Chapter 557

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
There are 78 galilees on one side and 121 galilees on the other. With the heads of the inagalilees, they can't understand why the federals say that these two absolutely different numbers are the same.

Young people don't know that 78 is 78 and 121 is 121. What appreciation and depreciation has to do with him.

He clenched the money in his hand and looked around at the fierce supervisors holding sticks and swearing. His instinct told him not to resist and bear it silently. At least he still has money now.

But the movement that broke out not long ago and some ideas that are spreading rapidly among young people make him want to get back the money he deserves!

He is not a lazy slob, he works hard, he should gain something!

He hesitated a little, but said forcefully, "I just want my money back."

The accountant looked at him. Neither of them wavered. A moment later, the accountant nodded and hooked him. "Put the money on the table and I'll give you what you deserve."

The young man put the crumpled money in his hand on the table. He stared at the accountant. If the accountant wanted to take his money, he would resist.

The accountant didn't do that. The accountant just took out a coin he had never seen from his pocket and put it in his hand, "this is your salary today, a federal sol."

As he spoke, he shook his head and pushed the change given on the table back into the drawer.

He looked at the others. "Who else wants to change money?"

In fact, we have heard a story about the salary of federal sol for a long time. They have signed an employment contract, and someone told them more than once that their salary is a federal sol.

But now, when they really put this federal sol in their hands, they feel at a loss, because this federal sol is not as powerful as they think.

It's like... It's like an insignificant dollar. It doesn't have much weight and can't afford too much value.

"Is there anyone else who wants to change money?", the accountant asked again. Some young people came to change money, and the accountant gave them all. Compared with the ideas and practices of these young people, the older nagarins endured it silently.

They have experienced too many things. They have learned to endure silently and not to resist. Even if some things have infringed on their interests, they will remain silent.

This is not a country where the people have power. Claiming, complaining and dissatisfaction will only bring greater misfortune to themselves.

After asking again, no one asked for a change of money. The accountant nodded with satisfaction, then pointed to those who paid back the money and said to the supervisor, "don't let them enter the construction site from tomorrow..." then he looked at those people, "you're fired!"

As he said, he put the things in the drawer into his carry on bag. In fact, there was nothing. It was just some worthless Galilee, but his decision made those young people explode quickly after a short daze.

Some of them have worked here for two months. As long as they can work for 100 days, they can get a weekly salary, and their salary can soar!

Although from now on, even if they get a weekly salary, it is almost the same as the daily salary in the past, but their level has risen after all.

If you want to get more money and enjoy better treatment, you must have a higher level.

Now, their two months' efforts are in vain. How can this make people not angry.

Those young people shouted again with dissatisfaction. This time, even if the supervisor waved a stick to beat them, they didn't give up. Until several armed men raised their guns, fate poured down like a basin of cold water.

"We don't accept those who have a tendency to violence to work for us. You will bring us unexpected hidden dangers!" the accountant stood in the armed bodyguard and looked at these people. "If you have problems, I welcome you to talk to me in private. We can solve the problems friendly and won't have any impact on you."

"But you are here, in front of many people, trying to incite more people to stand against us, then you are dangerous."

"I want to tell you another thing. In this city and even the whole province, you can't get any job from others. You are excluded by us forever!"

After that, the accountant shook his head and left. In fact, what happened here is only an epitome of the whole process of Galilee appreciation. As early as the day of Galilee appreciation, when the exchange rate fluctuated rapidly, some businessmen in other provinces had changed the amount of payment.

At that time, it directly triggered a conflict and reportedly killed several people.

People died in vain. The official notice said that these people were greedy when taking their wages, wanted to rob the accountants of their salaries, and then were directly killed by armed bodyguards.

As for whether this is the case, let alone for the time being, similar situations broke out in almost all places, and people began to be dissatisfied, but there was nothing to do, and the cause of all this was the joint development company.

They promoted the rapid rise of Galil's exchange rate and directly reaped a lot of benefits!

In essence, after the appreciation of Galilee, the salary of workers has not changed any from before. They used to get a salary worth one dollar federal sol, and now they get a salary worth one federal sol. This is absolutely no problem.

However, it is impossible for ordinary people to engage in international trade and frequent exchange of foreign exchange, and it is impossible for the value of domestic goods in nagarin to fall because of the appreciation of Galilee. For example, it is absolutely impossible for things that were originally sold for 100 Galilee to suddenly fall to 50 Galilee.

The monetary system of the domestic community in nagary is relatively independent. Outside the international monetary system, it now forcibly introduces a foreign currency that does not exist in the local closed economic society. The resulting conflict is enough to make many things change dramatically..

This change will not be directly reflected in the value calibration of the domestic economic system, but people do get less money. This is the harvest of red fruits!

In just three months in nagariel, the Federation has millions of people working for joint development companies or federal businessmen.

Each person's daily salary has been reduced by 50 galilees, which means that federal businessmen have saved 50 million or more galilees every day. According to the current exchange rate, this is also an amazing figure!

Capital sickles from highly developed countries are waving here. Bureaucrats and rulers who should have stood on the side of nagalil are frantically transferring property.

Taking advantage of the appreciation of Galilee, they can get more foreign exchange than ever before!

When the hot money in the whole international market flows to nagary, it is natural that some special people will wander around.

These people often appear together at the door of the bank. Whenever someone is ready to enter the bank, they will take the initiative to chat up, "friends, do you have foreign exchange?"

If people don't pay attention to them, they will change the topic, "do you want to change some foreign exchange, we can talk..." and he will show all kinds of foreign exchange.

Around the changes in the form of international finance during this period, nagary is moving towards a place no one knows.

"I can't understand..." the short young man looked at a coin in his hand and his brain couldn't turn around.

"I've read the contract. It's really the same as those federals said, but why don't I feel the good impact of the appreciation of Galilee on us?"

There are some other people around him, who are also dazed. The recent exchange rate fluctuations have made them temporarily decide to meet here.

Many people seem to be confused, angry and want to do something, so they hope their leaders can bring them some enlightenment.

But the young man who was not tall was also very confused. He read a lot of newspapers and materials from Wangdu and knew why everything was.

It is because he knows that he is more confused. Why is it like this?

"Why don't we organize some people to make a scene?" asked the angry and impulsive cadre around him.

Compared with learning to drive in the base, it seems more interesting to make trouble with everyone. He really likes the feeling of being relied on and watched by many people.

Only then can he feel the value of his existence.

The short young man hesitated. He looked at a layer of oil mud and some old federal coins in his hand, and finally nodded slowly.

"The purpose of our action this time is not like that last time. What we need is an explanation, a reasonable explanation and a solution. We can't accept the reason that we can't understand to deduct our salary. They must give sufficient explanation!"

"And!" the young man, who was not tall, stressed, "try not to use any violent means. The situation is different from before. Those federates are very difficult to deal with..."

In the past, the local police might be very fierce, but at most they just beat up the young people who made trouble, shut them up for a few days, and then let them go.

But now, the armed bodyguards of the Federation can really shoot. As long as they think the people they protect have been threatened enough, they will not hesitate to shoot, which has also suffered a certain heavy blow to the movement of Al Shabaab in nagalil!

Not everyone has the courage to shout slogans and raise their opinions when facing the muzzle of the gun, which is bound to eject bullets and take people's lives.

The impulsive young man grinned, "no problem, don't worry!"