Chapter 1134

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"We never interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, and we hope that individual countries in the world will not attempt to achieve the ugly purpose of interfering in the internal affairs of the Federation by controlling international public opinion..."

Under the flash, Mr. Truman stood behind the podium and looked at the media reporters from all over the world, showing a kind of blood stirring spirit.

His body leans forward slightly. In nature, this form of leaning forward body is a prelude to attack, full of aggression

He is also the Minister of international affairs. What he said must represent the final decision of the federal government.

The hall was silent. He looked around the room. No one could look at him for a long time.

It seems that he can't find any opponent, or maybe his mood precipitated to a certain extent. He accentuated his tone a little and tapped his fingers on the podium twice.

"We welcome all friends who want to build international peace with us, and we are not afraid of the challenges of any ambitious!"

"For peace and freedom, we do not hesitate to fight (even if we have to sacrifice to maintain our justice, peace and freedom, we will not be stingy with our bodies and lives)!"

This kind of speech full of gunpowder could not have come from any federal government official three years ago, not even the military!

At that time, the federal government, like a female watch, always pretended to be reluctant, but in fact, it could do nothing and could only bear it silently.

After that, I have to say "thank you" and "welcome next time". It's very humble!

But today, it is different. It dares to make its own voice in the face of the intervention of world powers!

This is change, exciting change!

There were bursts of startling voices in the conference room. This speech with almost the flavor of declaring war made some people begin to re-examine today's Federation.

Gavra's ambassador was watching the broadcast at this time, and his angry face turned red, because the world knew who Mr. Truman said about "individual countries".

Everyone knows that they are all watching gavra jokes, but gavra can't say anything.

They are world powers and military powers. Of course, they are not a "handful" of individual countries. Even if they are, they cannot be recognized.

But this kind of slap on the face and pretend that they don't hurt. They haven't experienced it for a long time, so long that they feel ashamed and angry about it!

At the same time, the press conference also released a signal that the federal government and the military know that strategic weapons full of destructive power——

This is a word used by Mr. Truman in this press conference, strategic weapons.

It simply makes people understand the role, value and influence of this weapon on the world pattern.

Just think, in front of such weapons, what is the difference between a person and 100000 people?

No difference!

If the Federal Military holds this weapon and their government president is a radical, the ambassadors of some small countries have begun to shudder!

In fact, the end of the war has not been long. The dark clouds over the world have just dissipated. The sun has not warmed the hearts of the world. New haze is pouring in, making everyone unable to breathe!

After Mr Truman's press conference, international public opinion reversed in an instant.

No one stood up and pointed to the nose of the Federation and said that if they did not contribute this technology, they would be against all mankind. They did not have the courage!

Even speeches like intimidation and declaration of war come out. Who can't think of bumping at this time to test whether the Federation really has the courage to go to war?

Even if it's not a fool?

Blackstone security hates to be invaded. Although they say it is a private business, everyone can see that the Ministry of defense supports Blackstone security behind it.

Once Blackstone hits them safely, what can they do?

Nothing can be done!

Federal people are fucking shameless!

On the day after the press conference of the Department of international affairs, Lynch said that a forum would be held in mid and late April.

The word "forum" is very new. In Lynch's words, a forum is a form of publicly expressing some ideas and opinions and discussing with invited participants.

It is more professional and efficient than salon, because the least invited are relevant practitioners in the field.

This is in sharp contrast to Sharon's "amateur". Sharon belongs to the kind of bragging meeting to pass the time. Everyone will incarnate experts. They can say a lot of things whether they know or not.

The theme of this forum is "air supremacy"!

Whether those foreigners like Lynch or not, they will actively sign up whether they think Lynch is an ambitious or something.

Lynch may not have any academic achievements, and his nominal university has not graduated, but academically, he is already a successful person.

He established his important academic position in the capital confrontation through "economic war" and "financial war". He can even be said to be the founder, founder, promoter and promoter!

Now, the first person to break the world military pattern by plane has to publish new things. People at home and abroad are in a very urgent state.

They want to know what Lynch is going to say

This also led to the invitation letter of this forum, from hundreds of federal sols, rapidly rising to tens of thousands of prices.

Even so, many people waved money and couldn't buy invitations.

Having an invitation can not only know what Lynch wants to say earlier than others, but more importantly, they can ask Lynch questions, which is the most key.

"My father wants an invitation..."

In the evening, when Anna was reporting on her work, she mentioned it to Lynch.

This forum may affect the world military pattern, which is the judgment of many people.

Even now there is a very strange statement in the Federation and even in the international community. They believe that Lynch is a human impersonated by aliens. Otherwise, if he has not gone to college, he can't understand these industries better in many fields than the practitioners who have invaded these industries for many years.

It often sends out some views on changing the industry pattern and the world pattern.

No one can be born with such terrible qualities. If he is not an angel or a devil, there is only one possibility——

He's a fucking alien lurking in blue star trying to subvert the world!

This argument... Is very popular with the federals.

A few years ago, there were many similar statements during the alien fever. What kind of president is impersonated by aliens, and the star is impersonated by aliens. Anyway, as long as it is a public figure, it may be impersonated by aliens.

So that someone really believed it and planned to attack the presidential palace with a gun. The whole world lost its reason. Only he was sober and wanted to open a ladle for the president in front of everyone to prove that he was right.

This guy is still locked up in a place called Arkham Asylum, trying to save the world with his patients all day.

Although the extraterrestrial fever has faded, the culture of extraterrestrial fever still remains. Labeling those who "we can't" as aliens is actually an "excuse for self incompetence".

People always deny others' success and belittle others' success, as if they can make themselves look less ordinary.

In fact, it is not interesting at all. It is just a helpless and sad escape.

The view of upper class society will be somewhat different. They believe that talented people are talented people, which has little to do with how much knowledge they have mastered.

That's what Mr PATU thinks. Lynch is amazing. He can always see things that others can't see, so he also wants to sit at the scene.

Military reform means a lot of changes. Xingmengdie also has industrial and heavy industrial enterprises. If they have the opportunity, they don't mind a little transformation.

Lynch nodded. "You can add his name to the list. If you write an invitation, take it with you when you go back."

"Those big families, big chaebols, give them an invitation. Whether they come or not is their business. We have to do a good job in face."

Anna breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

Lynch thought that Anna's initiative to say this was just an example. Unexpectedly, penny, who was doing pre shooting publicity soon, also wanted to ask for one by phone.

Her purpose is very simple, just to expose.

On that day, many celebrities will participate. At that time, the media all over the world will pay attention to it, which will be of great help to her career.

Now penny is just a federal star. If she wants to become a world-class star, she still needs to expand her influence around the world.

Lynch did not refuse. He was not a purely business person, but he was curious. "This is a more formal forum. If you want to come, you need a male partner."

Penny agreed. "I've found it, Nelly."

Lynch was stunned. "OK, I respect your decision. It may become big news."

Girls don't seem to care about it at all. Homosexuality is discriminated against by many people in this era, in this federation that claims to be willing to die if they are not free.

They don't seem to be the kind of discrimination that directly tells you "I fucking think you're disgusting". They will show it in all kinds of ways.

However, this kind of thing is not necessarily. Everyone knows that penny and Nelly are a pair of "dead enemies". Maybe they can detonate the heat of society by doing so.

Just like when people talk about fags, they are not as interested as when they talk about lace.

It's contradictory. Society has a higher tolerance for lace edges.

Maybe you can arrange a script for the whole process, such as promoting the upcoming new film. In short, Lynch agreed.