Chapter 558

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
What is despair?

The old king of the United Kingdom of nagary felt a deep sense of despair at this time.

When Preston controlled the domestic and foreign trade of nagary, he didn't despair, because he knew Preston was just a businessman. He just wanted to make some money from nagary.

He has little impact on nagariel. Ordinary people are unlikely to contact Preston, let alone feel the deterrence of Preston business.

For nagariel at that time, the existence of Preston had both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage was that foreign trade and import business were controlled by others, but the advantage was that some equipment purchased by less official parties could be obtained through Preston firm.

As long as there is enough profit, the guy known as "Mr. Preston" is willing to take any risk to send what the nagalil rulers need to them.

After the collapse of Preston's power, some provincial governors began to fall to the federals, and the old king did not despair. In fact, he had foreseen this kind of thing. Before, some provincial governors colluded with those foreign businessmen and had a close relationship with Preston, which is almost the same as now.

There is no shortage of rulers in this land. Even for the old king, it is best for the governors to take refuge in the Federation and then go away. In this way, the power of the royal family and his power can grow rapidly and really put the whole country under their own power.

When a large number of federal businessmen poured into nagalil, he did not despair. Federal businessmen came here to make money. No matter how they made money, they all needed to hire locals. When a large number of locals were hired, the federals had to pay wages.

As long as they pay their wages, it means that this large amount of money will remain in nagaril forever to improve people's lives and promote social development.

Not to mention the provisions in the National Certificate signed by them, after a certain number of years, all infrastructure facilities and equipment, some infrastructure industrial facilities and equipment, and some factories will be unconditionally resold to the nagarian government at a certain discount.

This is also one of the main reasons why nagariel was willing to talk about the alliance with the Federation. They were too eager to realize the foundation of industrialization, even if it was just the foundation.

With these foundations, they can slowly replicate and develop. Even if they need a long time to catch up with developed countries, at least they are on the right path.

In the face of a large number of conflicts between foreign things, local people and local culture, the old king has never interfered excessively. This is what a backward country must encounter in the process of development.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. If you want to catch up, you can't be afraid of pain.

Whether it was the last time some provincial governors "forced the palace" that made everyone willing to change their money into federal sol according to the idea of the Federation, or a series of conflicts broke out later, the old king did not despair. He even felt that all this was just an inevitable process when cutting rotten meat.

When the rotten meat is cut off and the new meat grows out, everything will be all right.

But now, he began to feel despair. The reason why he felt despair was the endless means of the Federation!

As one of the richest people in this country, the old king is not happy at all. Galilee's performance in the foreign exchange market has always been bad, which actually has no impact on the domestic economic situation of nagarin.

Even if Galilee depreciates further, the domestic situation will not change. An almost semi closed market that is not in contact with the outside world is not as sensitive to currency exchange rate changes as the open markets of some open countries.

But no one thought that the federals actually promoted the appreciation of Galilee, which is really... Something that no one can think of.

The old king had an almost instinctive perception, which was not a good thing, but a very bad, very bad thing, but he didn't know how to turn this feeling into organized language.

It's like people who haven't seen shit see a piece of shit in the dinner plate. Even if this piece of shit is dressed up very well, people will have a subconscious feeling that this shit can't be fucking eaten!

But they don't know why they can't eat. This is instinct.

The old king also had such an instinctive feeling that something big was going to happen, but he just didn't know why.

Those provincial governors, including some people in Wangdu, and even some of his relatives, are frantically transferring assets. Taking advantage of the appreciation of Galilee, they can only buy one house abroad. Now they are about to buy two.

No one knows what to do in the future, but now is the best time to transfer assets.

These people do not care about their status as the ruler of nagalil. In their view, the country is doomed, and leaving when the ship does not sink is the most correct choice.

Looking at the crowd gathered outside the square, the old king sighed. He didn't know that there was a sense of crisis, so he couldn't solve it, and the real source of danger came from the unexpected means of the Federation.

Even if he knows why this crisis came, what about next time?

What about next time?

What about next time?

"Inform all departments not to expand the situation. Now we don't know what's behind it. We need to wait..." the old king waved his hand wearily, and a waiter standing in an inconspicuous corner bowed down and disappeared.

The Al Shabaab of najal is an institution supported by the old king. Even his favorite son is still the leader of the Al Shabaab!

In fact, the original purpose of the nagalil youth party was to deal with the people of Preton business. Once these people squeeze the country too hard, the nagalil youth party can stand up on behalf of the people's thoughts and kill those vampire foreigners.

Even completely overthrow the economic colonization of nagary by Preston firm and realize complete freedom again.

It was a pity that Preston had not enjoyed the great gift prepared by the old king for him before he was expelled by the federates.

But the Shabab did not dissolve, but began to surface gradually, because after Preston, there came a more terrible enemy, the Baylor Federation.

The old king once had such an idea, that is, is it possible for the federals to support the nagalil youth party to overthrow the local "semi feudal rule"?

It's possible, isn't it? The federates let the nagali fight the nagali. At that time, all governors and chiefs, including his king, may die in chaos and the rise of a national consciousness!

Moreover, there is a great possibility of such development, which is why the old king will continue to support the development of Al Shabaab. Once this kind of thing he thought of becomes possible, even if he dies, his son can inherit his power.

After all, his son is the leader of Al Shabaab!

But there were always some things that caught people off guard. When the party constitution, line and mode of Al Shabaab in nagary had not been completely changed, an unexpected conflict broke out.

Before, their slogan was to expel foreigners. After all, this slogan has been shouted within the organization for so many years, and it is impossible to change it at once.

However, they have popularized the new slogan "take responsibility for themselves and make decisions for themselves". From the changes of these slogans, we can feel their softening in dealing with foreigners and transfer the main contradiction from "foreigners" to the issue of "autonomy".

Isn't this just in line with the federals' pursuit of the spirit of freedom?

At that time, the federals will promote this great change, which will not only completely eliminate the helpless separation of the royal family for hundreds of thousands of years, and achieve a high degree of unity of power, but also help nagary achieve a great leap forward development.

But everything has become so fast.

The of the Old Kingdom sighed. He was very tired and wanted to rest, but he couldn't rest. He couldn't rest until he found a better way to curb the unscrupulous exaggeration of the federates.

The demonstrations from outside were getting louder and louder. The old king couldn't help but have an absurd and funny expression on his face. I didn't expect to hear such a "beautiful" voice here.

Lynch shook his head after reading the letter three days later when he knew that a huge demonstration had suddenly broken out in nagaril.

The laying of submarine cables is too slow, and they haven't been laid yet, which is too late. However, Lynch expected the outbreak of this round of demonstrations.

The capitalists also told you that without deducting your salary, all your demands are unreasonable. How can the people not fry the pot?

Not to mention the people of Al Shabaab in nagalil, as well as some people in the Federation, are promoting the development of things. It won't work if we don't make trouble at that time!

He put away the letter and turned back to the room where mayor Langdon and Ferrar, some other key members of the city hall and the mayor's nephew mark were sitting.

After the state election, the list of European parliaments will also change, which is the main reason why Langdon has to finish his work here after the state election. Too early or too late will put more pressure on him and all links in the whole event, and will cause more dangers.

This is the best time to resign. He can directly transfer his files to other states, and then after a period of work, he can be nominated as a member of Congress by the state legislature.

Now we are talking about the change of power. Mayor Langdon is leaving, but an interest group formed around him can't leave all at once, or even doesn't intend to leave.

When mayor Langdon becomes a "member of Langdon house of Representatives", he can take care of these old friends in Saibin.

This is a negotiation between the old and the new!