Chapter 553

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"I heard that your sister is not in good health, so I decided to come and have a look after I was busy..." Lynch sucked his oily finger, which made Helen's parents very happy.

In the federal society, there are many ways of affirming others. According to different methods, affirming others can get more direct and positive feedback.

Lynch sucking his fingers means that he is very satisfied with the dinner made by Helen's mother, which is not only related to her daughter's work, but also an incentive for her. After all, it is also an experience worth showing off - Mr. Lynch ate my cow ribs and sucked his fingers!

Well, she is unlikely to say so, but she will let people know this through some hints. People's faces will show a complex look of envy, jealousy and hatred. This may be the only thing that can make people feel happy in this unhappy season.

"Oh, my God, look at me..." Helen's mother quickly gave Lynch her napkin. Lynch said thank you and wiped her greasy hand in her hand.

Helen didn't know how to express it. Her heart beat very fast. At this time, she became clumsy. In fact, she had a lot to say. For example, today she went to the address on Lynch's business card. Why did Lynch refuse to see her.

For example, she didn't tell Lynch where she lived and why Lynch could find her.

For example

She wanted to ask a lot of questions and wanted to say a lot, but she suddenly didn't know how to express it. It may have something to do with her beating heart. She was a little overwhelmed.

"I've seen your sister. I heard her illness is very special, isn't it?"

The voice of Lynch's question pulled Helen back from some state. She quickly replied, "yes, Mr. Lynch, she has a very strange disease..."

Helen's sister's disease is not a disease in the conventional sense. She is very dangerous. She may die anytime, anywhere, but it is not so dangerous if the patient has money.

To put it simply, this disease makes the patient's body spasm uncontrollably, which is very painful, if anyone has felt this pain.

Most muscles in the whole body will spasm, which may affect breathing and heart. Just like those patients with allergies, their allergies are harmless most of the time, such as erythema, pruritus or slight edema.

But if there is an allergic reaction in the trachea, alveoli and even the heart, it will be fatal.

Every year in the Federation, some people are suffocated alive due to various problems caused by allergies, as well as cases of anaphylactic shock and even sudden death.

Helen's sister's disease is similar. As long as she receives physical therapy every day to completely relax her muscles, and then takes some medicine to relax her muscles, her problem is not so serious, which is no different from that of normal people.

But without medication and physical therapy, her situation will get worse.

What's worse, her mood and living environment will also become a part of her illness, which is even worse!

They didn't worry about this problem before. At that time, Helen's parents still had a decent job. With the help of her parents, she entered a large company as soon as she graduated, but everything was finished because of the financial tsunami.

Speaking of this, Helen suddenly became a little nervous. She looked at Lynch and asked a little embarrassed, "have I got this job?"

Her hands closed, her fingers clasped together, and some pleading expressions appeared on her face, as if the poor little animal showed a humanized expression.

There was no obvious tendentious expression on Lynch's face, even a little serious, which made Helen's heart sink. Lynch even shook her head, which made her more desperate. She almost gave up.

"I thought about it all day. I can't think of anyone else who can do the job except you!" then Lynch said the fuck, which made Helen react for a while.

So she was not sure whether what she heard was the same as what she thought and what Lynch said. She had to say something and asked tentatively, "so I got the job?"

This time Lynch finally nodded, "yes, you can understand that."

She didn't care about the little things that Lynch "teased" her before. After she cheered wildly for a while and told the good news to her parents who had hid back in her room, she appeared panting in front of Lynch again.

She was so happy and excited. She didn't know how much Lynch would pay herself, but she didn't think it would be too low.

Even if Lynch is a miser, he always has to abide by federal law, doesn't he?

The minimum hourly wage law in bupayne also allows her to get nearly 310 yuan a month. This money may not immediately improve the lives of her and her family, but at least it will not let their lives continue to decline.

All this, the good news in the desperate situation, made the girl very happy and happy. The whole person and every cell seemed to be singing. The smile on her face couldn't be controlled. She wanted to be calm in front of Lynch, but she soon couldn't help smiling.

"You know... I need this job so much!" she explained that she looked crazy. "I'm so happy!"

"I can see!" Lynch affirmed.

But soon the girl became more curious, "can you tell me why it's me?"

"Why did I get this job? You know, as you said, there must be better people than me to apply for it. Why me?"

"I am neither the most beautiful nor the most capable. Why did you choose me?", her eyelashes tremble slightly. In fact, every girl's heart is pink. When she is very excited, there must be some wishful thinking passing through her mind quickly.

Why am I not the right girl?

Who stipulated it?

She looked at Lynch, tried hard to stabilize the rapid breath of rage, became deep, and seemed afraid to disturb Lynch's answer.

Lynch also looked at her, and they looked at each other. At this time, Lynch was almost perfect in the girl's eyes. The whole person's thin dead skin from hair to heel was blooming with gold.

Sometimes the outburst of emotion is sudden and doesn't take too long to brew.

She took a step forward. Her trembling eyelashes betrayed the fierce emotional changes in her heart. She looked at Lynch. The distance between them was a little close, and the atmosphere became a little beautiful.

If this is a studio, according to the idea of the screenwriter and director, it is like a normal person. The next thing should be the expected kiss, but Lynch's brain circuit may be different from that of a normal person.

He suddenly took a step backwards. "I can't imagine how bad I tasted garlic from your mouth when I kissed. Why don't you brush your teeth?"

The girl was stunned again, and then her face quickly became very red. The red was like taking a sharp thing to poke on her face, and the blood would "crack" out.

She didn't eat at noon. On the way back, she was very hungry and bought a pie. She didn't want her family to see her situation, but this kind of thing was suddenly said by Lynch. She felt she wanted to find a ground to drill in!

What a shame!

She turned and wanted to, but Lynch pulled her back. Looking close, she could even smell the garlic smell from the girl's mouth and her breathing. Lynch leaned back a little.

"You asked me what to choose you. Of course, you're right."

"There are some girls who are better than you. They graduated from famous universities and graduates of St. Peace Alliance college."

"There are also some special beauties. Their bodies make people think of which cigarette to smoke when they see them."

"You are not the best, nor the most beautiful..."

Lynch reached through the girl's hair and touched her hot face, "but you need it more than anyone. Fate heard your prayer and told me to let me disperse the dark clouds for you..."


Dinner will continue. After a short calming mood, Helen's family and Lynch sat together and tasted a rich dinner.

In fact, Lynch came a little earlier than Helen thought. He also kindly prepaid a sum of money as an advance salary, which solved the dilemma that the old couple couldn't give anything to entertain Lynch.

Eating a sumptuous dinner, looking at the extended smile on his parents' faces and watching his sister and Lynch whispering aside, it seems that all the sadness has dissipated because of Lynch's arrival.

Never before. Helen never felt that she could breathe without restraint and oppression. She also had a smile on her face. The clouds blocking the sun left slowly. A glimmer of light tore the haze into her heart. At this moment, she was excited.

Thank Lynch, thank fate, thank everything.

After dinner, the old couple consciously pinched their little daughter and went back to the room to rest, leaving the living room for Lynch and Helen.

Sitting on the sofa, commenting on the dishes just enjoyed, "it may not be as delicious as those famous chefs in the hotel, but you know, your mother's dinner reminds me of a word, home."

"It has a unique taste of family. It is not amazing or shocking enough. It won't make people feel too many complex things. It's just plain, but it shows warmth and joy..."

Helen, sitting obliquely on the sofa watching Lynch, suddenly asked, "do you want to try?"

Lynch was a little confused, so, "try what?"

"I just brushed my teeth secretly and didn't eat garlic at night. Do you want to try?"