Chapter 822

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
In the warm room, people from nagariel sat around. They wore the clothes most commonly worn by federates, spoke common language with some federate accents, and happily exchanged information with each other.

Before coming to the Federation, they thought that Wangdu was the most prosperous place in the world. How could there be more places than Wangdu.

But after coming here, they realized that what they agreed was a good place was actually a piece of shit!

Everything in the Federation is attracting them, full of fatal attraction.

Here, no police will beat and drive them away with batons, keep them away from the road, and keep them away from those cars.

There will be no ground full of sewage here. Although some places on the streets are full of garbage, they are very clean on the whole.

The rulers here cannot arbitrarily take people's property, let alone beat them. Except that they have some powers that are of little value to the nagarian people, they are not much more noble than ordinary people!

Even more shocking to these nagary people is that the supreme ruler of the Federation was elected by the people, and they have just experienced such an election!

This is definitely a general election that can change their three outlooks. People vote for the parties and candidates they trust. The person who gets the most state votes will become the highest ruler of the country!

These things are impossible to appear in nagalir. The rulers are hereditary. They arbitrarily exploit and beat civilians, take away their wealth and even their wives and children. People live without dignity, like living corpses.

Only here can they feel the joy of living as a human being.

They can enjoy everything that everyone can enjoy, and no one refuses to serve them because they are nagarian or ordinary people.

Akumali sat in the corner and watched people talk excitedly about everything here, how long they will immigrate to the Federation, and everything in the future!

However, he was thinking about how to make nagariel become a federation. In this way, there are sweet freedoms everywhere, making the law meaningful and making everyone equal a reality——

At least let people, like a person, not an animal.

As people talked, they talked about work.

The Federation is good for everything, but the consumption is too high. This time, their consumption in the Federation is paid by the company. They have a subsidy of 15 yuan a day, which is equivalent to their salary of nearly a week when they work in Amelia.

But even so, the money is still not enough. The company also gives them some extra convenience, such as providing free tickets and some free accommodation.

But all this is not without cost. Photographers will follow them.

During this time, each of them spent thousands of yuan, so they would feel heartfelt happiness.

If they were to learn about life at the bottom of the Federation, they might not think so.

If you have money in your pocket, the Federation is heaven.

There's no money in your pocket. I'm sorry. There's a charge for breathing in the Federation!

The door of the room suddenly opened, and two bodyguards who looked bad came in first, then Austin, Lynch's "female assistant", and finally Lynch.

People in nagariel stood up and bent down to show their awe of Lynch.

Lynch is very amiable. The word is a little... Strange when used in a young man of only 23 years old, but it is the most appropriate word at this time.

He smiled, strode in, raised his hand and held it so that everyone was welcome, and then naturally sat on an independent sofa that had been vacant.

"I heard you were leaving tonight, so I came to see you off."

"I've been very busy these days. I don't have time to communicate with you. I squeezed some time out before you left."

Lynch's statement has been widely recognized. During this period, they really often see Lynch on TV.

He always appeared with the appearance of the president, around the president, and even interacted with the president twice.

It's very rare for such a big man to take the time to chat with them.

Everyone is grateful for what Lynch has done.

"Our time is very limited, so I asked directly..." Lynch didn't greet them too much. It's not necessary. "You've heard very well in the Federation these days. Is there anything I can help you?"

Look at me, I look at you. Finally, a nagarian in his thirties spoke first, "Mr. Lynch, if we meet the qualification of company immigration, can we bring our family?"

He said and explained, "recently, I saw from some federal laws that skilled immigrants only support skilled immigrants themselves, their partners and children. It doesn't say that parents and brothers and sisters..."

Lynch shook his head. "There's only one place for a family."

The questioner couldn't help asking, "how can we increase these places?"

"Of course, let your family serve the company..." looking at this guy, it seems that he still has questions to ask. Lynch didn't give him a chance and continued, "don't think that only men can work for the company, and so can women."

When Lynch said these words, the expressions of the nagarins in the room, except akumali, were more or less... Strange.

In the social culture and religious culture of the nagarian people, women have always played a very strange role and status.

To say that they have no status, many gods in local religions are active in various myths and stories as women.

In addition to women's ability to conceive life, in many cases, especially in religious issues and activities, women's status will be so high.

However, in social culture, the attitude towards women is just the opposite. People do not respect women and regard women as accessories to men. Even some traditional and conservative places do not treat women as people.

But what's more interesting is that in many parts of nagary, women play the role of breadwinner.

Men's status is inexplicably high and make no contribution to society.

Women's status is inexplicably low. On the contrary, they are a group of people who make the greatest contribution to society.

Nowadays, people think that federal workers are proud, but deep in the hearts of most nagarian people, working for federal people and receiving wages can only be unique to men.

They prefer their wives, daughters and sisters to go out and get money by selling dignity and flesh, nor do they want them to work for the Commonwealth in exchange for remuneration.

They don't know what they're afraid of, but they're afraid.

Sitting aside, akumali showed some mocking smiles. As a nagarian, he actually knew what these people were afraid of.

Men in nagary are afraid of losing their status. If women can work and get a salary, it means that they can catch up with or even surpass Men in social status.

You know, most men don't do anything. They are only responsible for spreading genetic factors, and then they are lazy all day.

The reason why they can do so is that men have a generally high status in society.

This is caused by many factors such as history, society, religion and culture.

If they want to survive, they can't let women work.

Once women can work and make money, men's status will plummet and become inferior to those women.

It is obvious that hardworking women are not only more hardworking than lazy men, the key is that they take two babies and a secret with them, and don't mind sharing them with the federates.

The questioner looked a little alarmed, "Mr. Lynch, I don't know what to say, but it's obviously not a smart decision..."

Lynch raised his hand and interrupted him. "You have no right to object to my decision. You can resign from the company after you go back, or continue to obey the company's decision."

He looked at the others. "Who else wants to talk to me?"

Perhaps recognizing that some changes are coming, someone raised a new question, "Mr. Lynch, do women enjoy the same treatment as us when they work in the company...?"

Those men who were a little frightened heard this problem and suddenly had some spirit. If women's treatment is lower than men's, they don't need to worry about their status in the family and society.

Unfortunately, Lynch is not a defender of decadent traditions. He is more like a destroyer.

"Whoever can bring more benefits to the company will be better treated."

"If one of you can make a hundred million for me, I will directly let you speak for my interests in nagariel!"

People no longer have a problem. What they want is how to face this huge impact when they go back.

They thought Lynch was a little... Unreasonable, but there was nothing they could do about it.

Seeing that everyone had no problem, Lynch asked them to leave the room first and turn to look at akumari.

"What about you? Do you have any small questions I need to answer for you?"

He said this with a smile. In his opinion, akumali is different from other nagali people, because he is a man with thought and action, which doomed him not to be with those people.

Akumali got up and bowed, went to the sofa next to Lynch and sat down, "Mr. Lynch, I do have a problem that has been bothering me..."

Lynch nodded and motioned him to continue.

"If one day, we achieve some kind of transformation, will the federals take the initiative to withdraw from nagary?"

"If you don't evacuate, what's the value of our change?"