Chapter 1082

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"There are fewer tramps in the street..."

Catherine looked out the window at the street. A few days ago, there were many tramps begging in the street. Now she can hardly see much. It's amazing.

Lynch hired an assistant for her. She is talking to her assistant.

Politics can not be played by one person. To put it simply, one's energy and ability are limited after all, and it is impossible to take care of all aspects of society.

For example, the city councilor, Catherine's main work at this stage is to cultivate her personal reputation. She must take more and more active part in some local social events in Saibin.

Only in this way can people understand her and what she has solved for everyone, and then people will vote for her.

In this society, countless things happen every day. Some things are very big. For example, many people are hungry now.

Some things are very small. For example, a woman suffered domestic violence.

What is more valuable to her and a series of subsequent operation problems can not be solved by one person.

The higher the status of a politician, the more aides he has, such as Mr. President... In fact, the federal presidential cabinet is his aides.

Even Langdon had several staff during his tenure as mayor.

City councillors also need, at least one or two, two or three.

Lynch is not short of money, and Catherine needs some guidance, so Lynch found a good assistant for her, a 40 year old journalism professor.

A famous lady in a limited circle.

Baylor Federation has no political class, so it's not easy for Lynch to find someone who knows politics very well, but the Federation has journalism class.

In a sense, the gap between journalism and politics is not so obvious.

The content of politics class is to understand what the politicians who can leave their names in history books thought when making certain decisions and what forces drove them to make such decisions.

And analyze the current political arena, the trends of the three major parties, and their political programs.

Of course, there is no lack of political strife, but they will appear in the form of "events" or "movements" and beautify the winners.

In fact, the journalism class is almost the same. They will analyze the current news that happens every day and analyze the deeper meaning behind each news content. For example, so and so said on TV that they would expel some seagulls.

Journalism professors will extend from this matter to why the person who said these words said so, did so, and his ultimate goal.

This course is offered in some well-known universities in the Federation, which is also one of the courses many people choose, because people will find it more interesting at the beginning.

The lady Lynch found is a professor of such a course. Her job is to tell those students what the news we see every day is talking about?

It sounds silly to do these things. Who doesn't know what the news on TV is talking about?

But only those who can really understand the news can know what the news is talking about!

Such a person who has a strong reading ability of social and current affairs news can undoubtedly provide great help to Catherine.

The assistant lady also went to the window and looked at some changes in the street outside the window. She held a slender women's filter cigarette holder in her hand, and there was a women's cigarette at the other end of the cigarette holder.

These things look very elegant in her hand and won't make people feel bad at all.

"This may have something to do with what we're going to do next. Mr. Lynch is working hard!" the assistant lady explained.

"Do you remember our speech tomorrow evening?" she asked.

Catherine nodded. "This is the theme of improving the urban environment, isn't it?"

The assistant gave a positive reply, "yes, reducing tramps is also a part of improving the urban environment. If there are too many tramps, it will have a very negative impact on the city. Reduce the number of tramps and give positive feedback on public security and social mood."

Catherine was a little confused. She nodded her head blankly, and then began to think seriously.

She is a girl who likes learning and is willing to learn. Now she is very strange, but she is willing to learn. This may be the reason why Lynch found a university professor as an assistant for her.

If it were other politicians, they would not have the patience to communicate with Catherine. They would only tell her when to do what. That's the style of politicians!

Looking at the thinking Catherine, the assistant professor took a cigarette and looked out of the window.

She was a little jealous of Catherine. She was born in a middle-class family and wanted to be in politics when she was young. At that time, the feminist movement was just budding and was not as powerful as it is now.

She can't fight the whole society. In the end, she can only study, get married and serve according to some rules she doesn't know who made.

Staying in school and teaching may be the only achievement in her past life against this society. She can only do this!

Now, the little girl around me doesn't have a thorough understanding of politics, even if she has practiced in the presidential palace for a year.

What she has mastered there are more macro things. Now she is facing more detailed and lower level problems.

Urban environmental problems.

Not to mention that there are people who support her to do so. The best opportunity and the best help make the assistant professor envious and jealous.

If she has such people to help her, maybe she has gone further?

A few minutes later, Catherine recovered, "I think I probably understand that people want a safer environment in the low tide, so these tramps disappeared?!"

"You can say that!" the assistant professor nodded. "Too many tramps will deepen people's fear of some negative phenomena. They will feel that Saibin city and the Federation are hopeless."

"This will destroy the public security of the city and change the order of the city, so it is necessary to reduce tramps. After all, we have to stick to March, and now it is January!"

Catherine nodded thoughtfully. She seems to have understood a lot now, "so our speech tomorrow will focus on this part, won't it?"

The assistant professor nodded again. "You need to mention a few elements in your speech, a more comfortable and safer social environment."

"It's important for some city halls to emphasize our ideas in response to the measures in the coming period!"

The professor assistant's attitude is very serious, just like she treats her students in school, but now she faces only one student and is still her "boss".

She said it more carefully and seriously than before.

"You must show through this speech that you are not the same as the municipal government. The people of the Federation don't like politicians and those in the government. Do you understand what I mean?"

"People always think that politicians are unreliable, especially mayors and governors. On the contrary, parliamentarians are easier to contact them."

"There are a lot of conspiracy theories around these relationships. Once we stand on the same line with the municipal government, they will think we are together, which will have a great negative impact on you."

Catherine listened a little hard to adapt and unbelievable, "so what should I do?"

"Attack some policies of the city hall. If you don't mind swearing, you can scold the mayor."

"In terms of Mr. Lynch's relationship with the mayor and the governor, they won't care about your little actions, and they will understand that the purpose of your doing so is to make you look, at least not with the government."

"Those who naturally distrust the government will be on your side at this time, because only you can help them."

"Those who trust or distrust the government will also consider favoring you. As long as what you say can be recognized by them, they will stand on your side!"

"In tomorrow's speech, you must show these characteristics, care about the people's work and life, and you don't represent the government, but the people. That's enough!"

Catherine nodded after listening. She will try to absorb this knowledge and turn it into her own.

She turned around and looked out of the window again. Her thoughts drifted a little far. She didn't know what Lynch was doing now.

So, what exactly is Lynch doing?

He is talking to Mr. Adelaide.

"You should have thought about it this time, Lynch?", Adelaide seems very... Close. Anyway, it's the kind of closeness between friends. There's no airs of the governor's chief of staff or the governor's uncle.

Lynch nodded. "I need to talk more about some details. You know, once I make a decision, I will set up a factory that needs at least three or five thousand people."

"Around this factory, tens of thousands of people will be affected by it. I have to be responsible for these things and these people. I must be careful."

Adelaide's face was about to smile, "yes, yes, prudence is right. If you have any ideas, you can talk to me first, and I will try to convince the governor."

If they were persuaded or not, they would be together. Lynch even crossed the process of talking with the mayor of Sabin and came here directly to talk with Adelaide and the governor of the state.

After all, the mayor of Saibin is also one of them. After talking to the mayor, he has to talk to the governor again. He doesn't have so much idle time.

"Several questions."

Adelaide took out a small book and pen, "you say."

"First!" Lynch stretched out a finger, "the basic supporting construction must be improved as soon as possible, and in terms of water conservancy and electricity, priority must be given to ensuring my factory."

Adelaide nodded while recording, "this is not a problem. We will pull a network alone. If necessary, we will cut off other burdens and try our best to supply your needs."
