Chapter 1133

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
A new, top secret and strategic weapon has emerged!

This is the consensus of almost all countries!

Just a few years ago, people were still advocating the dominance and oppression of group charging. Many people thought that group charging would never be out of date.

Now it seems ridiculous. It only needs the weapons of mariro to fall on people's heads. Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of soldiers can mix with the soil in an instant and can't distinguish each other.

What group charge, what trench operations, the emergence of aircraft, and this weapon with strategic value and intention have completely changed the form of war.

Even some extremists shouted the slogan of "the destruction of the army" after getting the first-hand information.

They believe that in this level of intensive bombing, the human body can't resist at all.

Even if there are new chariots, they can't resist it.

Such dense bombs fall like rain. There is no place to hide. What else should the army do?

I think my country has too many people and too much domestic pressure. Do you want to eliminate a little population with the help of the other party to alleviate the population pressure of the country?

No one will die. The army was brilliant, then the Navy, and now and in the future, it belongs to the air force!

No matter whether these extreme statements are correct or have guiding value, at least various countries have begun to focus on the construction of air force.

Lynch also got more orders. After all, so far, only the aircraft of Blackstone airlines are sold to foreign countries. For the sake of Defense orders, they don't sell to foreign countries.

This is a general trend of the world trend, and even those who maintain reason agree with these views.

But they do not agree that the army is doomed.

In their words, people will not stand in place and wait for the bomb to fall, smash their heads and blood, and then blow themselves up.

People are not so stupid. People can run, but bombs can't run!

This statement was quickly recognized by the rational society. A hundred years ago, people still fought on war horses, but now the emergence of ordnance forces has made soldiers more than just "running".

Personnel carriers, armored vehicles, infantry vehicles, any kind can move quickly with a large number of soldiers. Unless bombs have eyes, they can't blow up soldiers at all.

In addition to these debates, the night bombing has also become the focus of discussion.

During the day, the aircraft can be seen by the naked eye from a distance to do a good job in defense, but what should we do at night?

Aircraft and night are integrated, and it is impossible to tell where the aircraft is and where the sky is. In the face of such an attack, in addition to the use of ears, is there any way to achieve effective defense?

It was pointed out that high-power searchlights may solve this problem.

For a time, both military and optoelectronic stocks began to soar. Some bulb companies announced to the public that they would develop searchlights that could illuminate the sky at night, laying a solid foundation for the federal sky safety

A night attack by Blackstone Airlines triggered so much public opinion that the uneasiness of the Ministry of defense is understandable. No one wants to suddenly drop such things on his head.

According to the feedback of some soldiers placed on the front line by the Ministry of defense, the whole bombing was one round and divided into two times.

They were very, very curious about how Blackstone airlines and Lynch did it, and how they covered so many surfaces with bombs in the shortest time?

If war breaks out, come to such an important city of the enemy

There is a feeling of heart!

At the same time, a small country with a population of less than 200000 suddenly jumped out and accused the Federation of studying inhumane weapons in an attempt to challenge the world order and destroy world peace.

This small country requires the Federation to immediately publish the design drawings and parameters of this weapon and include it in the world list of weapons prohibited from production and use!

Even in China, there are some voices, for example——

"This kind of weapon with strategic value should not be held in private hands!"

Mr Truman looked at Lynch. He imitated the tone of those people. It was very realistic, as if he had said it himself.

"Fortunately, there are still many problems that hinder some people, and Congress will not support their views, but you have to let people know that this weapon is safe and that it can be restrained."

Congress has long been a paradise for capitalists. Capitalists cannot support this proposal of "nationalization". If they only can, it means that their interests will be damaged when their opponents need it.

No matter how well you do, you can't stop them from thinking that what you do is dangerous. Capitalists won't allow anyone to touch their own cheese so recklessly.

This is also the most normal performance of capitalists. When they feel that the rules of capital are challenged, even if they have a grudge against Lynch, they will firmly stand together and defend the rules of capital at this moment.

