Chapter 552

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Helen, who came back from the interview, stood outside her home and waited for a while. After the people from the second-hand commodity recycling company left, she sighed and asked her father, "what have we lost this time?"

The old man standing on the withered and yellow lawn is her father. The withered and yellow lawn under their feet has not been changed for more than half a year.

Originally, the community also talked to them. If they can't afford to replace the Yellow lawn, the community company can lend them some money first.

In the Federation, except for those low-grade and non-income communities, medium and high-grade communities have very strict requirements for residents. It does not mean that if you buy a house in the medium and high-grade community, you are really a member of the community. You must abide by the regulations of the community, or everyone will unite to drive you out.

The appearance of the house, the vegetation in the yard and the lawn are the most basic requirements for the residents. You can not buy the house here, but you must abide by the rules here.

Part of the content is written in the house purchase contract, and some are re signed when moving in. In short, people must abide by it.

But soon the community company didn't mention it, because they found that more households didn't have the money to replace the lawn. If the community service company paid this money for a household, others might ask the community company to pay in advance. They were about to go bankrupt. How could they have so much money to take care of everyone?

Now we enter the main road of the community from the main road. There are yellow and withered lawns on both sides of the road. The image of the whole community has plummeted. In addition, some "for sale" signs are inserted on the lawns, which used to be a medium-sized community.

The old man standing on the withered and yellow lawn smiled. "We just lost our washing machine and lawn machine..." he was full of guilt. "Sorry, the new bill will arrive soon. I have to pay those bills, and we can't use those things now."

"I noticed that there are laundries and coin operated washing machines in the community service company. It's very close here. We won't have too much trouble when washing clothes. As for the lawn..." the old man kicked the lawn on the ground and kicked away some mud blocks. There's nothing green here.

Originally, this was a fairly surplus family, but the sudden economic recession directly brought down the family. When they barely paid Helen university tuition, the outbreak of the economic recession made them lose the ability to resist family risks.

Successive unemployment and the need for medical treatment for their little daughter, they have changed the physical therapy done by special doctors in the hospital every week to Helen at home, but their life has not improved.

The continuous sale of family property has almost become the only way for similar families to survive. TV always says that the economy has improved and the factory has started, but some people seem to have been missed by these good news.

When they can't find anything else to sell, they will sell their house cheaply, perhaps less than one-third of the price when they bought the house.

Then they will move to a bad community, or simply move to the lower urban area, find some relationship, rent a relief house, and the family will huddle in a narrow room waiting for the end of the economic winter.

The sad, sad and helpless situation has happened to countless people.

The old man was silent for a few seconds. He felt guilty. "I'm sorry!"

"It's not your fault." Helen went over and hugged the old man. "Say something to be happy. Do you know Mr. 10 billion?"

As they talked, they walked into the room. As they walked, the old man said, "of course, Mr. Lynch, the youngest Mr. 10 billion, he has been reported on TV all this time. What's the matter with him?"

"I'm going for an interview!" Helen decided to tell the story. She just told her family that she was going to attend an interview, but she didn't say where to attend the interview. She didn't think the opportunity was too high. She didn't want her family to be happy and lost.

But now she realized that she needed some good news to cheer up her family, so she chose to say that nothing could inspire her family more than attending Mr. 10 billion's interview. Even if it didn't succeed, it couldn't be a bad thing.

At least she attended, which is an experience in itself, which can make her resume look better.

The old man suddenly had some interest, "so what's the result? Did you get the job?"

Helen shook her head. "I don't know, but Mr. Lynch said that he was deeply impressed by my interview and would focus on me when he chose!"

"This is really good news. I have to tell your mother to give us something delicious in the evening!" the old man seemed very excited. His guilt for the family did not continue to affect him. Maybe there would be no further news about this, but at least the family would have a short period of relaxation and joy in this silent and depressed life.

At dinner, some beef appeared on the table. Helen's mother introduced it a little, "we bought these together, and I grabbed the best one!".

Helen's family is not the only one in the community. In this financial disaster, buppen's disaster situation is more serious than other places!

You know, in other places, the main economic pillars are industry and a small amount of agriculture and animal husbandry, but the most industries people are engaged in in in bupayne are finance and service industry, so the financial disaster has a greater and more direct impact on bupayne.

Therefore, a similar phenomenon of "group buying" also began to appear. Wives in the community would chip in to buy large packages of food materials. These large packages of food materials without simple processing were cheaper and heavier.

If one person can't afford it, several people can afford it. Of course, it also needs some physical strength and eyesight to divide these ingredients. Helen's mother is particularly satisfied with her achievements today. She grabbed the fattest piece of meat.

This made Helen's father more guilty. He could only reluctantly smile and rub his restless hands back and forth under the table. He was laughing, but it was more painful for him than crying.

Everything seems to be so good at the table. It's like going back to a few years ago. Helen's parents are not unemployed. They have enough income to support Helen to go to college and enough money to treat her little daughter's diseases. They never worry about these things.

As long as we wait until next month, everything will be solved.

At the end of dinner, Helen's sister asked a question, "will you get the job?"

Everyone's eyes focused on Helen almost at the same time. For a moment, a heavy weight she had never felt weighed on her shoulder.

She looked at her father. The old man's eyes were full of unspeakable color, despair, expectation and some contradictory things.

Helen nodded subconsciously, then nodded hard, and promised with words she didn't believe, "I will, I will!"

The short and suffocating calm on the table was broken by the little girl's laughter for a moment. She may not know how difficult it is. She just naively thought that everything would be all right, just like what was said on TV.

After dinner, Helen's mother was cleaning the table. Her father called her again and wanted to say something, but finally just smiled and said, "don't force yourself too hard, we can make it better!"

That night, Helen felt the heaviness, responsibility and suffocation she had never felt before.

They have nothing to sell. Maybe next time, they will sell the house.

Early the next morning, Helen went to Lynch's house, which was a house on the hillside near inner bay in buppen, which was also the best location in buppen.

There is no better place than the prosperous metropolis on one side and the distant ocean on the other. Of course, its price is also desperate.

Many local people occasionally or even often pass by here, but they have no qualification to go in all their life. Even as guests, they do not have such qualification.

Money draws a line in the world. Inside the line is heaven and outside the line is hell.

Helen turned to the doorman and hoped to see Mr. Lynch, but unfortunately, Mr. Lynch didn't seem to want to see her, which made her feel desperate.

If she doesn't get the job, what should she do, what should her family do, what should her sister do, and what should she do herself?

Very confused. Sometimes people are like this. They may not feel this before a key time point.

But after this critical time point, the whole world suddenly becomes strange, and everything makes people unable to take measures and face it.

She doesn't want to go home, because after going back, she must face the disappointment of her family. She continues to look for opportunities outside. Unfortunately, under the current environment, most companies don't have plans to recruit new employees. It's worth affirming that they can't cut some of them.

In this way, Helen, who had wasted a whole day, finally had to go home and tell the depressing news to her family. She didn't know how she got home!

After a long psychological preparation, she opened the door. The smell from the restaurant made her more hesitant. This was originally prepared to celebrate that she could find a good job, but she brought back bad news.

She came to the living room with heavy steps to tell everyone that she had disappointed them, but what she didn't expect was that she saw Lynch here.

Lynch was eating her mother's best cow ribs. He sat on the table without image, grasping the bones with his hands and gnawing hard at the oil stains.

It seems that he saw the girl. Lynch put down his bones and greeted the girl with a smile, "Hi!"

There was some crystal clear water in the girl's eyes. She was stunned for a second, "hi..."