Chapter 1196

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Lynch is also on the scene. As an "expert", he is still qualified to be here.

But his position was hardly noticed. At the edge, most of the people sitting around him were also like this and did not receive people's attention.

Some of these people are also experts, while others are purely mixed up with one qualification.

Behind anything that has an impact on history, there are various interest groups. Some people directly benefit from these historical events, while others just want to take a ride.

Being able to mix the most biased seats also plays an extremely important role and value in the future of these people.

The atmosphere at the scene was very warm. Although many people still don't understand the alliance, at least everyone knows that the alliance will change a lot!

After asking three questions in a row, the president ceded the right of choice to others. In the initial plan, the president answered three questions, and other representatives also had to answer some questions.

This is in line with the magnanimity of the Federal International Power and the international core!

When the president gave the opportunity to select journalists to gavra's representative, gavra's representative directly chose the blonde who had raised her hand but had not been elected.

The ambassador has been in the Federation for a long time. He knows the style of federals and their love for blondes.

The president avoided the blonde reporter three times in a row, which means that the woman may have some problems.

It was his job to cause trouble to the federate. He pointed to the girl, "the blonde..."

Lynch frowned when he saw the girl named to stand up. He met the reporter who asked inappropriate questions at the last press conference.

Some news from some channels came to Lynch. He knew that the girl had lost her job, but unexpectedly, he saw her here again.

Mr Truman frowned, too. He glanced sideways at gavra's diplomatic ambassador, who smiled as if he hadn't noticed anything.

This watch is raised!

Mr Truman knew immediately that it was intentional. He definitely didn't choose the girl casually.

The female reporter stood up and first reported her name, "I'm Judy..."

Ambassador gavra nodded. He didn't care about the name. He was just curious. What happened to the female reporter? It seemed that someone didn't like her. "To be honest, I don't care about this. What do you want to ask?"

Judy didn't seem worried. She asked, "can you ask anything?"

Ambassador gavra nodded. "Of course, this is a question and answer session. I heard that the Federation advocates expressing its power on any occasion. This is your power, madam. You can ask anything you want."

Judy smiled. "That's great. The last time I asked what I shouldn't ask, I lost my job..."

Some reporters immediately realized who the girl was and became excited one by one.

In fact, it is not uncommon in the Federation for journalists to ask questions, interview people who should not be interviewed, publish reports that should not be published, and lose their jobs, which can even be described as common.

There will always be some people who are very sensitive. On the surface, some problems seem to have no problems, but they will hurt some people.

These careful people have the power that most people don't have. They only need a phone call to decide the fate of a reporter.

People don't know how Judy got in, but there is no doubt that she may make some big news in this international event.

The president kept smiling. He turned his head and looked at Mr. Truman, who looked at the director of the security committee.

The director of the safety committee nodded slightly, then turned and left. He wanted to find out how the woman got in.

But these are subsequent events, and now the general assembly continues.

Ambassador gavra suddenly became interested. "You can ask me any questions. I won't let you lose your job again."

"Thank you for your frankness, but what I want to ask is Mr. Lynch..." Judy looked at Lynch sitting next to him. Lynch smiled at her without any tension.

In fact, the girl chose a good time and place, but she faced Lynch, a person who could only say what to say under months of torture.

He doesn't pay attention to this pressure.

"It seems that I have some misunderstanding with this lady, but it doesn't matter. What do you want from me?" Lynch asked.

Very friendly attitude, plus Lynch actually has no negative news, people's attitude towards him is still very tolerant.

As for his private life?

Come on, he's only 24 years old. Compared with those young people who drink and have promiscuity, he has done very well. It's not negative news at all, it's just side news.

not hurt the important essentials!

The softer Lynch's attitude, the more hateful it was in Judy's eyes.

She asked mercilessly, "I noticed that the guests present today are experts with profound academic achievements and backgrounds. Mr. Lynch, as far as I know, you entered the society after graduating from high school."

"From my investigation, you have not received any actual higher education outside your name in the holy peace college."

"In a way that everyone can understand, that is, how did you sit here as an economic expert today?"

"I don't think a high school student can be an economic expert, or there is something we don't know behind it."

When Judy had just finished, countless cameras suddenly lit up. Their goal was only one person, Lynch.

Unfortunately, Lynch's face didn't show any annoyance, and his expression didn't even change.

At the same time, the director of the security committee responsible for the on-site security of the General Assembly bent over to Mr. Truman and whispered what he had learned.

"Judy came in with the registration card of a male reporter named Judy. This is an oversight of our work. Do you want to invite her out?"

Truman glanced at him with a very unhappy expression. Judy and Judy really couldn't distinguish. If the picture... Should also be replaced.

In fact, this kind of thing can not be completely blamed on the people of the safety committee. They checked the list and there was no problem. Naturally, they had to be released, but there was still a problem after all.

As for inviting her out, if her object was not Lynch, Mr. Truman would do so. For any reason, although it would embarrass the Federation, it was much better than her nonsense here.

But she went to find Lynch. Mr. Truman was not worried that it would become a "diplomatic scandal". He was so confident in Lynch.

"Don't worry, first control another person and don't let us lose face in front of our friends."

After the supervisor left, Mr. Truman told the president what he knew, and the latter's attitude was the same as him.

"If this girl can embarrass Lynch, it's actually very good...", very optimistic and blind. This is probably the traditional Federalist.

The loose attitude has created a loose federal environment, which is not available in other countries.

Facing Judy's tricky questions, Lynch didn't feel any trouble at all.

"First of all, thank Ms. Judy for her concern for me, and she also privately investigated so many personal information about me. It seems that you must..." he shook his head. "She has a great prejudice against me."

When he said this, whether on or off stage, or the audience in front of the TV, he suddenly had some disgust with Judy.

Before that, they were curious and sympathized with Judy's experience. They probably had an understanding of her sudden attack.

But after Lynch said these words, their attitude towards Judy suddenly changed greatly.

Because... Privacy.

No one likes someone to pry into their privacy. Federates pay more attention to privacy than freedom.

They would rather lose part of their freedom than be watched by others. For this, they can work hard with others.

Now, if a reporter takes advantage of her work to casually investigate other people's privacy, people will not have much recognition for this reporter.

Lynch always knows when, what to say and what effect to achieve.

"So where should I answer?" he thought. "Let's answer from the question of education."

"I don't deny what Ms. Judy mentioned. I did enter the society after graduating from high school, and I did hang a name in the holy peace institution as she said."

"You know, they always welcome us as long as they donate money."

Some reporters laughed. Lynch was not a traditional rich man or a member of a political family. He was just an ordinary man who realized the federal dream through his own efforts.

So when he said that he solved some problems by spending money, people would not think it was a kind of contempt, but a kind of self mockery.

With a little smile on his face, "every time I go out to meet new friends, this is not a bachelor from XX University, and that is a top student. I can't say, 'Hey, I haven't even attended a fucking University, so I'm sorry to introduce my school. I'm afraid you don't know'?"

People laughed again. They could even imagine that in high-level social occasions, facing the face of the elite, everyone's alma mater was a loud University. Lynch suddenly said a high school, and then the room fell into an inexplicable embarrassing atmosphere.

Why just think about it and make some people laugh?

Maybe he's so interesting!

Lynch was also laughing. "I hope they took a magnifying glass and pouted their hips on the map for a long time before they said to me, 'Oh, Mr. Lynch, I fucking found this damn high school. This high school is great'!"