Chapter 416

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
The atmosphere of today's small reception was very good. Mr. waldrick also invited popular female singers to perform live. With the band, the atmosphere was quite good.

"I heard you wanted to join the congregation."

Some time after the reception, Mr. waldrick found Lynch alone and talked about some of Lynch's previous ideas.

The union is ruled by the holy peace club!

The holy peace will rule the world!

How ignorant people can believe that this lie is true, but most people in the whole Federation believe that it is true. Whether the federal government or the heads of all countries in the world are members of the holy peace or controlled by the holy peace.

What's more surprising is that as the behind the scenes man who rules the world, the holy peace church has never refuted rumors in this regard. They acquiesced to this statement, which further promoted the popularity of the holy peace church.

A special secret meeting, a fair secret meeting, a secret meeting everyone wants to join!

Lynch also wants to join. Most of the upper social members of the Federation are members of the holy peace church. Although they can join the top society without the identity of the holy peace church, it is obviously easier to have such an identity.

He wanted to find a way to enter the Union College of the congregation of saints and become a student this year, but it is obvious that he is too busy to get away now and can only consider being registered.

Fortunately, this is the Baylor Federation. As long as you have money, there is nothing you can't do.

Mr. waldrick didn't know where he heard the news. At this time, he put it forward with a clear purpose.

Lynch nodded. "This identity is very important to me."

Mr. waldrick nodded slightly. "I can give you a letter of recommendation, you know..." his thumb pressed under the sword collar, which just highlighted the level III badge of the holy peace society at his collar. "With my recommendation, no one will embarrass you."

Even within the congregation, Mr. waldrick is a big man, but Lynch is considering his motivation.

In his position, his every move and word are not necessarily just those superficial behaviors, but must have more profound significance.

Lynch's glance made Mr. waldrick dumbfounded. He held the glass and raised it slightly. They touched the glass and took a sip. He continued, "do you always treat the world like this?"

"Even if it's just good intentions?"

Lynch also took a sip of wine. "There are demands and purposes behind any behavior, not to mention that you are the famous Mr. waldrick, which can't make me think of nothing."

This can't be regarded as a compliment, but it has the meaning of a compliment. Mr. waldrick smiled demurely, "this is an investment. Lynch, your future development is bound to be amazing, so I invest in you in advance, which is insignificant to me but important to you. Isn't this what we like to do most?"

"It's much more comfortable for me to say so. I accept your investment, sir!"

The two met again to confirm the "deal". In fact, Lynch knew that as long as he became a member of the holy peace church with this letter of recommendation, he would be labeled as a waldric faction.

This also meant that he had the same enemy as Mr. waldrick before he entered the congregation, and seemed to suffer a lot.

However, everything is relative. If there is a bad side, there will be a good side.

Lynch will face some opponents as soon as he joins the holy peace church, but he will also get a lot of friends.

The people who can make friends with Mr. waldrick are not unknown little people. They have both losses and gains.

Moreover, even if Lynch doesn't agree to him, he has to face all kinds of challenges and stand in line from scratch.

The faction of the college, the faction of political position, the faction involved in the field

It's better to join a faction that is less dangerous and more profitable.

"Before you leave, my housekeeper will give you a letter of recommendation, so I first..." he looked at the other guests, "... Excuse me, I have to take care of them!"

As soon as Mr. waldrick left, other people staring at him took the initiative to come over, "Mr. Lynch..."

This is a very magical experience. At this time, Lynch is less than two months away from his 22nd birthday, but he has become the "Mr. Lynch" in the mouth of these recognized successful people. This may be a higher than material enjoyment brought by wealth, status, power and influence.

"Hello..." just like the spring breeze's smile, the young and middle-aged in front of Lynch showed his most sincere smile.


In the room, sevierella, lying on the bed and bored, is reading some fashionable magazines. She plans to write another book recently, of course, because she is too boring.

No one can understand her pain. Since her birth, even if she is a disabled person, 99% of the people in the world need to look up to her.

