Chapter 1160

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
The sun rose, a new day came, and RickA got up early in the morning. His anger has not subsided until now.

When he was looking for the high priest outside yesterday, he accidentally heard that he had seen this man. He thought the high priest should appear in the street or in the park as a tramp.

But unexpectedly, the man who met the high priest said he had seen this man in the shopping mall in downtown bupaine, and he bought a lot of things.

After a short denial, RickA was angry for a moment!

He realized that he might have been cheated.

That's right. How could that damn old man have no money? With his wealth in nagariel, even if he only took out part to satisfy the appetite of those people in the joint development company, the rest is enough for him to live a luxurious life in the Federation!

He was cheated. He was cheated by a man who claimed to be his father for more than 20 years. This man didn't want him to inherit any property at all!

After looking for no results for a day, he came back and went to bed early.

He didn't drink, smoke, watch TV dramas, have promiscuity and abuse. In order to have more time to find the old guy today, he may sleep so early and get up so early for the first time in his life.

He got something to eat. It tastes a little strange and feels a little sour.

However, it doesn't matter. As a nagarian, eating freshly broken food is like a natural skill. His taste can subconsciously ignore those strange smells, and he can't notice them when he takes the second bite.

He looked at the map and found many communities yesterday. Today he will go to more advanced communities. He needs to have a plan.

The career of studying abroad made him understand some efficient ways to work.

Meanwhile, a community security patrol is wandering around here.

He is an agent arranged by the security committee to monitor RickA. He is a newcomer. This kind of work with little value is often handed over to novices, which is also the characteristic of the security committee and even more federal agencies.

He stared at the house slowly while eating a dollar bacon and egg sandwich. Today is no different from any other day.

He thinks so. He sometimes questions the significance of the job arranged by his superiors. He feels that he is simply wasting his time.

Fortunately, as long as he waits until the end of this month, he can leave the level of "newcomer" and do other work.

At this time, a young man came up. He held a note in his hand and looked at him from a distance.

This made the special agent of the security committee feel that "this person should have something to help". He ate his breakfast sandwich, clapped his hands and looked at the man.

"Sir, I haven't found this place for a long time. Is it with you?"

The security committee agent took the note. The address on it was indeed the community, but he was unfamiliar with the further address.

"I'm not sure if your house number is correct, but I can check this... Sir for you."

There is a person's name on the note, but the door number seems to be wrong.

In the Federation, the house number is generally XX street or XX community, and then the detailed house number. Now this house number is not within the scope of this community.

Maybe it's a mistake?

He's not sure, but he can check the community resident's file for this person.

Anyway, early in the morning, those people may not wake up. He is idle.

In the young man's surprise and gratitude, he felt he would have a meaningful morning.

They went to the duty room together. At the moment he left, two young people walked out of the roadside vegetation and quickly entered RickA's home.

Early in the morning, everyone in the house was sleeping, except RickA.

When someone pushed the door in, RickA heard a voice, but he didn't get up. Young people often came to him, and he didn't bother to open and close the door again and again.

He was still thinking about how to find out the high priest and how to force him to take out all his money.

He didn't feel right until... The footsteps approached.

The floor is paved here, and they wear loose and comfortable shoes - mainly sports shoes, which are cheaper.

Leather shoes are expensive. Maintenance is also a trouble. Other people don't have leather shoes. RickA used to have them. Later, when he was short of money, he sold all his leather shoes. Now he is also wearing sports shoes.

But what sounded in the room was the sound of leather shoes trampling on the floor.

When he turned around, he saw two young people... Dressed strangely.

They were wearing formal clothes, brown silk shirts, a very light brown vest, dark coats and a windbreaker.

They also have a pocket watch chain on their chest. To be honest, bupaine people don't like to wear pocket watches now. Everyone likes watches.

But anyway, this suit is very formal enough for them to be polite on any occasion.

But they still wear a woolen cap, which is very strange.

"I haven't seen you." RickA got up. He didn't realize that the danger was approaching. He didn't think that the high priest who had always cherished him would try to kill him.

He never thought so, so he was not vigilant.

When the two young men saw that RickA didn't go away, didn't run away, and didn't shout, they looked at each other and felt interesting.

One of the guys on the left smiled and said, "someone asked to take a message for you, sir."

RickA wondered, "who?"

Then he asked, "what is it?"

The man walked in front of him and leaned forward, as if to whisper a message in his ear. He also curiously focused on something he was about to hear.

Just listen to that man——

"God is calling you..."

Rebecca's scalp was numb. The next moment he wanted to leave, another man didn't know when to stand behind him and strangled his neck with his arm.

The man in front of him stabbed him in the chest directly with the long dagger in his hand.

At the first knife, he could still struggle, but the second knife pierced his heart. In a moment, all his strength flowed out of the breach in his heart, and the whole man was paralyzed.

Then he stabbed seven or eight times, and the one who strangled his neck loosened his arm.

RickA was paralyzed on the ground and stared at the boss.

His heart almost stopped beating. He was still conscious and could last about 20 seconds.

The guy with a long dagger in his hand squatted down and wiped the exquisite dagger stained with blood on him.

They stood beside him and watched him die completely before they left quickly.

At this time, the security committee agent responsible for monitoring RickA also helped the gentleman who couldn't find the place to find the problem.

"Look, we're 169 on 17th Street. Your address says 169 on 117 street, so you've got the wrong place."

He finally found the problem. The person who wrote this note was a little careless, which separated a number very widely. At first glance, it was 17th Street, but actually it was 117.

He also made a call for the young man to the other party's service company, which admitted that there was such a resident.

The young man thanked the security committee agent for his help and said he would write him a letter of thanks.

This has greatly satisfied the security committee agents who have always been in a boring life, and also amused the boring time.

After telling the young man how to take the urban public transport to 117th street, he began his formal work again.

As like as two peas in the community, he left the house without any difference, no invasion, no screams, no riots, everything was what he used to do every morning.

He has begun to fantasize that when the "novice period" is over, he will be entrusted with such an important task by the security committee. Will he become the agent protagonist in some film and television novels and go against an organization or even a country alone.

The future is full of hope and expectation!

Until... A scream pierced the peace of the community!

Soon Lynch received a call from Noel, "Mr. Lynch, Mr. RickA accepted the call of God and left us."

"Did you walk peacefully?"

"Very peaceful!"

After Lynch hung up, he called the high priest again. "I'm sorry to bother you at this time. Just now I heard a very bad news. I don't know whether I should tell you or not."

The high priest was a little uncomfortable with the hypocrisy of the federates. He was stunned and reacted, "what is it?"

He had guessed, but when the answer was about to appear, he found that he was not sad at all, but had some expectations.

"Mr. RickA accepted God's call and left us forever. He was very peaceful when he left."

With a faint smile on his face, the high priest said, "this is really bad news!"

"I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do for you, please call me at any time." Lynch's voice was filled with sadness.

The high priest breathed a long sigh of relief, "I will. Thank you so much for conveying the news for me!"

"So... See you later?"

"See you later!"

Rebecca's death is not news at all for bupenn. Maybe his house will be news.

According to federal law, if the owner of real estate dies and no one inherits his real estate, these real estate will be auctioned.

If someone bids and auctions the real estate, they are the new owners.

And the money from the auction will enter the public utility finance.

If no one offers, the real estate will be repossessed by the federal government.

People will only be interested in the house, not what happened here.

As we all know, the concept of dangerous house is only effective for rich people. For those poor people, price is the core of their concern.