Chapter 417

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Mr. wardrick is talking with several colleagues about some upcoming work. He listened to some suggestions of Lynch and was ready to win the infrastructure contract of at least one state in nagalil.

He was not interested in these businesses. The return rate of these businesses is indeed very high, but the return cycle is also very long. It will take at least ten to twenty years to see the results.

And there is also a crucial point, that is, the impact of politics on these businesses is much greater than that of capital!

Once the relationship between the United Kingdom and the Federation begins to decline, even conflict breaks out, or there is unrest in nagary, which will seriously affect the interests of the consortium in nagary.

This is not a business of tens of millions or tens of millions. Once this business starts, the investment in painstaking efforts and manpower over the years may be tens of millions or even hundreds of millions!

This is also the reason why the consortium's board of directors did not agree at the beginning. These people have unparalleled influence in China, but few people have heard of them in the international community, which also leads to their lack of voice in the international community.

Instead of taking risks to open up the international profit market, it is better to continue to cultivate the domestic market. Although the interests are increasingly scarce, it is safe and profitable after all.

Fortunately, "I discussed these issues with Mr. Lynch..." let him convince the board of directors. In fact, it was not persuasion, but showed them another "contract" hidden behind everything.

When necessary, when their interests are not protected, they will make a quick decision and directly overthrow the local regime. I'm afraid it's easy to support a puppet belonging to them to take office.

Even the federal government would like to see this happen. Although they would verbally criticize such interference in the internal affairs of other countries, secretly, they are still very happy.

With this statement, some "young" Directors on the board, such as Mr. waldrick, are ready to move. At their age, they are at the peak of their life.

Whether it is financial resources, ability, energy, intelligence and influence, they have reached the peak. Rich life experience can let them see further. They are willing to try some exciting things before they grow old.

For example, controlling a country is one of the reasons why people are soon convinced by him. When a consortium monopolizes the trade of a country... Even if it monopolizes the trade of half a country, it is an amazing wealth.

As we all know, as long as the profit is enough, capitalists can sell the sharp axe that cuts off their neck to the executioner at a high price. As long as the price is high enough, even the noose used to hang themselves or their companions or family can be used as a head.

Under a potential influence, the board of directors fully approved Mr. waldrick's proposal on international strategy and actively negotiated.

They were talking about these things. The housekeeper appeared behind Mr. waldrick. The housekeeper said something in his ear, such as "I saw Lynch go upstairs with Miss, and still holding a bottle of wine".

Mr. waldrick jerked from the corner of his eye, then raised his hand and clenched his fist, turned his head in the name of coughing, and whispered, "let Mary Joe stare at them..." his eyes were very sharp at the housekeeper's eyes, "you can beat them if necessary!"

The corner of the housekeeper's mouth also drew. He lowered his head and left quickly.

Waldrick's wife asked him curiously, "what happened?"

Mr. waldrick said as if nothing had happened, "the servant found a little mouse, but I asked Mary Joe to deal with these things."

Perhaps influenced by this topic, their chat with others also shifted from those normal contents to the shortcomings of the manor. For example, there are always a lot of insects, mice and small animals in the room. Then they talked about relevant work and finally shifted to environmental protection.

On the other side, the housekeeper has found Mary Joe.

Mary Joe is the maid of this manor. She is in her thirties. She has a good figure and a beautiful face. She shows a charming style all the time.

But if you underestimate her because of her appearance, it must be indifference to your own life.

Mary Joe has great skills. She has received high-intensity military training since she was very young and is proficient in the assassination technique of defeating the enemy with one move.

Most families with deep heritage will cultivate some very special talents. Mary Joe is one of them. Her job is to closely follow Sevilla or vodrick when necessary.

People don't take too much precautions against a maid who looks more like a powerful pet than cleaning the room. Her face and figure are her best disguise.

But as long as her back is exposed in front of her, she can give full play to her trembling combat effectiveness in the narrow space.

Most of the time, she is the head maid in the family and really undertakes the work of a maid.

Let her stare at the two little guys. The housekeeper can imagine what evil Lynch wants to do. Even if he just shows an expression, he will be punched by Mary Joe.

He snickered and told Mary Joe the master's request. The latter readily agreed. It is the responsibility and obligation of everyone in the manor to protect the lady's chastity!

In fact, it's funny to say that many things will never appear in front of the people in their true appearance.

For example, in the eyes of most people, life in high society should be rotten, rotten and full of stench.

After all, there are always some similar news in newspapers and TV every day, such as organizing an open meeting, and a group of people or men and women familiar with or familiar with their surnames show ugly and frightened appearance under the camera.

For example, from time to time, there will be some sex scandals in the entertainment industry, including politics. All kinds of news that smash people's three outlooks are actually reminding people that this is not an old-fashioned era.

Coupled with various movements of women's rights organizations, they bare their bodies, boasting that women should obtain the dominant position and power equivalent to men in gender relations. Many things are gradually getting out of control.

Perhaps it is precisely because of these ethos that the middle and lower classes of federal society look at chastity very casually.

Some girls may receive a Mr. Jiao as their birthday gift at the age of 16, or a living male. Even some girls feel inferior because they don't have any experience between men and women before entering college!

What a terrible situation... Ah, those girls have an inferiority complex because they maintain a chaste body!

In contrast, in the upper class of the Federation, those real big families will still tell their heirs the importance of chastity. Although sometimes they will be said to be rigid and conservative by young people, at least some people will listen.

As for those big family members who still go their own way... Their indulgence is just a family strategy and a kind of helplessness.

Many of these people are not qualified for inheritance. They may only obtain less than 1% of the family shares from the family, and are not qualified to participate in family meetings and the board of directors of family enterprises.

Every year, their insignificant shares will bring them a lot of money. They enjoy the noble status brought by their surname. They don't need to struggle at the same time. At least they can't let those real family heirs think they may be a challenger.

So why not indulge?

Anyway, their life has been fixed, so indulge!

These people create an illusion that the new generation of those ruling classes are rotten, and a happy ruling family will not lead to social opposition.

Even if people are dissatisfied with some of their practices, they will think, wait, wait!

Look at their descendants. They can't do anything except abuse and misdeeds. The family will eventually rot. as long as they wait, they can finish it by themselves.

very interesting!

Marijo knocked on the door of sevierella's room. In her hand was a tray with a silver pot and two silver cups inlaid with gold rims.

Since the spread of cosmetics to all corners of society, some pure silver utensils need to be changed. For example, they will touch the parts of the human body and can no longer use silver.

Some cosmetics have special ingredients that can make silver blacken quickly, so people use more stable gold belts to replace those parts that will come into direct contact with the human body.

"Miss, I'll deliver tea..."

"Come in!"

In the room, two young people sat together in the living room. For the girl, Mary Joe was like a part of the house.

It may be rude to say so, but that's how she feels about Mary Joe. Of course, to beautify it, she takes her as her family.

Mary Joe saw the two young people sitting together. She was a little relieved. She quietly went opposite them and put the tray on the tea table.

She poured some herbal tea for them and stood aside.

The girl looked at her. She looked at her feet. After a while, the girl said, "you can go out, Mary Joe. We need to discuss some things about writing."

Mary Joe didn't speak, as if she didn't hear it. The girl was a little embarrassed. Maybe it was because her words didn't work. At this time, Lynch sat next to her, which made her feel that her words were not easy to use and had no face.

Just when she was a little unhappy, Lynch reached out and pressed sevierella. "Let her stay here. I guess your father asked her to come."

The girl frowned. Instead of asking Mary Joe to leave, she looked at Lynch and asked a question, "what's she doing here?"