At least, even if they can't stand together, they won't stand on each other's side.

This is different from politicians. Some arrogant capitalists say that federal politicians are like dogs. If you give them bones, they will bark at others.

Lynch looked at Mr. Truman. "What constraints do you think it needs?"

Before Mr Truman could say anything, Lynch said first, "it doesn't need anything. It's far safer in my hand than in the hands of politicians and the military."

"At least for people like me, peace is more valuable than war!"

He held out his finger and said, "if they know how to do this, it means that our potential or direct enemies will also know that the Federation has no secrets!"

This is also a very troublesome thing. Mr. Truman thought for a while. He agreed with Lynch that the Federation has no secrets.

"I can help you convince those people, but you must sign an agreement with the federal government that it will be used as a decisive weapon, and you need to inform us in advance before you use it yourself!"

Lynch did not hesitate, "no problem!"

In fact, from a certain point of view, this matter is not harmful to Lynch, but has many benefits.

This benefit is invisible, just like... A child has a button that can destroy the world in his hand. All adults have to do at this time is not to intimidate him or punish him, but to keep him happy all the time.

He won't press the damn button until he keeps happy.

Of course, this metaphor is a little exaggerated, but the reason is the same.

Once this sensitive weapon is used, it will encounter a lot of diplomatic trouble, so if Lynch can't use it, he can't use it.

So what about some of his little troubles?

Of course, it is up to the government to solve it!

"In fact...", Lynch looked hesitant at this time, "... Technology can not be transferred to the military. You know, my love for the Federation is no worse than anyone else."

"The strength of the union is also good for us businessmen."

Mr Truman laughed. "I'll convey your opinion to the Ministry of defense. They'll send someone to talk to you."

At first, Lynch still wanted to hide this technology, but then he thought that cluster bombs are not famous at all. After the technology of aircraft comes up, almost all countries can develop such weapons.

The development of science and technology will make the aircraft develop in two directions, either with greater load capacity or faster flight speed, which is nothing more than these two development trends.

As long as the payload reaches a sufficient level, they can completely replace cluster bombs with small aviation bombs.

Dropping hundreds of bombs at a time is no different from the destructive power of cluster bombs. Perhaps the only difference is the time of explosion.

One is to destroy a large range of effective forces in an instant, and the other is to destroy everything, including buildings, in a short time.

Even in urban wars, the value of destroying buildings is more strategic than simply destroying living forces!

In that case, it's better not to hide it. It's more appropriate to exchange this thing for some benefits.

Lynch's thought changed very quickly. It was just a trade-off and made a decision.

This is also the inevitable characteristic of most successful people. Once they make a decision, they will start immediately.

Instead of repeatedly thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.

Man is an intelligent creature. The most terrible thing about intelligent creatures is that human accounting is more complicated.

Maybe just a little bit of giving up or getting, can delay some decisions too long, so as to perfectly miss the best opportunity.

Lynch wants benefits, simple, direct and not annoying.

He gave this strategic weapon to the military. Can the military and the federal government pretend to know nothing?

No, they can't, because if they really don't take out anything, Lynch will be disappointed not only, but also more people!

After solving this problem, Mr. Truman sighed that Lynch never seemed to make him feel depressed.

He thought many times and finally found the word "depressed" to describe the feeling of frustration.

You can't say it's disappointment or failure, because from the beginning, as the Party of unreasonable demands, it was not Lynch, but him, or the federal government, Congress and even the military.

Lynch can refuse, it will only make him feel very depressed.

But Lynch didn't. He always solved these differences in an appropriate way with some kind of transaction or compromise. This proper treatment made them feel that Lynch suffered a loss.

It's amazing.

Mr Truman attributes this to Lynch's "characteristics". He is a very special person. There is only one Lynch in the world.

There will only be one Lynch and no one else.

Even if someone's name is Lynch, it's not him!

He's the only one!