No matter what she does or doesn't do, the property she will inherit in the future is expanding at a terrible speed.

The impact of the financial crisis and the economic tsunami is nothing more than to make the expansion of this property a little slower, so she is very bored.

But she couldn't get along with her peers, the children of the same family background.

Those real waste people only think about how to spend money, how to spend money in a variety of ways, decadent and degenerate.

Another group of people are talking about business and politics and all kinds of other things all day, and they are too serious.

She wants to find something for herself. Maybe it's a good idea to become a benchmark for women in the new era.

She wants to prove her excellence to people all over the world. Even without her family background, she can become an excellent woman in the new era.

Writing books and running her own fashion brand is her main job. She has always received letters from some book fans. Recently, these letters have become more and more.

In fact, there are more letters at this time of year, because some young high school girls are about to enter the University. They must prepare something before entering the University, such as the long-term best-selling book how to quickly integrate into the university social circle.

This book is listed in several classified guide reading lists in many bookstores, including "ten books that must be read by college freshmen".

At the beginning of a new round of hot sales, there are letters from some readers, which makes her want to write another book, which is probably related to her fashion brand.

This can form a good complementary interaction, use the identity of a best-selling writer to shift people's attention to her fashion brand, and establish a distinctive temperament, such as a brand suitable for young intellectuals and women.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. While reading fashion magazines, she thought of the beginning of the book - "an ordinary girl and an ordinary dream". She felt that this sentence could describe her inner feelings when she created the brand.

When she was thinking about how to describe the difficulties and obstacles of an ordinary girl in order to realize an ordinary dream in gorgeous words, some voices downstairs interrupted her thoughts.

She frowned. She knew that there would be a small reception at home tonight. A little insignificant sound cut off her thoughts and was difficult to connect. She hammered the velvet pillow outlined with gold wire and turned over and got out of bed.

She decided to go and get some wine.

Sevierella is an adult, and Mr. waldrick does not prohibit her from drinking, but the place of drinking must be at home.

The outside world is very dangerous. Countless people are planning to grow up his daughter's belly and sneak into the family, so he is very strict in this regard, which may be the reason why Sevilla is difficult to contact with her peers and peers.

She doesn't like those boring circles. Her father doesn't let her like those lively circles. Of course, she doesn't like the chaotic life.

After all, she is a delicate, independent and self-improvement young girl.

Walking into the side hall on the first floor, she secretly poured herself a glass of wine. When she turned around and looked for a corner for a good taste, her eyes suddenly lit up.

A gentleman who was chatting with Lynch took a look at Sevilla, who stood not far away and looked at them. He thought seriously, and then politely put forward that their topic could be over.

It's not good to be stared at, not to mention the daughter of the big boss.

As soon as the man left, sevierella took the initiative to go up, "Why are you here?"

She asked naturally. When she contacted Lynch several times, she found that Lynch was different from everyone. He was an alien!

He has Mr. waldrick's composure and can also bring a sense of security to the girl like the man. At a glance in the study that afternoon, the small particles suspended in the air and ignited by the sun surrounded him.

He confidently and calmly chatted with Mr. waldrick, the man she admired for more than 20 years, showing unprecedented concentration and seriousness.

Lynch is not like those people who like to play. The unbridled noise all the time makes people uncomfortable and won't be very boring. He can joke and tell jokes. He won't feel very noisy or boring when he gets along with him. He always feels very happy.

A very magical person doesn't miss much when he doesn't see him, but when he sees him, he can't help but want to come over and talk to him.

Looking at the girl's surprised eyes, Lynch was also a little surprised. "I passed by here and happened to be a little hungry..." he pointed to the plate beside the table, "so come in and get something to eat. Won't you report me to others?"

"I don't have an invitation!"

The girl pursed her mouth and smiled without showing her teeth. "You're lying!"

Without giving Lynch more opportunities to speak, she asked a question, "can you write a book?"

Lynch hesitated a little. "If you mean to cheat others by writing lies, then I will."

The girl directly ignored all the words in front of him, "great, I happen to have something to talk to you!"