Chapter 939

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Why attract investment?

In fact, the reason for attracting investment is very simple. Use other people's money to create taxes for the local finance and provide jobs for the residents. As for the profits realized by the enterprise itself, that's another matter.

The operation of economy and society does not mean that it is good for everyone to have money. Money should flow.

When enterprises earn money, they pay some taxes and pay some wages. This is a kind of mobility.

Taxes promote the development and construction of cities, and wages provide residents with the guarantee of life. The money will flow into other links of social economy again.

People don't make money or hoard a lot of money. They are just money porters. This is an idealized economic structure.

Wealth has fully played its due role in each link, and each link benefits from the flow of wealth.

If you want these foreigners to keep their wealth in the Federation, create taxes for the Federation and provide employment opportunities for federal residents, you need to convince them, which is also the purpose of investment promotion.

However, the Federation has a "criminal record", and more than one multinational company such as Henghui fell into various federal investigations.

If you want to do business well in the Federation, you must have your own interest spokesman.

No one will speak for another person for no reason, let alone serve him because of how many jobs and taxes he has provided. He must deliver benefits before someone can speak for him.

One way to convey interests is duty crime.

Perhaps these enterprises happened to fall in the process of political strife, or some people triggered political strife in order to let them fall.

In short, when the Great Depression broke out, nearly 15% of members of Congress were affected by various interest transfer cases.

Some people have barely made it through. Now they have retired or worked in local places. Others have not spent it safely. Now they are thinking about life in their cells.

The federal "criminal record" also makes many foreign investors hesitate. What if they encounter similar things when they want to withdraw their capital in the future?

The impression is bad. It's hard to straighten it.

The little count and Lynch in the car are still talking about the investment and market of film and television. Now the Federal Film and television industry is very popular, but it is not completely saturated.

100000 yuan can invest in a film, and there is a great possibility of making money, which makes more and more people pour into this industry.

Unexpected and reasonable, an industry closely related to film is also developing at a high speed, that is, cinema.

"If you want to invest, I suggest you invest in cinemas."

The little count repeated softly, "cinema?"

"Is there anything special about it?"

Lynch explained, "if you want your film to be released and want to make money, you must have enough cinemas to provide you with long-time screenings."

"The more time and times they provide, the more tickets they sell, and the more box office you get."

"You have to give them a lot of money, but if you own some cinemas, you will earn more. At the same time, when other people's films are released, they will also give you money if they plan to release them in your cinemas."

The little count didn't know whether he understood or didn't understand. "The cinema is like an old rogue. Am I right?"

"You can say so."

Lynch didn't lie to him, for fuck's sake - it's not swearing or swearing.

The film industry will continue to flourish. When the social form evolves to a certain extent, culture and entertainment will occupy an increasing proportion in the society.

Sociologists and relevant scholars will say that this is the inevitable result of the improvement of productivity and the release of labor force. In fact, this is only a new method for the ruling class to enslave the bottom people in spirit.

Rather than telling them that "if you leave our rule, you will be torn to pieces by barbarians, but if you want to live here, you must pay taxes and accept exploitation", it is easier for them to spend money to brainwash their core ideas.

Now there is no contradiction and conflict. People spend a dollar to enjoy the happiness brought by a film. At the same time, it strengthens the shock brought to them by the core of the film.

Positive attitude towards life, don't complain about your current experience. Efforts may not succeed, but not efforts must be losers

Look, the content is the same, but after turning it into a film and mainstream thought, everyone can easily accept it.

Is there no real, pure entertainment in this world?

Of course, those films without any plot and completed by three or five people in three or five hours in a humble studio provide the purest happiness.

The starchy actress inside won't tell you that it's happy to bear, and the exhausted actor won't tell you that proper venting is beneficial to body and mind. They just do it and end it.

Simple, happy, no big reason, this is actually the real art.

Across race, culture, ideology... And almost everything that may become "estrangement", even some animals can understand what those people are doing.

