiers. If more than five people basically have to lie in a row on the ground.



This is over, because at 8:45 this morning, all channels of Saibin TV station broadcast a news at the same time.

There is a proposal to impeach the president. The first round of voting is officially passed and the second round of voting is started. If the second round of voting is also passed, the president will face the embarrassing situation of being expelled from the presidential palace.

This may be the second President expelled from the presidential palace in federal history. Like the last president expelled from the presidential palace, he will become a joke in federal history, or one that will be laughed at for decades and centuries.

The report claimed that all the suffering in society at present actually stems from the mistakes made by the president himself and the president's cabinet in domestic and international policy-making, as well as their wanton arrest of political enemies during this period, which caused people to feel panic and triggered this massive strike.

This report is like... After causing irreparable damage to the people and society, taking the initiative to find a ladder for the people, and losing all their main crimes to the president and his cabinet.

All of a sudden, the people sitting in front of the TV suddenly "woke up". It turned out that the truth was like this. It turned out that the culprit was the president and the president's cabinet. No wonder they felt cheated.

This greatly relieved some people, but also found a way to vent their actions in the past month - it turned out that the president did it!

This is precisely the reason why the general strike, which was not very special, can quickly sweep the whole Federation. The senior government is indulgent, and they need to "unite as one".

If only through simple ways to publicize, it is difficult for people to unite as one and unite together, but now they have done it. Whether they really think so or are eager to make excuses for what they do, they must stand with the potential mainstream.

This report successfully focused the people's attention on the strike and labor contradiction, attracted the issue of impeachment of the president, and they also look forward to the successful impeachment of the president, which proves that everything is the president's fault!

At the same time, local governments began to speed up the process of labor and capital negotiations, and most of them began to implement a strict control system. The attitude of the local city hall towards the people suddenly reversed 180 degrees, which made some people feel overwhelmed.

It's like a mother who always tolerates her children. She always maintains patience in the face of naughty children until one day the child really went too far and was slapped out by her.

Children will cry because of pain, but they will also understand what respect is because of pain until they don't feel pain and get beaten next time!

"Where have all those tramps gone?"

Lynch found that at this time, the streets were actually clean and there was no tramp, which seemed not very federal. Tramps had become a part of the social culture with the characteristics of Baylor Federation. To be honest, one day these people disappeared, which really made people a little uncomfortable.

The staff sergeant sipped his mouth and explained, "they are centralized and managed in a unified way. I mean, they are still relatively free, but now someone manages them."

Lynch nodded knowingly, "I see. In fact, you don't have to explain."

The staff sergeant stopped talking. He explained that he didn't want Lynch to treat the military too much, or feel that the military was too cruel and inhuman.

In general, tramps are always the first unlucky people in the implementation of military control.

They will be driven to an area and asked to give up all their private property, that is, some paper boxes, some worthless but potentially useful garbage, bottles and cans and so on.

It takes a lot of manpower to check whether these things are safe. The military has no time and manpower to check these things, so the best way is to remove them all. Do the tramps have any opinions?

No, they won't have any opinions. They will only cooperate very well. No one can be as hard as usual in front of a black gun.

People like vagrants, who are already regarded as hidden social groups, will not be noticed if someone disappears, let alone make trouble for their disappearance.

Today, the second labor negotiation will be held. Lynch has nothing to do. He decided to join the fun.

The auction meeting cannot be held at present. The city hall will not approve such a request. At the same time, there are too many people gathered. At this special moment, once an accident occurs, it may be a political event. In order to stabilize, everything should stand aside.

Since there is nothing to do, I'd like to attend the negotiation. Anyway, he is a little famous capitalist.

When he arrived at the meeting, Lynch didn't have a seat with a Sika. He sat at the edge of the hall. This place is actually good.

People can't notice the young people in a corner, but Lynch can see most of the people under the light and know their identity through Sika.

From the beginning, the negotiation was full of gunpowder. Although the workers had stopped making trouble, the problem had not been solved, and their attitude at the negotiation table would not be very good.

In order to solve the labor and capital problems as soon as possible, the workers' Union has also sent several commissioners to help make a match between workers and capitalists.

They have understood the attitude of the authorities, so they also intend to restore everything to the original state.

Of course, the bottom line of the workers' representatives is a little more relaxed than the previous time. They can agree to the full-time work requirements required by the capitalists, that is, work 60 hours a week, rest on weekends and work 10 hours a day.

In fact, this is already a relatively moderate length of working hours. In other places, it is even 12 hours a day and 72 hours a week.

However, wages should be increased. 4.5% is a price acceptable to both labor and management.

Only on the issue of welfare benefits, there are still many contradictions that are difficult to solve.

This is a good sign. At least they have solved some of them. Next time, or next time, after everyone goes back and calms down, someone may make some concessions.

Isn't the so-called negotiation a process in which mutual concessions have been made step by step and accepted by both sides?

Just to Lynch's surprise, another thing that does not belong to work and workers was included in the negotiation.

After the conclusion of some major issues, when the mayor was ready to announce the end of the negotiation, which had made great progress but had no specific breakthrough, the Commissioner of the workers' Union coughed gently, making people pay attention to him.

The Commissioner pursed his lips with a solemn expression. "Mr. Mayor, I have another request here, but this request has nothing to do with the management, but with you."

"Me?", the mayor lowered his head. His eyes looked at the Commissioner sitting opposite him through the distance between his glasses and brow bone. He even took off his eyes and rubbed his eyes. "Then we can discuss it. It will be much faster than your discussion."

The Commissioner knows that the mayor is satirizing them about delaying time around some unimportant small problems. In fact, this is also a strategy to let the capitalists understand that it is not easy to settle once the workers get into trouble.

With this awareness, the opportunity to deal with some problems becomes easier.

He smiled politely, "I'm sorry to delay you too much time. This appeal comes from most ordinary workers."

"That's what you said when you made trouble!" someone couldn't help but interrupt, in exchange for the relaxed and contemptuous laughter of some capitalists.

The Commissioner is not ashamed at all. In fact, to some extent, he is not a working class himself. He is only a class based on the working class. He does not think he is a working class, so he is not sensitive to this sentence and those impolite laughter.

Of course, the warning still needs to be warned. Then he said, "now many of our workers can't work or lose their jobs. It's difficult for them to ensure the normal operation of a family. Moreover, we all know that the city hall has stopped distributing food rolls for some time. We hope to resume the distribution and exchange of food rolls as soon as possible."

He aggravated some voices and also showed the seriousness of the matter, "this is related to whether someone will starve to death and the daily life of hundreds of thousands of workers' families!"