Chapter 1081

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
The undercover agent of the anti organized crime bureau wrapped his clothes with a strong strange smell and quietly came to the place designated by the labor company.

This is the warehouse area on the edge of Saibin city. The other party said that they would train here for a period of time before sending them to work.

If someone is found not suitable for their work during this period, these people will take a little money from the bright road to the narrow and dark path.

That's what they said.

The head of the Bureau of investigation believes that the green brothers may be involved in human trafficking, so the undercover agent must find out their scale, trading object, time, place and way.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to come in undercover.

However, he doesn't have to worry too much about his safety. His colleagues will always observe the situation here. If it's wrong, they will immediately jump out to rescue him and others.

It's just... He can't stand this suit. He changed it with a damn tramp for 20 yuan. He even found some insects falling out of his clothes when patting his clothes.

Lice, and what else, disgusted him.

Damn bastard!

He thought and cursed the team leader and other colleagues.

Before long, he came to the place and was taken into a warehouse by some people. After he came in, he immediately realized that the team leader's guess might be correct.

There are all kinds of tramps here, including men and women. These marginalized groups have a very low degree of attention in society.

It can be said that if a group of tramps are suddenly missing in a city, no one will think that this is wrong.

They do not have their own homes, most of them have no family, no job, no fixed living area, and they are also facing various dangers.

If one day some people are missing, they either die or leave here. No one will call the police for these people or even spend money to find them, no!

This just makes them the best "source of goods".

Since taking up the job of investigating organized crime, undercover agents have seen many evil consequences under the dark side of society. Although most of these vagrants are middle-aged, it seems that no one will buy or sell them.

In fact, there are many people with such needs internationally, most of them are mines and factories, and they will not treat these people as people!

They will use these people as slaves or even animals, don't give them good food, and don't care about their physical condition.

Even if someone dies, the cost of death is much cheaper for those people than medical care.

These people will appear one after another in places where there is no sunshine, like constantly updated consumables, and then disappear!

The undercover agent was arranged to sit in a small independent chair when someone came and asked him if he could read and write.

Damn it, although the price of federal education is high, everyone can afford the cost of primary school. He nodded and got a tablet, a pen and some paper.

More and more people gathered in the room, about 300 or 400, or more?

The undercover agent can't see how many people there are. He can only guess about it. Maybe the actual number will be much more than this, but it may be less. He doesn't know.

He can't stand on the chair and look at it. It will attract the attention of people here. Looking at those people standing by the wall with sticks in their hands, he thinks it's best not to do that!

When people gather more and more, they may reach a certain number, or when the time comes, a person suddenly appears on the second floor platform provided for the administrator's life and work in the warehouse.

It was a man who looked... Like a social elite. With an inexplicable arrogance on his face, he looked at everyone in the warehouse with contemptuous eyes.


He said a word.

"You waste!"

Suddenly, some tramps stood up. Although they were tramps, they were also free federates.

The pursuit of freedom is an eternal pursuit written into the Charter and into the soul of the Commonwealth!

Anyone can let them give up their love and pursuit of freedom!

Some people stand up and point at the people above and yell. Don't expect tramps to be good stubbles. Some of them have a criminal record.

But soon, these people were quiet under the suppression of sticks.

There is a lamp above the people on the second floor platform, which is enough for people in any corner of the warehouse to see him clearly.

He raised his hand again, pointed to the tramps in the room and said in the most intolerable tone, "you!"

"This group of rubbish!"

This time no one stood up to make trouble, but many people's eyes were very bad.

The man smiled contemptuously, "look, now you don't even have the courage to resist, so I say you're rubbish. Don't be unhappy!"

"Maybe you will think after you calm down, why should I say that."

"Very simple, look at your ghost now!" his voice seemed to have something full of power.

But this power is not drive, not courage, but the desire to beat him!

If you can, who doesn't want to live a rich life in a mansion with thousands of square meters?

Don't they want to?

No, they can't. They're just tramps!

The man walked back a few steps under the light. "Look at you. You have intact hands and feet. Your body is not much worse than others."

"Why can others have a happy life, but you can only live in the garbage of the city like a maggot?"

"My child once complained to me. He told me..."

"Dad, are those people in their pants? Why do they stink so much?"

His voice was like a child, but it hurt the tramp's heart.

They all kept silent. Even undercover agents thought these people were too much. Did they want to destroy the tramp's personality?

And enslave them?

I don't know if it's because he also wears smelly clothes, so he has some substitutions. He is also very angry and helpless. He can only stare at the people on the platform.

At this time, the man didn't care that he was stared at by the tramps below. He had an indescribable smile on his face.

"You know, I used to be like you..."

In a word, the tense opposition atmosphere was dissolved in an instant, and the blankness on the faces of those tramps became the most beautiful "scenery" at this time.

They don't understand why one of their kind will betray this group?

Perhaps, they are no longer angry, those spaces are occupied by confusion, and even some... Yearning?

The man on the platform looked at these people, shook his head slightly and said, "but now we are different. I can stand here and point to your nose and tell you that you are a group of waste. However, you have no way to refute me."

"Because I succeeded, you failed."

"I know you also want to change, but social prejudice gives you no chance and courage to change anything."

"But it doesn't matter. Now this opportunity is coming!"

"The door is over there..."

With his words, the originally closed door slammed open, and the light outside the door shot into the warehouse, tearing the dim light in the warehouse.

The snow refracted the sunlight and gave people the illusion that the outside was full of light, but no one stood up.

Even if no one outside abused them, and no one pointed to their noses and said they were rubbish, they didn't want to go out at this time.

"It seems that no one wants to leave here, which is good. It means that you all have the idea and courage to change your life now. You are real warriors!"

"From now on, as long as you can complete the training tasks in strict accordance with our requirements, you can say goodbye to yourself in the past when the training is over."

"Because you will usher in a new life, your future will be full of light, and all this is not given to you, but fought for by yourself!"

"With your hands and perseverance, you can prove to anyone who once despised you that you can do better and more successfully than them!"

"I look forward to your driving around the city in a luxury car one day, and then meeting the person who once gave you 25 points and scolded you, which made you sad for a week."

"In front of him, maybe her, throw 25 yuan and 250 yuan in his face, and then say..."

"I fucking thank you for your help!"

The atmosphere in the warehouse changed again, and the tramps were full of energy, including undercover agents, as if they were full of strength at the moment.

His body was out of his control and stood up and applauded. More tramps stood up and applauded for the person who called them "waste" on the platform!

They seemed to really "see" the bright future and the occurrence of everything he said!

As long as you work hard, you can change.

Isn't that what they lack?

A chance!

Even some people shed excited tears!

The people on the stage smiled and nodded, "good, good, this is good, you let me see your determination, this is good!"

"Please remember, no one can make the world give up you except yourself!"

"We are not marginal people, we are not poor people who need people's pity, we are not waste!"

"Change starts from this moment. Maybe some of you will quit in this process, but I hope that having experienced these will at least bring something to your life!"