Chapter 1197

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
People don't hate humorous people too much. Most people like to chat with humorous people because people like happiness.

As soon as Lynch spoke, he became the focus.

And he not only became the focus, but also mastered people's emotions.

He smiled and stopped the sound, and the relaxed laughter in the room closed his mouth with him.

This is the control of the situation. People don't even realize that their emotions have been taken over for a short time.

"Then let me answer the question of Ms. Judy. Why do I sit here as an economic expert?"

He always smiled. It seemed that he never felt that Judy's behavior against him was offensive, humorous and funny. Even people who didn't like Lynch so much could hardly hate Lynch.

His satire of the upper class society and his self mockery meet some of the emotional demands of most people. At this moment, everything is under his control.

"Someone helped me sort out a set of speeches I had made in some salons. Yes, I thought it was a speech. I was talking and others were listening all the time."

"These sorted manuscripts finally formed three very meaningful......" he tilted his head slightly. "Sorry, I didn't go to college. I don't know if it is a thesis. Maybe the lecture is more suitable for me."

"These three speeches are economic war, financial war and crisis theory. I am very grateful to the experts and scholars who helped me sort out these speeches, and also thank them for extending the views and interpretations of about 20 or 30 versions on the basis of these three manuscripts and three kinds of thinking."

"I predicted the great recession and the financial collapse. I promoted the establishment of the nagary joint development company to let us get out of the Great Depression earlier than before. To be honest, it's like something similar to flaunting myself. I can say it for half a day."

"I'm not a person who likes to preach how powerful I am. Maybe those neutral people outside you and me can give us some more objective views."

He glanced at an economist beside him, "Sir, do you think I am qualified to be an economic expert to attend one of the most important events in the process of human history?"

The expert sitting on Lynch's right didn't expect that he still had a chance to show his face. He nodded and approached the microphone. "Mr. Lynch's research on economy has surpassed many experts and scholars, including myself. He has read some of Mr. Lynch's economic and financial thoughts and speeches, and was impressed by some of them."

Lynch nodded and looked at Judy, whose face was already a little red. "You can choose someone so that you don't think that because I know the gentleman around me, he is embarrassed to speak ill of me, because I have a small heart and will retaliate against him and let him lose his job."

The reporters at the scene laughed again, which was much more interesting than the boring content of the World Development Committee.

Every time Lynch appears in front of the media, he always brings his own news. Having him means that tomorrow's newspapers and magazines have sales and TV programs have ratings.

Judy didn't speak. She just looked at Lynch.

Lynch spread out his hands and looked helpless. "It seems that Miss Judy has no problem, so why don't you sit down?"

"We're all waiting for you. It's not polite, even if you're a lady!"

Originally, this was a good opportunity to attack Lynch. She thought it was so that Lynch made a fool of himself in front of the media. She dug up the problem that Lynch didn't go to college.

In the exposure, he won't go to a top institution such as the holy peace church, so he can get a diploma.

Don't people hate people who spend money to buy privileges?

Why come to lynch... Everything won't work.

Looking at the unfriendly eyes around, Judy sat back after silence.

Lynch tilted his head with a smile, said and did an action of wiping sweat from his forehead and falling to the ground, "I'm mixed again!"

Some reporters could not help laughing again. Everyone knew that this was an attack on Judy, but no one thought Lynch was not a gentleman and lacked demeanor. They would only think he was very interesting.

He made this boring meeting for ordinary people a lot more interesting!

Mr. Truman answered Lynch's words in time, "then please next..."

The meeting was held smoothly, and an episode that should have become an accident or scandal became a bright spot under Lynch's control.

People just can't hate him. Instead, they think he's very likable.

During the broadcast, Catherine and her former university professor staff also saw this scene.

After they read it quietly, the former journalism professor breathed a deep breath, "it's too powerful to defeat the child in an all-round way."

She knows Judy. Judy is the student she took. This student is more brilliant. She has a good appearance suitable for journalism.

Sometimes this "fit" can be regarded as a kind of discrimination. A beautiful face, an excellent figure, and then a blonde will like such a woman, whether it is a TV station, a newspaper or a magazine.

They often appear on TV. Those on TV know how much beautiful women help ratings.

Even the most boring weather forecast, as long as the woman hosting the weather forecast is beautiful enough, the audience rating will not be low.

Newspapers, too. People like to be interviewed by beautiful girls. They like them to be close to themselves and look at themselves with hot eyes.

Under such circumstances, people will not be stingy to say something, even if they shouldn't have said it.

She thinks Judy should have a good future. She praised her personal ability when she wrote her recommendation letter, but now it seems... Judy obviously didn't put her position right.

Many people think that journalists should tell the truth, just as those female ticket holders think that skilled women must be really cool when they shout cool. No, this is often not the case.

In fact, people don't care about the truth at all. What people need is lies in line with their own interests. Who cares what the fuck the truth is?!

Judy messed up everything. She just felt some emotion, but she was more amazed at Lynch's adaptability and ability to control the situation.

There was hardly any hesitation. Everything was flowing like... Acting according to the script.

But she knew that it was not a script. It was an emergency. Lynch was really great.

Catherine also noticed different things. From the beginning, he took the initiative and everything was firmly controlled by him. However, people didn't see how tough he was, but thought he was very interesting.

Born actor, born politician, born... Capitalist!

"Maybe we should collect some of Lynch's previous interviews and programs, and we can learn something from them."

Catherine bit her lips and nodded. "Let's see how good he is."

On the other hand, after the meeting, the smile on Lynch's face converged. Mr. Truman walked with him. They walked side by side and explained, "this is a mistake in work..."

"We have found Judy. He told us that Judy gave him a kiss and promised to date him, so he risked Judy to replace himself."

The keynote of such a major event is basically the whole manuscript plus some positive emotions, such as praising how great the Federation is, how wise the president is, and how dedicated federal officials are.

The official news is too formal. For an old reporter, he knows how to write with his eyes closed, but he never thought that such a common thing would cause great trouble.

Judy unwisely provoked Lynch in front of diplomatic representatives and journalists from all over the world. Is her brain broken?

Perhaps all this can be attributed to women's arrogance and impracticality. This is not a fairy tale world. There is no candy house, so when the safety committee found him the first time, he explained everything.

After listening, Lynch nodded and said he knew. They also walked out of the building and into the parking lot.

Standing in front of the car, Lynch gave his own idea, "we should deal with this matter from two angles. First, it is official."

"Impersonating others to get close to the country's president and diplomats has touched the red line of the law and arranged for someone to sue her."

"In addition, from the perspective of her current shallow understanding of society, she needs to accumulate more life and work experience. I will find ways to help her."

"You do half, I do half!"

Mr Truman nodded. He was not a blind kind of stupid (pure) good politician. His military background made him strong enough to fight back in the face of provocation.

"No problem. This matter really needs to be handled. We will sort it out again on the side of the Safety Committee..."

Lynch raised his hand and stopped him. "That's your job. It has nothing to do with me. Don't tell me!"

Mr. Truman doesn't think so. "No, it has something to do with you. There is a plan to promote you as a senior security adviser. You are also a full member of the security committee."

"May I?" Lynch asked with a frown.

Although both senior consultants and special consultants are consultants, the latter is more like a kind of reputation, while the former may really participate in the work.

Mr. Truman said something Lynch didn't know, "financial security is also security. The Federation can no longer stand a new financial tsunami, so the security committee has established a 'financial security office'. As an economic expert, no one can object to your holding this position."

"And if you don't want to continue to hold this identity, you can end it at any time!"