Chapter 215

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
As early as the initial stage of the general strike, the mayor took the social instability caused by the strike as a reason, supplemented by the impact on the exchange point, and directly stopped the distribution and exchange of food rolls.

As for when to restart the project, the city hall did not give any clear answer.

When the general strike broke out, people did not consider these problems. In addition, they smashed some supermarkets in the middle and late stage, and some people received a lot of supplies. In fact, this problem is not particularly serious.

The role of the workers' Union has to be mentioned here. The workers have solved part of the food gap for them to some extent. Some workers who did not participate in beating, smashing and burning have found the trade union. The trade union recycled food rolls from them by means of exchange, so that these people can continue to get half full and not go hungry.

At this time, these food rolls are a new kind of money, a new currency that has not been officially recognized but has all the elements of circulating currency. Therefore, the workers' Union is not doing any great good. They can even make a profit from it.

In addition, Mark's own company is recycling food rolls, which makes the whole city maintain a weird and basic balance. People can barely survive, but they can't last long now.

A few days ago, people were so hungry that they could go to the streets to smash, smash and burn. Looking at the burned or smashed shops in Saibin, all supermarkets and supermarkets did not run away (Liao), especially the supermarkets. They were searched clean and nothing to eat was left, which also made some people get some food.

Now the situation is different. When soldiers enter cities, any illegal acts will be severely punished immediately, and people dare not take any more risks.

Only this morning, the gunfire sounded everywhere in the city was enough to make people afraid. People really began to fear not to go out. After hiding at home, they had to face a problem - how to fill their stomachs.

This is also a request made by the workers' Union at this meeting after being entrusted to reply to the promise of distributing food rolls and exchanging food as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult for people to stick to it!

After hearing the appeal of the Commissioner of the workers' Union, the mayor took out the handkerchief in his pocket and wiped the lens.

He is not young. In fact, he is reluctant to wear glasses on such a serious occasion, but the years are unforgiving. If he does not wear glasses, it is difficult for him to see some documents clearly.

In fact, he is not very old. For a politician, he is in his old age.

At this time, the documents were almost the same, and he didn't intend to continue wearing this pair of glasses. Of course, he wiped it with a handkerchief and put it away.

He rubbed the dirt and oil stains that didn't exist on the lens and said without raising his head, "originally, the distribution and exchange of food rolls have been very stable, but relevant enterprises have also been impacted because of the general strike. Therefore, we don't consider reopening the distribution and exchange of food rolls until the strike is completely solved."

He said, putting his glasses back in the glasses box and looking up at the Commissioner of the workers' Union, "when will the negotiation be settled and everything return to the original track? When will we discuss the issue of food rolls and food exchange?"

It might have been an insignificant little problem that grabbed the Commissioner of the workers' Union and the representatives behind him at once. Everyone's face showed either thinking or angry.

At this time, ferral around the mayor took the initiative to explain what happened at some exchange points. Food supplies were looted, food rolls were robbed, and the staff were injured.

These words made those people's anger turn into smoke in an instant. These are exactly what they did to strike workers. Now what else can you blame others?

After Ferrar explained, the mayor had packed all the personal belongings on the table. He looked at the others, "does anyone have any other questions?"

After waiting for about ten seconds, he announced the end of the second negotiation. Everyone has different views on whether the negotiation was successful or failed.

The workers' representatives and the trade union left the scene soon. They returned to the workers' Union by bus and began to discuss the gains of this negotiation and the concessions to be made in the next negotiation.

Lynch watched the whole negotiation process. On the way back, he still understood that the mayor had won.

Sometimes I have to admire these politicians. They devote their energy to this field, and the results are amazing.

There is no doubt that the striking workers will split into two groups after today. What has caused this result is the suspension of the distribution and cashing of food rolls, or the real essence of life under some vanity surfaces, the problem of filling their stomachs.

No matter whether the exchange points that have been impacted in Ferrar's mouth have really been attacked, at least the mayor takes such reasons and reasons as the reason to stop issuing.

If the vital interests of those "orderly" strike groups within the workers' group are damaged, there will be cracks between them and those "disorderly" strike groups, and the cracks will become larger and larger, and finally completely divide the two groups.

Moreover, during the general strike, newspapers have been reporting how many stores were robbed and how much goods were lost every day, which also gave vent to the discontent bred by timidity in some people's hearts.

Look, everyone is on strike. Some people have the courage to smash the store and rob a large number of goods, but some people are always timid. They envy, envy and hate while they dare not really do it.

Now the city hall has given them an excuse and a reason to hate, so that they have reason to blame those people. Based on the ugliest side of human nature, they will try to stand on the moral commanding height given to them by the mayor and accuse those people of undermining their peace and freedom.

Even they will feel that they once envied and envied, and even want to join the beating, smashing, looting and burning, which is the real reason for their strike failure, and those radical strike workers have become the object of their hostility.

Any movement, regardless of its momentum, once it begins to split from the inside, it indicates that the movement has come to an end.

There is no doubt that the humble food roll became the last straw to overwhelm the Sabin strike.

In order to fill everyone's stomachs as soon as possible, and for those children who can only pull out water and have some dry yellow to eat something useful, the negotiation process has moved forward unprecedentedly.

On December 9, during the fourth labor negotiation two weeks after the last negotiation, everything was settled without too many bargaining links. Finally, only the workers' wages were increased. There was beef at least once a week, because the management took some treatment money when the job was injured as the final result, ending the massive general strike.

After the meeting, the mayor also promised the workers' representatives and the workers' union that from next Tuesday, the food rolls would be redistributed, the exchange station would be opened, and the citizens in need would be helped again.

The general strike in Saibin has come to an end, but its influence and follow-up are far from over.

After the problems of the workers have been solved, the next step is to solve the problems of the capitalists.

During the strike, so many shops were smashed and burned, so many properties were robbed, which can not be said without a statement,

"It won't end like this..." mark stood among a group of gentlemen, holding the wine glass in his hand, and said such satisfactory words in a very positive tone.

This reception was held to celebrate the end of the strike. The initiator of the reception was mark. Everyone knows that he is the mayor's nephew. To some extent, his words also represent the mayor's attitude.

The strike was a trivial victory of the working class in the labor war. It would be naive to think that the capitalists would also lose because they got some results they wanted.

The businessmen in the room knew better how to take a breath for themselves in the way of rules, and beat the workers' ass hard.

Yes, according to the rules, these workers don't think it's legal for them to smash, loot and burn those private industries, do they?

Since it is illegal, there are illegal acts. As long as someone is investigated, someone must pay for their illegal acts.

Some ordinary spikes will be killed reasonably and legally, not to let them die biologically, but to get them out of the factory and send them to prison.

At ordinary times, such dismissal without any reason is likely to lead to some bad consequences. These people are pricks. Unlike ordinary workers, even if they are dismissed, they will only bear such results silently.

The assassins will take the lead in making trouble. Sometimes this will bring more losses to the capitalists than keeping them.

But this time, don't be afraid. They will be sent to prison. In addition, the workers' representatives in their factory will also be included in the delisting list because they failed to orderly initiate strikes and protests, which made some workers out of control and caused losses to the factory.

As for other workers?

They will not continue to make trouble because their wages have been increased, their welfare benefits have changed, and even the factory is willing to make a certain degree of compromise on the current sharp industrial injury problem. Why do they make trouble?

Workers' representatives and assassins were sent out of the factory, which is what the capitalists got in this strike.

In the next time, when the next general strike occurs, they can oppress and exploit the workers within a reasonable range for several to more than ten years, and the workers will endure reasonable exploitation until the next time they can't bear it, and someone will stand up first.