Chapter 1161

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
The death of a man in a metropolis like buppen... Is as normal as a cicada falling off a branch in autumn.

According to the report of bupayne regional police station, at least 1000 people die in various malignant cases in bupayne every year.

In other words, three people die almost every day. Of these three people, only one can find out the truth within half a year.

In the next 20 years, there is one person who hopes to catch the criminal, and another person will always remain "silent".

No one knows who killed him. The murderer will never be tried.

This does not include those murders that are closed with disappearance. People can't find the body, so they can't be counted as dead, but only missing. In fact, a large number of them have died.

The craziest serial abnormal killers in the Federation are at least related to nearly 200 murders. No one knows why this country always breeds all kinds of strange things in invisible corners.

So a person died... No one cares, and this case doesn't seem so ordinary.

It's not necessarily a good thing to check.

Lynch's attention has also shifted from this small episode in life to other places, such as... The golden alliance.

"I didn't expect you to argue about naming for so long!"

Sitting in Mr. Truman's office, the two chatted. Now Lynch is an "economic expert". This large international trade and monetary organization certainly needs Lynch to provide some suggestions.

Just now, Mr. Truman talked about his recent work, which is the most important work in the foreign policy of the federal government.

Just when they started, they encountered a small problem.

What's the name of this alliance?

At first, Mr. Truman wanted to use the "Gold Alliance" proposed by Lynch as its name, but then he thought that after the silver alliance, there was the Gold Alliance, which would give people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Just as the collapse of silver and the silver alliance is entirely to make way for the Gold Alliance, some advisers believe that this will deepen the panic of international forces caused by the Federation's taking more initiative in the international community.

The sentence is a little long and shorter, which makes people feel that the Federation wants to intervene in everything, not only to intervene, but also to lift the table.

This is not a good performance. From the beginning, in the international relations policy formulated by the federal government, the Federation should be a neutral country and a reasonable country.

Then the name of the golden alliance could not be used, so a group of people began to use their names to highlight not only the special status of the Federation in the alliance, but also the spirit of this great power.

If anything is the most difficult, it must be a name.

Everyone has his own way of interpreting words. Maybe the same name represents different meanings in different people's eyes, some are good and some are bad.

They prefer their own to others. Therefore, some consultants argue endlessly, which has become a small joke of the international affairs department these days.

Those consultants who are usually very friendly and go out for a walk after work obviously have some... Problems with each other.

After Mr Truman smiled and talked about what happened here, he seemed to inadvertently ask, "what would you name if it were you?"

Lynch thought seriously, "in fact, we can take it apart."

"We don't have to add Baylor federation or words directly related to Baylor Federation, or any other implicit content to the name."

"This is an international organization. If we want more people to accept it, we must make it look like it is not the tool of someone or some people, at least."

"Then it should have a simple, popular name that reflects its core values."

Lynch pursed his mouth and thought for a moment, "World Development Council!"

Mr Truman was stunned, then frowned and began to seriously think about the name of the organization.

Without considering other factors, he had to admit that the "World Development Committee" was certainly much better than the stupid name of the "Bayer Joint Conference for the promotion of the international financial order"!


Simple, easy to understand, the most important thing is that it will give people a feeling of "this organization is really fucking powerful".

Sometimes feeling is very important, especially the first time.

It's just... The name can't reflect the status of Baylor Federation. Even if Mr. Truman likes the name very much, everyone will discuss it in the end, and someone will certainly disagree.

He looked at Lynch. "How do we reflect our value?"

Lynch was very relaxed. "We don't need to reflect it on the name of this organization. It's a practice of retreat..."

Mr. Truman agreed with Lynch very much. He didn't like this retreat, but soon he realized that he could not like it, but others not only liked it, but also needed it.

This is not a contradictory statement. Federates need a sense of pride. Pride is very nothingness. It is not a fifty cent coin. It can be held in the palm of the hand and really feel its existence.

Pride is very elusive. It is just a state. Retreat can well meet all the conditions of people's pride.

If there are contents related to the Federation and dominated by the Federation in an important international organization, the sense of pride will make the Federation proud.

Moreover, many places also have similar needs. After the prevalence of escapism, the whole federal society, including individuals in the society, are actually pursuing a recognized result.

The purpose of a country's more active participation in international affairs is perhaps recognition.

It's a good name, but it's not retreat enough. It looks a little funny, but sometimes it's a barrier that can't be bypassed.

Lynch seemed to have guessed Mr. Truman's idea. His words took a turning point, "... However, we have other ways to connect it with us. That's what I said at the beginning. Take it apart."

"International organizations, and in the process of establishing international organizations, they themselves are one, but we can take them apart."

"For example, we will sign the buppen treaty with many countries in buppen, the core city of the Baylor Federation, and establish the World Development Commission in accordance with the contents of the treaty."

Lynch's hands were on the armrests on both sides of the chair. His fingertips were against each other, his eyes were slightly higher than his fingertips, and looked at Mr. Truman. "As long as the world development commission does not go wrong, the better it operates, the more people will know the buppen treaty and the role we play in this matter."

"It will also be written into the development of world history. Each of us will become a page in world history because of it!"

Mr. Truman has understood Lynch's meaning. He is not only a very real person, but also a person with ideals, persistence and pursuit.

He never felt how happy he would be because of fame and wealth. He was not so superficial.

But at this moment, he was moved.

Under his auspices, yes, the whole process is under his auspices, which means that his photos will appear on a page of world history books like those great people in the past.

The following will be written about his contributions to the world, the most important of which is the "World Development Committee"!

"I think it's a great idea!" Mr. Truman spoke highly of it. He said what he thought, smiled and asked, "do you want a place?"

He means to leave his name in the official documents, which also means that he may become "history".

Lynch let go of his hands and stroked them on the handrail. "It doesn't matter. If there is, I will be happy, and if not, I won't be sad."

"Your attitude is very good. It's not like young people at all. Young people should fight hard." Mr. Truman said and smiled. He soon recorded Lynch's statement in his book. Later, he would convince those consultants. He felt that this could meet the needs of the federal Society for retreat.

After recording these contents, they continued to talk about other small problems about the matter.

"In the past two days, we have revealed this trend, and some countries are willing to join us. At present, 22 countries have expressed their intention."

"Maybe when we officially announce our establishment, more people will join us. There are many things I have a headache now."

Mr. Truman leaned back. He could only complain or complain to lynch about some things. He was the first person in this department and even the Federation to focus on international policy.

If he shows the emotion of "I don't know what to do" or "I'm embarrassed" elsewhere, it will soon affect others.

"All kinds of messy details and cumbersome things bother me, such as the location of the headquarters."

"Some people say it should be put on buppen, others say it should not be put on buppen. There are many people supporting different choices on every issue."

"It's very important. Everyone knows it very well, so it's difficult for me to choose some of my views to support. I must seriously think about whether each choice should be supported, and then consider whether supporting this choice is beneficial to us..."

"My head is about to explode. Maybe I can understand some reasons why you don't want to go into politics now!"

Lynch looked at him with a smile, "this is just an inexperienced performance. When you finish this construction work and encounter similar problems in the future, you will soon find out what we should do."

"This is a kind of growth!"

"The world needs to grow, and so do we!"