Can't this be called art?

During the conversation, the team came to the hotel. They would stay here for two days, and then go to lardmore.

When checking in, the little count suddenly asked for another suite, which the hotel did not refuse. After his men checked all the rooms, he looked relieved.

"Lynch, I'm going to let my mother settle in the Union..." the little count tore his necktie and looked tired that he didn't belong to his age.

Lynch was surprised. "What happened?"

The little count said some secrets without much hesitation. He felt that Lynch was also a gavra aristocrat. He had power and channels to know these.

"During this period, the local atmosphere was somewhat tense, and there were some differences between his Majesty the emperor and the prime minister on some issues."

The power of the prime minister who got the financial power expanded unprecedentedly, and the emperor was opposed by the prime minister in the palace more than once.

He wanted to take away the prime minister, but the ministers did not agree. If he forced him to do so, it was likely that the emperor would face an embarrassing situation - no one would serve him.

The power of the gavra royal family is indeed the strongest, but it should be noted that the gavra royal family is also an aristocrat in essence. They just have a royal title.

Many little nobles are afraid of the royal family, but those big nobles, some big nobles with a longer history than the royal family, may not be much worse than the royal family.

One or two may not be able to compete with the royal family in strength, but if everyone works together, the emperor has nothing to do with them.

The prime minister is unwilling to hand over his financial power. He can't force the prime minister to resign. Now he can only maintain the current balance.

After the powerful prime minister and other ministers completed their running in, they began to really implement the power of the prime minister.

His majesty wanted to put forward a reform plan some time ago. He secretly wanted to restrict the powers of ministers and the prime minister, but he was opposed by the prime minister.

It is said that they had a quarrel in his Majesty's study, but it didn't succeed in the end.

Since then, everyone can feel the confrontational atmosphere between the aristocratic group and the emperor's majesty. This change is very meaningful for the big aristocracy and a disaster for the small aristocracy.

They are on the side of the big aristocracy. When the royal family regains power in the future, the royal family can't deal with the big aristocracy, but there is still no problem in liquidating the small aristocracy.

If they were on the Royal side... Now the aristocracy is the most powerful, this stupid decision would embarrass them.

This time, the little count brought the business group to the federal side. The core of the business visit was actually to leave a way back in case of political strife.

Listening to the little count's intermittent and incomplete description of the development of the whole thing, Lynch vaguely felt that the foreshadowing he had buried was taking effect.

Before returning to the Federation from gavra, he had a meeting with the prime minister. In this meeting, he mentioned a very special system, the constitutional monarchy.

Gavra's existing rule can no longer keep up with the development of the times. If the future of a country and a nation is placed on one person, it is undoubtedly joking about the fate of the whole country and nation!

No one can fight the whole world with his own ability in intelligence, energy, physical strength and various professional fields!

God may not be able to do it, let alone the emperor of gevlar.

Then the best way is to let the emperor give up his power, but will the emperor do that?

This is the contradiction. The contradiction began to escalate.

In fact, from the side, a prime minister, who has no right to stay in this position for decades, has been regarded as a mascot. He can't really care about power at all.

That's just his way to hide his true thoughts. When he gets power, he will retaliate for the pain and suffering he has endured.

As the prime minister is doing now, he directly rejected the emperor's ideas and opinions.

Lynch looked at the little count. The little count felt numb when Lynch looked at him. He laughed twice, "Okay, okay, I know I can't hide it from you..."

The expression on his face became more embarrassed. These things he said would indeed cause serious harm to the little aristocrat, but the little count was not a little aristocrat.

Moreover, even if there is a way back, it is not necessary to send his mother to the Federation to settle down, which is not normal.

Even if he stands in the wrong team, if someone wants to liquidate him in the future, he will not say what harm it will cause to him and his family. This is the bottom line of the aristocracy.

So the reason why he made the decision to send his mother to the union must not be the reasons he said. He hid the real reason.

His scalp suddenly itched. He scratched, "actually..."