Chapter 415

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
At this time, the people of nagary should be happy and lucky. At least they didn't stand in the wrong team.

After lengthy negotiations, the Federation and the United Kingdom of nagary signed a large contract. The federal government will help nagary develop industrial infrastructure, build infrastructure, and even help them achieve a part of public education.

The people of the whole society looked at that amazing figure. After the praise for the hero cooled a little, they shifted their attention from the disposal of the General Commander of the naval fleet to the issue of the large-scale development of nagaril.

This time, neither the president nor the ministers of various ministries explained the contents of these contracts in detail, rather than as simple as they said for the first time.

These contracts are not a "traitorous agreement", let alone use federal money to help nagary develop their country. People need to know some of them in more detail.

For example, the labor dispatch system and overseas employment, nagary will become an employment base.

Rather than praising heroes, they are more concerned about when they can fill their stomachs and get opportunities.

For the moment, nagary is a good place.

Lynch publicized for a long time in the early stage, and people have gradually begun to accept what he said, such as gold everywhere in nagariel.

The big contract stimulated the economy and the market. On the day the foreign ministry announced the contract, the federal financial market rose again, more stocks began to pick up, and the situation was very good.

On that night, the president even appeared on television. He told the people all over the country that the contract signed with nagaril would provide at least hundreds of thousands of jobs overseas for federal citizens, and maybe even more.

Moreover, this is only the first step for the Federation to move towards the world. As the Federation has established a business cooperation relationship in more parts of the world, as long as the federals are willing to work, they will be able to get job opportunities.

The president's speech was not sensational, nor was he excited. He just calmly used some data to describe what would happen in the future to the audience in front of the TV.

However, it was precisely this performance that won the recognition of the federal people, which also enabled the president to achieve a peak of personal reputation for the first time since he took office.

According to some analysts, Mr. President is very likely to win the general election a year and a half later, much higher than when he first came to power six months ago.

Even within the Progressive Party, the party leaders and the party chairman (Chairman of the Committee) don't talk about "capable people should bear more responsibilities" - what it really means is "those without ability should not hold on".

Mr. President's goodwill and support for the military have also reversed his disadvantage in the party's support rate. People no longer often talk about his failure and losses in the last general election. Some people even think that Mr. President's defeat in the last general election is a strategy.

They just passed the most dangerous period, let the Conservatives bear all the failures, and then they ushered in a new dawn and sent the union to the top.

When a person is down and unhappy, even if what he says is right, people will think that it is just the unwilling struggle of his twisted soul under his ugly appearance.

When a person starts to run to success, even if he farts in the process, people will study how the fart helps him run to success and cheer for the fart.

On such a leisurely evening, Lynch was invited to a small banquet hosted by Mr. waldrick.

On the one hand, Mr. waldrick wants to talk to him about some problems, and on the other hand, he expresses some gratitude. It's very light, but no matter how light, gratitude is gratitude.

"When I discussed with Mr. Lynch..." and "Lynch said first..." these obviously praise Lynch, which played a key role in Mr. waldrick's persuading the board members.

Mr waldrick's consortium is no longer a narrow one - a terrible economy.

It has been a completely stretched monster with tentacles all over every corner of the whole society. They are deeply involved in both capital and politics.

Naturally, these people also know that Lynch and Truman are the core of everything in recent months. They provide the president with a correct choice and let the president go to the end and laugh to the end.

So when Mr. waldrick mentioned Lynch when persuading these people, people had to take what he said seriously. Finally, he moved these people.

It was difficult to persuade the old die hards to put the interest demands of the consortium in the international community in the next stage, but he did, so he held a small cocktail party to celebrate this.

In the federal culture, success is something worth showing off and must be shown off. If a person succeeds but doesn't know how to show off, it will make people feel confused.

Federal culture is like this. Even if Mr. waldrick's opponents know that he is showing off at this moment, they will reserve their dignity and smile and say "he deserves it".

"Mr. Lynch is here..."

Mr. waldrick and his wife are chatting with an invited couple. Today's reception is held in their manor. The atmosphere is relatively relaxed. The invited people are his close partners and friends, and everyone has a girlfriend.

As if he hadn't heard it, Mr. waldrick continued to keep his smile and chatted with the husband and wife in front of him. After about three or five sentences, the other party first politely stopped the conversation, and then Mr. waldrick left with "excuse me".

Walking along the corridor, Mr. waldrick's wife asked curiously, "do you attach great importance to this young man?"

"Is it possible that he will become our daughter's husband?" his wife asked another question.

This question made some subtle changes in Mr. waldrick's expression, "it's unlikely, but it's not completely without a chance."

"I thought you would say 'yes' or' very likely '. You attach great importance to him!"

When they were walking through the long corridor and standing by the door at the end of the corridor, Mr. waldrick took the initiative to press his hand on the door handle and twisted it around. "It depends on how fast he develops, but I think it will take some time, but our daughter can't wait that long."

Then he opened the door and made a gentleman's move of a lady first. His wife smiled and walked through the door and waited for him on the other side of the door.

"Lynch has many good ideas, but you know, there will never be a lack of young people with such ideas in this world."

"Those young scientists think more than Lin Qi. Some of their ideas and inventions can directly change the world."

"Lynch wants to be sevierella's husband. First of all, he must have the same social status, influence and other things as us."

Lynch's influence is limited to a very narrow level. Beyond this level, his influence is useless. For example, if he puts forward some business suggestions to those consortia, the board of directors of those consortia will only take what he said as a fart.

Only when he puts forward some suggestions on international relations will the members of the consortium's board of directors seriously consider it, but there is no absolute trust.

His foundation is too shallow, so it may be very harsh for many more ordinary people, but it seems to be an impossible task.

But there are these people in the Federation after all. For example, Mr. waldrick himself. No matter who he puts forward any views and suggestions to, the other party will seriously think and respond to them, whether he is good at these questions or not.

People attach importance to his views and will not decide to listen or ignore him just because he knows or is good at something. This is the great influence that plays a role all the time.

This is the gap. In addition, there are social status, political influence and so on. Among many factors, wealth has become the last one.

"You're making trouble for him!" Mr. waldrick's wife smiled quietly.

Mr. waldrick shook his head slightly. "For people like us, life is a business!"

At the gate of the manor, Lynch turned when he heard the sound of the door opening and showed his hard to feel smile, "good evening, Mr. and Mrs. waldrick!"

"Good evening..."

The two men shook hands and walked towards the room together.

Mr. waldrick's estate is very large. That's the inside story.

There is a huge manor in the core area of buppen, so that a cocktail party can be held in a side hall of the manor. This heritage is definitely not comparable to those who can only hold a cocktail party in the hotel, which is one of the reasons why he thinks Lynch still needs to work hard.

"I read today's newspaper..." on the way to the side hall, the two men naturally talked about some things that happened today. "The group plans to send a team to nagariel for a field visit later. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Suggestion..." Lynch chuckled, "it's best not to send employees who don't have a good relationship with their husband and wife to go there. For some people, it's hell, but for some people, it's heaven."

"Up to now, they are still practicing polygamy. As long as men have the ability, they can marry as many wives as they want!"

Mr. waldrick's wife couldn't help but say, "what a fool!"

Mr. waldrick grinned. "Yes, it's barbaric!"