Chapter 821

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Many people outside the political arena often think that it is very meaningful to squeeze into the president and become a member of the "presidential Gang".

In fact, not every president will have a very strong personal political color. Once it is marked with the mark of "presidential Gang", the future development will be a little difficult.

There are many issues involved, political issues, position issues, camp issues, team issues

The Progressive Party is not monolithic. It is divided into several camps. Now the "presidential Gang" is indeed becoming popular, but what will happen in the future?

The president himself will retire at that time. What about the rest of them?

After the successor takes office, the most correct measure is to attack the predecessor for what he has done wrong, and even directly fire on the predecessor without any definite reason, which has almost become an ideological correct practice.

Just like the current president, when he first came to power, he frantically attacked the former president's political platform and governance philosophy, and suppressed the "conservatism" once recognized by people into "escapism".

The rapid development of society is regarded as "ignoring the dangers under economic growth in order to seek good-looking reports".

There are more things like "lying". The former president said he wanted to complete the education reform, but in fact he didn't succeed.

The former president said that he had only completed a small part of improving the welfare of the working class.

There will always be a little mistake in the eight years of governance. These mistakes will be amplified and provide ammunition for successors.

So that people now see that they have been cheated by the former president for six years!

He can do so, and so can his successor.

Wrong policy, wrong idea, wrong behavior, wrong action

Politicians who already have power may not take this attack to heart, but girls like Catherine will only become cannon fodder most of the time.

Like those who left the presidential palace not long ago with personal belongings, they have contributed six years of time and energy to this country.

People will not thank them now, but will be hostile to them. Even because of the lawsuit of the former president, they may also bear some stigma, and may even become the least prominent accomplice.

It's better to leave early in the morning than to be labeled as Mr. President and stumble slowly on the future political road.

This is not to say that no one can succeed, but these people are a minority, and there are many people supporting them!

Catherine won't have these people to support them. Except Lynch, no one will support a girl with a clean background for a period of time, which is doomed that she can't go this way.

"In fact, I don't care about it at all. Didn't you tell me before that there is no presidential palace in my future arrangement!" Catherine stopped and looked at Lynch.

Sometimes people are disgusted with other people's arrangements for their lives. It's like an 18-year-old boy who likes music is forced to be a cook. His father has even figured out the name of his first restaurant.

Not many people will like this feeling, but if the purpose of the arrangement is to bring her closer to Lynch, she doesn't think it's unacceptable.

Lynch nodded. He touched the girl's face. The girl tilted her head and felt the heat in Lynch's palm.

"You've had a great start. Some time ago, Ms. Tracy took you on TV and left a deep impression on people. Next, we'll deepen these impressions."

Lynch looked at him. "All I did was to get us closer. If you're tired of this, we can't do it."

Catherine shook her head. Sometimes she would consider whether it was valuable or meaningful.

Later, she thought it was. In fact, since Lynch developed, she knew that as long as she spoke, Lynch would not refuse any of her requests.

But she won't do that. As she said to her best friend, she could catch up with Lynch in school before. Now she has entered the society, she can catch up with Lynch again.

In fact, in a sense, their feelings have gone beyond the feelings of ordinary "lovers", more like a process in the transition period of love and family affection.

Although there are some small twists and turns, the future is still bright.

Catherine had no objection. Lynch took her hand, avoided the reporters outside the gate and walked towards the backyard of the presidential palace.

There is a small garden behind the presidential palace for the president and dignitaries to relax or talk about private topics.

At this time, it is empty. The air is filled with the unique freshness and fishy smell of plants and trees. The blue sky and the warm sun are perfect at this moment.

"Ferral will resign in April and may..."

Catherine also began to gradually enter the state, "didn't he do well? I heard that the employment rate of Saibin City rebounded quickly under his governance, and many people said he did well."

Lynch shook his head. "Who can sit down in that position has nothing to do with his ability."

"A cat, a dog, as long as they have a good owner, they can also become mayors, congressmen and even governors!"

"After Ferrar resigned, the governor's nephew wanted to take that position, or the governor wanted that position, so Ferrar had to resign."

"He will definitely contact me. We haven't settled some transactions before. I'm going to help you find your first formal job."

Lynch stopped, stood on the side of a tall green plant wall and looked at Catherine. "Saibin city councilor, this start is not very high, but it's just good for us."

He went on again. On these issues, Catherine is only a "primary school student", although she has been exposed to all kinds of important government affairs from all over the country in recent months.

However, in some exchange of interests that will not be written on paper, we still need to receive education.

"Youth is your greatest capital. Your future is infinitely possible, but it is also a small problem for you politically."

"Starting too high and rising too fast will lead to some unfriendly comments."

"Saibin is not a big city. In addition, you have an internship in the presidential palace for one year. You have been exposed to the top government affairs of the Federation. You have exchanged work experience with cabinet members and Mr. President..."

When Lynch said "exchanged work experience", Catherine couldn't help laughing.

"Lynch, I really noticed that you are very much like those politicians!"

Lynch smiled indifferently, "this is the most basic political quality. We should learn to speak skillfully."

"If you tell people you're just serving coffee and scones for big people, they'll think you're a vase."

"But if you tell them that you have exchanged work experience with all the big people, they will value your opinions and respect your attitude."

"When we are not authority, we need to have some relationship with authority."

"While others respect authority, they will also respect our attitude a little."

Catherine nodded thoughtfully. Lynch's words gave her a pleasant feeling of clearing the fog.

She has gained in these months, but these gains can not be summarized into effective experience by herself.

Now Lynch's words let her understand some of them, such as "the art of speaking is a part of politics".

Combined with some previous materials and the discussions of big people at some meetings, Catherine quickly figured out some of them.

Like people never talk about the crime rate, they only talk about the case solving rate.

Politicians will not tell the public how many cases occur every day. They will only tell the public that our case solving rate has increased again. Speaking out can also bring more sense of security to the society.

The two continued to walk.

"You have some valuable and important experience, and I'll try to operate it. There must be no problem for Saibin city councillor."

"You should use Ms. Tracy's influence in women's rights organizations to publicize that you are the first female city councilor in Saibin, and people will pay more attention to you..."

Lynch patiently taught Catherine how to embark on her official career correctly and how to take the first step after embarking on her official career.

In fact, Catherine's "human design" is very pleasing.

When people talk about those politicians now, they will not naturally think of or talk about which political power the politician belongs to and how his family background is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Catherine doesn't have these, an ordinary federal girl, from the bottom of society.

Her mother is still doing some casual work, and her father is just a warehouse keeper. Such an unprecedented real girl is easier to be recognized by the bottom of society, which is her advantage.

But this is just her defect. She lacks political capital and upward channels. Without Lynch, it would be a miracle for her to go to the State Councillor in her life.

It is more likely to work in the position of mayor for a lifetime and then retire.

Up to now, politicians have stereotyped and conservative ideas that women are not suitable for taking the political line, because their sensibility and weakness will destroy something, and they will not give more help to female politicians, which is also the reason why it is difficult for women to go far in politics.

Fortunately, Lynch can help her. I'm not sure about anything else, but it's not difficult to get into Congress.

Lynch and Catherine talked for a while and then left. He had other things to do today.

Those who come from nagariel or ammeria to feel the favorable environment of the Federation will leave the Federation by boat tonight.

They stayed here for almost a month. The original plan was only about two weeks, but because one of them was akumali, Lynch allowed them to stay here longer.

Lynch wants to meet these people before they leave.

These people will become fanatical believers in Lynch and the federal spirit. They will go back and publicize everything they have experienced here.

They will become a guide, a trend!