Chapter 940

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"Actually... Someone proposed to my mother."

The little count's face was full of unhappiness. "I know what they are thinking. I won't let them succeed."

There was a trace of killing in his words. He really moved his heart.

If a man marries his mother now, it won't affect his title, but it's disgusting enough.

More importantly, if... If something happens to him, the child born to that person and his mother will have the right to inherit the title.

There is no need to kill him. As long as they kidnap him and lock him up in a place where they can't contact the outside world, and don't let him appear after a period of time, they can persuade the Privy Council to re select the right person to inherit after seizing the Baron according to the relevant rules.

Even at that time, his mother had to take the initiative to cooperate with these people, because only in this way could he live.

At present, the situation in gavra is very tense. The struggle between nobles and nobles and between nobles and royalty has appeared. It is likely that there will be several power reshuffles next.

In order to compete for more support and power, the nobility will start to become unscrupulous, just like every major change in the past.

On weekdays, these gentlemen who need people's attention and are strict with themselves will tear their disguise and turn into man eating monsters at this time.

Everything in society will become the nourishment they take when they fight each other, and they are unwilling to participate in it?

Then it can only be swallowed!

But now there is one more way to choose, that is to leave.

"I can't just watch them do something terrible to take advantage of me and my mother, so I'm going to let her settle here. At least it's safer than gavra."

When he said this, he looked at Lynch as if he was waiting for an important answer.

Lynch nodded and said naturally, "yes, it's much safer here than gavra. No one will harass her or influence you through her."

The little count smiled again, "I knew you were the only one worth relying on."

Lynch's words are equivalent to a guarantee that the little count's mother will not have any accidents during his stay in the Federation, so that the little count can be relieved whether he invests in the federation or returns to Amelia or gavra.

After leaving the little count, Lynch went to see his mother again.

"Did he say anything to you?", sitting on the sofa, the former Countess poured some scented tea for Lynch. "This is the tea I brought from gavra. You should try it."

Lynch nodded, picked up the cup and sniffed the aroma.

Gevlar's flower tea is a real flower tea. The main raw materials are some plant petals, fruits or something that can give off fragrance.

These things are mixed together. They are preserved after being dried by some special processes. When they need to be used, they are boiled in a kettle, and a smell will spread.

I don't know how smelly Gefra used to be. People at that time were especially fond of perfumed things. They didn't want to brush their teeth or make their mouths so smelly that they could make this kind of... Perfume as a high-end drink.

Lynch took a sip. It's not good to drink. The taste of plants and herbs didn't go away. There are some natural flavors of herbs.

This is a fishy smell. Strictly speaking, however, some gavra people, especially gavra people who specialize in flower tea, believe that retaining the taste of certain plants and herbs can make the fragrance of flower tea closer to nature.

Some people have refuted this view - if you want to pursue nature, do you want to add a handful of soil to the kettle.

However, generally speaking, gavra's flower tea technology has been developed for so many years and has almost been finalized.

In addition to this natural flavor, there is a genre to add essence - actually, it is perfume, and ghost knows how they love it.

"Great tea." Lynch put the cup back on the coffee table. He didn't intend to touch it any more.

After considering his words, Lynch paused for a while before saying, "he said about the current struggle between gavra's aristocracy and the royal family."

The former Countess nodded. "Yes, maybe you haven't heard anything yet."

The former countess's social circle did not coincide with the little count's social circle. She was with those ladies.

Ladies never hide their thoughts too much. They say what they have.

Those who haven't attended these ladies' parties can't imagine that they will talk about "terrible" things.

Like keeping a lover together and talking about some private topics. When women and women are together, their chat topics are much more open than men think.

Among these topics, there are naturally some recent changes in the current situation of gavra.

"Now there are some sharp problems. I'm a woman. I don't understand these political things, but I know that if some of them start sharpening their knives, it must not be to protect themselves!"

Lynch nodded with the tip of his eyebrows. "It's a very wise view."

The former Countess smiled. "What are you going to do with me next?"

She looked at the unreacted expression on Lynch's face, moved her ass quietly, sat next to Lynch and pressed it on his leg.

At her age, it was really difficult. When the little count said he wanted her to settle in the Federation, she agreed.

At least there's a bite of meat here, in gavra?

With so many people staring, the situation is so complicated now. Who knows if anyone who eats it has poisoned it.

On the contrary, on the federal side, the environment is simpler.

The little count thought it would take a while, but as soon as he put forward this idea, the former Countess agreed.

The next thing is not who takes advantage of who.

The next day Lynch took them around the port city, mainly to the business district.

The biggest difference between the federal business center and the gavra business center is that there are all kinds of people shopping here.

In some commercial areas of gavra that provide services for royalty and nobles, civilians dressed in "simple" are prohibited from entering. They tell everyone very frankly that they can't serve civilians or have money.

But in the Federation, as long as you can take money out of your pocket, whether it's a man, a woman, an old man, a child or a dog, he or she is definitely a VIP of the whole store.

The intuitive effect of this enthusiastic service is that everyone bought a lot of things in addition to studying.

Many are unnecessary things. Even after they buy them, they won't wear or use them. This is just a simple impulse consumption.

Most people will regret after impulse consumption, but they won't. They have money.

"The business atmosphere of the Federation is very good, and their sales methods are also very clever, which is much better than gavra."

In the evening, when we sat together to discuss what we had seen today, the little count talked about his inner thoughts while gnawing at the ribs of an ox.

"As soon as we entered the door, many people gathered around to provide professional services, and our shop in gavra should do the same."

"Ten people come in. As long as one person pays, we can make money!"

Other nobles nodded one after another. What impressed them most today was a string of terms after entering the door, and then some designers who looked very powerful explained some goods for them.

It's amazing that when they don't have any intuitive understanding of the brand and these goods, they recognize the value of the goods.

In gavra, after entering a strange luxury store, if you can't show your aristocracy, they will invite you out "politely and without hurting your self-esteem".

Once compared, the gap is highlighted.

In fact, the new generation of nobles don't care about the noble status and status like the old nobles. They just become nobles because of some accidents.

Talk to them about the tradition of nobility and the glory of nobility?

It's like asking Lynch to understand these things. He can understand them, but he can't substitute himself into them. He is neither the creator nor the experiencer of that era. He doesn't have so much empathy.

The new nobles here are almost the same. Compared with the status and social status of nobles, after the old nobles kicked them out of the island and abolished the privileges of nobles in the special zone, all they care about now is money!

If noble titles can be exchanged for money, they don't mind selling themselves for a good price.

A monster mixed with capital by power is growing. Everything was very cute when I was a child, such as children. Now no one can detect the distortion and madness of this combination.

In the evening, Lynch took the nobles to a large nightclub. There were some girls dancing on the stage in inferior clothes.

Their clothes are either broken here or there, and they can easily fall off their bodies.

Feeling the nightlife different from gavra, everyone was very happy.

In gavra, recruitment is a legal business, but in the Federation, recruitment is illegal, but they have more means and ways to play, which is an eye opener for the "rural" aristocrats.

On the way back, the little count was also excited. "The Federation is really great. Everything is beyond my imagination. Why does our government always deceive us with some stupid lies when publicizing the Federation?"

He drank a little wine before he said such retarded words. If he didn't drink and didn't drink too much, he wouldn't think so.

Public opinion is never a voice for truth, it is just a tool in the hands of rulers.

That's it!